
"Fiendish Regression" (2004)
1. Last Journey 2. Reborn 3. Awakening 4. Breeder 5. Trial by Fire 6. Out of the Light 7. Inner Voice 8. Bloodfeast 9. Heretic
1. Last Journey
Falling at the speed of light towards Death
Been lost for way too long, finally the end is here
Flames beneath me and clouds above
My final place of rest will always seem the better choice
And the angels call my name
And the Demons do the same
Fallen soldiers reaching for me now
And from a distance, I hear the angels weep
Flames beneath me and Flames above
Surrounded by kindred spirits I found my peace of mind
And to the sound of Burning Flesh
I give myself to Darkness
And as my Blood leaves my veins
The veil of lies is lifted from my eyes
Finally my decision has been made
And from behind me I hear the Demons roar
“Walk among us now, the path of Fire”
Forever to be praised as servant of the Dark
And as I hear the Gates close
I become one with Darkness
Now Fire runs inside my veins
Reborn a better man in my own paradise
2. Reborn
Empty eyes following your steps
Solely assigned to taste your Flesh
Far beyond any hesitation
Soon you will meet the Undead
And he stands before you in all his pride
Once a human, brought Immortal life
For the price of eartlhy being
He was blessed with Killing spree
The Blood before your eyes clouds your perception
Is this for real or just a dream?
As you feel the claws Ripping through your bone
One word echoes inside your head
Blood For Master
Blood For My Soul
Now that I have joined the Undead
I’ve learned the Pleasures of the Flesh
For the price of earthly being
I roam the night Immortalized
Now I stand before you in all my pride
Once a human brought Immortal life
And to bring you into our world
I command the draining of your Blood
Blood For Master
Blood For My Soul
3. Awakening
Got to find my way back to life
And get away from the decieving light
False promises, the word of god is broken
True believer, now forsaken
No angels I’ve seen
Only lies and deceat
Born and raised with “behold the glory”
And I never questioned their stories
Now at last I have finally woken
From this sleep of holy persistence
So I close the book of Lies
And I see with newborn eyes
The children of the night
Rage flows inside of me
Mind and soul is finally free
“holy father thou who art in heaven”
You feed my Hatred, you feed my Vengeance
Mind and soul is finally free
All I sacrificed was lies and deceat
So I Burn the book of lies
And I laugh at the Crucified
4. Breeder
Trapped inside this mortal body
My wish is his command unknowingly
Forever it seems since I was free
My urge is growing stronger
I want to Slay them myself
Just like it used to be
Placed on earth to satisfy the need
To breed the bodies for Dark supremacy
Once I also was one of those
Whom I now seek to bring back with me
Come with me, come Die with me
I offer you Eternity
Mission accomplished one more sent down
So I search for another host
You who are descents of holy seed
Will always be the only target for me
Come with me, come Die with me
I offer you Eternity
5. Trial by Fire
Long before present time, the hunt was on
Searching for those who Denied the cross
Witchfinder general, selfappointed by god
Disregarding any proof of innocence
In the name of god the sentence came
“Drink the blood of christ or taste the flames
If you confess your crimes your life will be spared
If not I will commence your final hour”
“Satans spawn on earth
Fornicating with Darkness
Burn her at the stake
This meeting is ajourned”
Long before present time, the hunt was on
Searching for those who Denied the cross
Witchfinder general, selfappointed by god
Disregarding any proof of innocence
“Satans spawn on earth
Fornicating with Darkness
Burn her at the stake
This meeting is ajourned”
6. Out of the Light
Hatred stronger than ever
Since you turned your back at me
How can I put my trust
In someone false like you
Blinded by the tales, I chose my path
No more lustful living, I changed my ways
And before I knew it, I was enslaved
Under the sign of christ, I fell from grace
Not a sign of proof, only the words
Spoken from the preachers, the selfelected
Seeing sin in everything to gain their grip
I must find a way to get me out of the light
You don’t need to save me
I’ll save myself
Don’t try to pursuade me
My life is Mine
Hatred became my fate
Under the sign of christ I fell from grace
Blinded by the tales
I must find a way to get me out of the light
You don’t need to save me
I’ll save myself
Don’t try to pursuade me
My life is Mine
7. Inner Voice
My secret friends inside tells me my daily plans
This far they’ve never failed me
My one and only choice in life
Has been to follow their commands
I never question them, So why should you?
My sole existence is to Kill
Insanity for you may be my daily deeds
Alone with my blade seems so surreal
Say, can you hear them?
They whisper to me “Judgement day has come”
Don’t incarcerate me
It may seem strange to you but it’s my reality
My secret friends inside tells me my daily plans
I never question them, So why should you?
Say, can you hear them?
They whisper to me “Slay for us tonight”
Please get them off me
This is my honest truth, my blade doesn’t lie
8. Bloodfeast
Your body on the altar like so many before you
Stripped down against your will to Satisfy my Sickening Lust
Scream on my temporary guest
No one will hear you in my Descecrating hour
Trying to live without this Ghastly passion
But to me it’s not a deviation
I clean your Bones before the remains are concealed
Far below I hide away the parts I no longer need
No more Screams from my temporary guest
Her head is on my shelf
Trying to live without this Ghastly passion
But to me it’s not a deviation
Ever since my early days I have felt this way
Far from normal yet the only way
To feed the Urge inside for fresh human Flesh
So stop the judging, this is my reality
Running down the altar, I gaze on it in a trance
Longing for another friend to Satisfy my Sickening Lust
Deep inside I know that I will Kill
Again and again and again and again
Trying to live without this Ghastly passion
But to me it’s not a deviation
9. Heretic
Weighing good against Evil
Weighing light against the Dark
Ask yourself what seems reasonably
The choice for you and me should not be hard to make
Fanatics bred through fabrications
Based purely on Lies
Mislead, astray, following the herd
Weak minded with no selfesteem
So, just leave me be
My Heresy is rooted deep inside my Black heart
Leave me be
My Heresy is rooted deep inside
Some turn towards a stone, others clinch their hands
Some fall on their knees in choral speech
Take a look around you in the world of today
How can you seriously believe in gods existency
So, just leave me be
My Heresy is rooted deep inside my Black heart
Leave me be
My Heresy is rooted deep inside