
"Masticate to Dominate" (2003)
1. Anal Skewer 2. Stitched Oral Asphyxia 3. Corpsefiend 4. Lacerated Masturbation 5. Masticate to Dominate 6. Charred Vaginal Effluence 7. Repulsive Cuntortion 8. Concubine of Despise 9. Seminal Embalment 10. Deadfuck
1. Anal Skewer
Fetish for horror, brought them to me.
Frenzied and impaled,
All the blood is sickening.
Hands soaked with vomit. Torture is my need.
Punctured and murdered.
From their screams upon I feed.
Enraptured, by my capture.
Purged and probed, one last fuck.
Anal skewer, frozen in your misery.
I procure, killing is my tendency.
Lie and wait-for what I'm going to do to you.
Wretched in pain for all the deeds I'll put you through.
Blood will spill-taking life so easily.
Make you still-dying death so violently.
Sodomy-engorging assholes with my shaft.
Impatiently-I'll await your final breath.
Strapped the bodies gored besides me.
Twitching, pulsate, writhing, fighting,
Violating, penetrating!
Bludgeoned disfigured holes remaining.
Fetish for horror, brought them to me.
Frenzied and impaled
All the blood is sickening.
Hands soaked with vomit.
Torture is my need.
Punctured and murdered.
From their screams upon I feed.
2. Stitched Oral Asphyxia
Murder my patience falls.
Your corpse is my dead conscience.
Tolerance for screams and bullshit now extinct.
She begins to frenzy.
Savagely beaten
Anyone dares to confront me.
I'll enjoy
Making her face into craters.
Seething all I detest.
Genitals embedded with flesh.
Nose smashed flat into the face.
Mouth stitched shut.
Cries for help spat through busted lips.
Dying each breath choking on broken teeth.
Forced down to her knees.
Driving spikes through the wrists.
Pale white eyes sunken deep.
Sternum is dripping pus.
Lips sewn shut to it's cock.
Choking whore on her knees.
Stitched oral asphyxia.
Bleeding almost lifeless.
Pain excruciating.
Fading into darkness.
Bloodied pummeled:GORE!
Murdered my victims falls.
To arouse my lust for torture.
Searching for more blood to feed my appetite. Everyone fuels my raging
3. Corpsefiend
Midnight looms, my eyes open The graveyard calls to me.
An abscessed Eden of putrid bodies.
Masturbating: as they rot with the creatures below.
I intend to victimize the entombed.
I won't stop 'till each body's been exhumed.
Searching for newly dead to excavate.
I'll display her rotting corpse in erotic state.
Open the coffin, VOMIT!
Spewing with excitement!
I undress the bodies. Erotica unearthed.
Morning dawns, relatives come to visit the deceased.
Traumatized, their loved ones posed on their graves with their genitalia
Memory of death instead of life forever remains
4. Lacerated Masturbation
Sickness breeds infatuation, violent thoughts perpetuating. Ghastly screams
of tortured victims, certain death anticipate.
Recreating massive wounds to penetrate.
Constant maiming,
Only pain and suffering will stimulate.
Slicing, stabbing, choking, gutting, engorging slabs left over rotted.
Your sensuous gaze I will contort.
Stench of rotten bodies
Lacerated masturbation.
Bleeding, Cumming,
Engraved through self torture.
Fiend for gore I hunger more.
Razor's slice my cock's enticed.
I feed from the pain, deep within my punctured cock.
Veins exposed, spewing everywhere.
Cut up the flesh, baptized by my putrid actions.
Throbbing display dripping down my fist.
Mutilating, recreate,
Stimulate, penetrate,
Sinking deeper, twisted impulse, cutting fast to blow my load
Lubricating, crimson draining, masturbate my cock explodes
Slicing, stabbing, choking, gutting, engorging slabs left over rotted.
Your sensuous gaze I will contort.
Stench of rotten bodies
5. Masticate to Dominate
Twisting the knife-embedded in flesh.
Scarring daggers into the eyes.
turned into rage, released as hate.
Slowly I cut straight to the bone.
Features contort distending in pain.
Scream if you like I find it exciting.
I will enjoy making you suffer again and again
Until your face goes blank!
Crushing appendages.
Torment excruciating.
Slumping in a heap,
lying there unconscious in a short lived purgatory.
Bleeding broken
Fastened tightly to the table. Voltage ripping through the body to revive
with agony.
Brought back to hell!
Watching the knife gush from the flesh.
Staring into your dying eyes.
Lust !!!!
Turned into rage, released as hate.
Slashing the knife across your throat
drowning in blood gasping for air
seeing you die I find exciting.
I have enjoyed making you suffer until the end:
The end of your fucking life!
6. Charred Vaginal Effluence
Cleansed by fire.
Cunt spread wide.
Burnt to repent.
Open holes are draining, festering decay.
Dark psychotic hunger, manifesting hate.
Deepened gash displaying from lust enraged.
Vaginal intrusion melts the skin away.
Spreading legs, pleading screams.
Sizzled twat, next to bleed.
Transformating living flesh,
I will keep you like the rest
Burnt and searing, victimized,
dripping serous down her thighs.
Embrace my deviate behavior.
Wires hold the labia.
Oozing mass of discontent.
Terror in her screams.
Torrid blast of searing flames.
Sickened uteral dismay.
Caving anal cavity.
Black smoke fills the air!
Cleansed by fire.
Cunt spread wide.
Playing with the folds of skin.
Puss and feces permeate.
Finger fucking holes for fun.
Clitoral euphoric state.
Pussy's burning, yearning stirring inside.
Fluids dripping, spitting, spewing outside.
Fecal matter, splattered, gashed and battered.
Seeking, lusting for pink meat to butcher
7. Repulsive Cuntortion
Carnal quest now begins.
hacking slashing through the bone.
Feel my wrath there's no remorse.
Decrepit decadent consumption
Leaving skin and flesh exposed.
Undying sentry need to kill.
Watching bodies decompose.
Pleasure reached by malformation.
Forcing bondage body shivers.
Vicious kicking to the skull.
I possess all power now.
Bitter panic fills your senses.
Actions tempered crazed confusion.
Begging pleading, it's too late.
I will give you cause to weep.
You will be my deformation.
Tortured mangled body shadowing disgust.
Splendor through defilement vanquished half alive. Defamate open wounds.
Dislocating breaking bones.
Pitifully displayed caged up and contorted.
Brutally confined hideous creation.
Crushing sound of rasping bone.
Grinding entrails pulling tight.
Face distorted losing form.
Torment fuels my fascination!
Forcing bondage body shivers.
Vicious kicking to the skull.
I possess all power now.
Bitter panic fills your senses.
Actions tempered crazed confusion.
Begging pleading, it's too late.
I will give you cause to weep.
You are now my deformation.
Servant for display morbid decoration.
Body half disfigured feeding my obsession.
Locked up in a cage of steel.
Your pain becomes unreal.
In this world I dominate tortured intense.
Broken bones are forced through the skin
fester from within.
Crush your body head to toe horrid suspense.
8. Concubine of Despise
Chloroform works good, much better than I expected.
Lie there nice and still while I prepare you for my need.
Unconsciously you choke, cock plunged deep inside throat.
Teeth are extracted. I get harder when you bleed. Hands gripped to the
chair. Smell of fear is in the air.
Fingernails embedded, raked from the last before you.
Dehumanized and beaten. Cunt-lips half devoured, eaten.
Vile seductions reign. Propped up slumped in blood.
Writhe in my descent, feel every bone crack inside of your body.
I won't feel content until I see what's inside
your pain I intend. Feel my insertion.
Captive torment. I won't extend any emotion.
Sired repulsion. Concubine of Despise.
Peel your cunt lips open, blood and cum drip down your thighs.
Depending on my mood I won't make you suffer long. Try to fight to free your
Soon you'll be embalmed.
I can't let you die just yet.
You are my amusement.
My sadistic rapture, violently entrapped, I am faithful to each scream.
Inseminated cur just another breeder.
Bleed to live, live to bleed.
Cock in hand ideas begin to fornicate.
A grimacing stare frowning down I masturbate.
Acting on my impulse, gouging out your eye.
A stiff cock hard and ready. Shoved in nice and tightly, squirming,
fighting, twitching, masticate.
Grimly deformed.
Sink my shaft in.
deeper I dig my tool. Pupils start to dialate. Mouth a gasp for air.
Another hole to violate, and fill.
Deep within her full of dung.
Emptying out my sack.
Covering her with rotted cum.
Gargle up my stew.
Savor down each loving chunk.
Shifting in your mouth.
Wire your jaw nicely shut.
9. Seminal Embalment
Violent discharge consumed!!!!!
This will be the best that you give, and your last.
Do as I say on your knees, and you might live.
Here put these cuffs on your wrists lock them tight. Bite on my shaft and
I'll pull your teeth out of your fucking skull.
Suck down my seed nice, and hot-every drop.
Mine for the take, helpless bitch craving cock
Feed from my balls slut pig,
split wide taste me,
your jaw cracked in half.
Beat down dumb bitch,
Lifeless, useless, cunting whore!!!
Coated with my cum.
spraying out your mouth.
fueling the crave to slit fuck your throat.
Deep wounds are made,
watching you choke.
Drain the fluids from within.
Keep the bodies nice and warm.
Half alive but still not dead.
Ripped and torn this bloated form.
Drowned by cock embalmed with cum.
Slap my meat between her eyes.
Life escapes as jizz invades.
Perverse sex through your demise.
Feel my cum seeping from out your mouth. Constricting and fighting face
turning blue.
Gagging from cramming my meat down her throat. Mouthing my shaft as your
life fades.
Feed from my balls slut pig,
split wide taste me,
your jaw cracked in half.
Beat down dumb bitch,
Lifeless, useless, cunting whore.
You're my next to kill
Spraying out your mouth
10. Deadfuck
Can't contain it any longer.
Fuck her lifeless pale cold body.
Dead eyes pleading me to stop.
Hanging corpse, shackled whore.
Scraping ripping organs dripping.
Intestines draped ejaculated.
Dead fuck, dead fuck, dead fuck,
dead fuck. Dead fuck, dead fuck!
Decrepitated pendulum rotting meat hangs above.
Hands sawed off at the wrists, impending gore sadistic bliss.
She looked better from my ceiling.
Nice and butchered quite appealing.
Guts reveal my dead fucked whore.
Rotten corpse that I adore.
Writhing as I finger fuck your open wounds. Invigorated lacerated
cunnilingus spread your gash. Ejaculated carving features no compassion,
brutalizing. Decimating chunks of flesh. Carcass fully decomposed, freshly
slaughtered undulating.
Eviscerated succubus, macerate. One with death I bite the heart. A sadists
tale never ending. Should have listened from the start. Masticated
Mashing chunks of rancid spew.
Dead flesh splatters on my face.
Seeping temptress now exhumed.
Filthy bitch left in disgrace.
Coagulated sea of red.
Freshly heap my new found joy.
Cadaver swarming infestation, putrefy.
Scent assaulting from a distance.
Your virgin ass I can't resist it.
Stomping with sadistic rapture.
Caving bones to compound fracture.
Now I crush your deformed head.
Mangled body left for dead.
Dead fuck! Dead fuck! Dead fuck!