
"Rice On Suede" (2004)
1. Anally Injected Death Sperm (A.I.D.S.) 2. Rice On Suede 3. 8 Seconds of Fury 4. Headie Mung Festizzeo 5. Whose Spine Is It Anyway? 6. Fuckhole 7. Hang 'em And Bang 'em 8. Your Mutha's A Lazy Eyed Chow Bearing Slut, But I Fucked Her Anyway 9. Mutilate Remodified
1. Anally Injected Death Sperm (A.I.D.S.)
My scroll imbalanceHas taken the lives of hundredsSome say it developed as a product of my malicious lineageMy mother - a Flemish whore circus freak who thrived on fleshMy father - An inbred butcher with an addiction to dead sex organsWhich ever way you see it, a deadly poison now swims in my semenIt will rot and burn a pussy inside out on contactIt will engulf and scourge the sweet lips and everything else that is pussyInnumerable corpses decorate my habitatFrom furnace to freezer they cover my homeHidden in floors and ceilings - Liquefied and painted on my wallsIt reeks of death on a hot dayIt was not till anal sex that I realized another wayWhen I get off in their asses - they didn't burn from my death sperm acidsI should have been happy but I'd grown accustomed to sex and murder simultaneouslyI cherished coating their insides with my napalm trajectoriesHer cunt must burnI sedated her with a 9-iron till I was ready for round twoHer eyes, mouth, and pussy are soon to be goIt always takes a second to burn and now I watch her wail in excruciationShe begins to curl up like an ass ball and I finish her off with a Cleveland steamerShe was my only girl to be fucked twice before deathHer skull will be my ashtrayThe pelvic bone my crowm
2. Rice On Suede
No more reason to lieDecimate - Burn ... Rice on Suede
3. 8 Seconds of Fury
They stood patiently in waitingThe only thing that stood between the 5 freaks and the nauseating spectacle in the next room was a closet doorArmed with whips and lassos, they lingered in anticipationThey had drank enough to kill a small elephant and the tension was beginning to riseThrough a crack in the door a blurred vision :A close friend fucking some portly slut he'd picked upWe could just make out their voices over the Fleetwood Mac albumWhich blares a theme to this depraved act of lunacyThe point of the game was to find a sadly obese whore of a woman to fuckDuring the sloppy fat sex, you secretly pull out and jam it in her assUpon hearing the deranged shriek of the creature,Drunk men with intensions of mass humiliation emerge from the closet to causeUnrelenting HavocThe point is to stay inside her for eight secondsAs they heard the roar - they piled from the space with great hasteOne lassos the bitch like a fucking cow, the others whip her mammoth stomachMassive panic sets inDesperate attempts to be released from the ass grip were over come byIntense frustrationOverwhelmed with pain and degradation she collapses to the floorThey laughed and roared then hog-tied the whoreShe was left in the street with hands bound to feetThe morning sun will bring her tollA blistered belly and soar asshole
4. Headie Mung Festizzeo
The night is young our mouths are droolingFor sexual chaos, in the cemeteryA headie mung salute to the graveyard perversions that beThe tombs went back to far to seeSo we raged all night on PCPThe first body was exhumed the night beganWe tossed the bitch belly-up on sandA classic mung scenarioWith me the catcher and Griffin the jumperPositioned for mung driven madnessMy mouth in front of her rotted pussyWaiting for dead excretions to vomit from the depths of her cuntAs his feet left the ground a moment of thruth sent chills down our spinesAs the boots sank deep in her stomach a tsunami of rot exits her pussyMy mouth is filled with puss and insectsA hint of embalming fluid lingers in my throat while maggots crawl around my teethThe smell that accompanied this treasure made me gag on the corpseNow covered in vomit, blood, and putrefaction we will move onJuices and dischargeThe night is young our mouths are drooling for sexual chaos in the cemeteryI am a fucking mung machineWe won't stop till we mung this graveyard clean
5. Whose Spine Is It Anyway?
A plead for life just before your deadA pitchfork punches through your fucking headYou try to hide only soon to findThere's no safe place for a peace of mindI'll start with your toes - Individual hammers to the fucking bonesAnd then a cry for your knees capsAs your leg slowly collapse The shins and thighs will be cut with knivesJust as soon as I blind your eyesThe violent shrieking has met an unmatched dementiaI'll take a moment for myself to soak all of it inA small vile of LSD was placed in the victims mouthHe's tortured tripping in my my fucking houseHooks are strategically positionedSo that he hangs from his back in my fucking kitchenEars are amputated as is nose and nipplesThey are broiled in my famous dish ironically calledEars, nose, and nipples stewAs he was scalped the bladder control was lostThe stench of shit and piss rise from the creature whose spine will soon be mineTo properly detach the vertebrae of my victimThe bottom if first first disconnected from the pelvic regionThen the top separated from the skullA paralyzed waste of life feels no more pain as his spine is slowly ripped from his insidesThe skin is split perfectly symmetrical down his backI whip the last breaths out of him with hiw own backboneThen retire his corpse on his mother's front lawn
6. Fuckhole
7. Hang 'em And Bang 'em
A violent calamity lay bleeding in front of meWith a railroad spike through her feet, she hangs from my cellar ceilingHer face is bloated and her eyes hemorrhage for the pressureJust last night I was thrashing her like a fucking pinataHer bones shattered when I took crowbars to her knees and ribcageAfter she awoke from her pain-driven coma, she found hey pussy lips andNipples connected to a high-voltage electric wiresClitoral ElectrocutionThe sparks flew as I dumped water on her rapidly convulsing figureAfter the finger nails were ripped off she was ready to be fuckedThe teeth were removed with an iron fistHer nose broken by swinging chainsThe tears could not be covered when her eyelids were cut outAfter probing her asshole with awkward household items from broomsticks to butcher knives,I glided inside her like an eight-year-old on a slip-and-slideI fucked hey upside-down body till blood ran one with my cam and gore seeped from her poresHer head was inserted through a vice on the floorThe metal walls boarded her chin and skullcapAs the vice closed her brain spayed out her fucking earsCerebral soap will be preparedHer inner mind will soon be shared
8. Your Mutha's A Lazy Eyed Chow Bearing Slut, But I Fucked Her Anyway
I've always had desires for Glen's mom - 450 pounds of creator packed celluliteAll that pussy for my cock's delightEvery time she bends over, I want to cram my dickInto her dirty fuck bucket of an assholeI can smell the funk ooze from her pussyWhen Glen was M.I.A, I figured that I would payA visit to his chow-bearing slut of a motherWishing and praying that I could fuck herI would fuck herShe opened the door - looking like a beast on steroidsSo I ripped her pants off and punched her in the foreheadHer gunt fat was busting out of her crotchless panties!!!Fucking fatty tumors and cock smacking her dimple infested assholeAnd her hreasy pussy smelt like dead animalsI wasted no time and let my dick get lost in her onion-reeking fat rollsHer ass crust is a treat that melts in your mouthNot in your handPrepare for Anal ExcavationHer cavity was stretched from warpedShit had accumulated from parts she couldn't reachI worked her pussy till she was cummingI fucked her shit hole until she bled from her fatty poresThen I blew my load on her soiled cuntI grabbed my bitch by what used to be her neck and tossed her on the floorA beached whale layBleeding in front of me
9. Mutilate Remodified
There's no fucking way to escape my evilCarefully thought out this technical procedureBefore I begin I'll give a painful previewPiercing every inch with burning red needlesPain-Torture-Agony-ExcruciationThere is no comfort here, no drugs to sooth your painThousands of pins stuck in your skin, It's just the beginning of the endStrapped to the table with your lips sewnYou can taste the malevolence, I can smell the horror in the airSuch a carnal experienceYour locked in solitude, where you'll be chastisedMy own private purgatory, this twisted empireI will work to change your body, to alter your anatomyDon't mistake this science for lunacyMutilated and Modify !!!Stab hooks through your pussy lips, muffled screams muscles twichStick a few through your clitorisRevoltConnect the hooks to fishing lines, pull and tug and tie them offWrithing pain through your nipplesDisfigured genitalsMeat hooks-piercing the skin scrapping the boneBlood-dripping down your arms, seeping out the stab woundsMolested-Annaly probed with barbed wireTwisting-Grinding-Tearing-SodomizedFriction - Feel the cold steel ripping through your fleshTorture-Bleed-MolestI'll keep you alive for one more day then chop you up and bag your remainsGenerate your nerves with searing painI masturbate at the site of my tyrannyBeen drained of all your energyHung in the air so prepares to dieDrained of all your energy, can't fight immobilized bodyTie the rope around her waist!!!