
"Aura" (2002)
1. Intro 2. Aura 3. Spirito sancto 4. You`re Everything 5. Shining 6. I`m Nothingness 7. Illumination 8. Cãlãtorul 9. Outro 10. Vodã Lãpuºneanul 11. My Romance...
1. Intro
2. Aura
The prayer of time
or deeper state of illness
shining into the light
The circle of the holy mind
growing into the dark
The passage from clear to obscurity
desire of sanctify
Unstopped erotic impulse!
You call me into sin
I love you, tonight!
I know you've been
from the beginning with me
But now it's time for us
to become a single person
The same entity!
I call you into sin
You love me, tonight!
Vita Religiosa - Mysterium Tremendum
Sajer Majestas - Gloria Celesti
Vita Religiosa - Tu Solus Sanctus Deus
Sacer Majestas - Omnipotentum Dei
3. Spirito sancto
Amen, Amen...dico vobis
Amen, Amen...dico vobis
Amen, Amen...dico vobis
Amen, Amen...dico vobis
Ego svm Alfa et Omega, id est, principivm et finis:
Ego svm resvrrectio et vita qvi credit in me
Etiamasi mortum fuerit. Vivet: et ovisqvis vivit
Et credit in me, non morietvr in aeturnvm...
Cordnam e spinis
Angeli lacrimatvs
Vox vociferantis
Devs glorificatvs
Sed Pro Dei Gloria!!!
Diabolo et Angelis
Peccatorum sangvinis
Spiritus impurus
Demonivs purificatvs
Filivm hominis prodentvm vt crvcificatvr
Umbra mortis lvx exorth est, vos estis lvx mvndi
Filius hominis ex mortvis resurrexisset
Devs non est Devs, sed viventivm!!!
4. You`re Everything
I dig my grave in the stone of your soul
I'll rot inside your own flesh
you'll hear my cries filled with despair
and your hurt will fade with me...
Your body will feel the hollow call of death
fearful, you shall kiss my darkness
and your shade wqill come to pieces
among nights of loneliness....
Admirandvm, adorandvm, fascinas mysterivm
Sanctvs Devs, sanctvs fortis, sanctvs imortalis!
And out there, somewhere, it's going to rain
and I wish, I wish I were beyond
but my love still rains upon your heart
when darkness...darkness is the world
A sacred trill when you're in front of God
The religious bliss of recollection
The feeling of our own nothingness
As I am nothing...You're Everything!!!!
Admirandvm, adorandvm, fascinas mysterivm
Sanctvs Devs, sanctvs fortis, sanctvs imortalis!
5. Shining
Shining the day
Watching not to see
Feel the deepest feelings
You start to see the way
Opening your soul
Flying in the times
Find your own light
And return for good to life
Life...when death is raping, death is closing your...
Eyes...when relese your eyes no longer see the...
Sky...when you feel your sky, your sky is in...
Time...when you''re searchin' still
....for what you seek and die!!!
You are my God, You are my light
You are my Lord, You are my life
You are my God, You are my light
You are my Lord, You are my real life!
6. I`m Nothingness
You came from far beyond me
From far beyond seasons and leaves
From beyond my pagan dreams
And my own spoken desire...
You came from a place
Where my thoughts never took shape
From far beyond failed illusions
From a "beyond" I could never imagine
A place where I thought I was dead
You were coming...and true your coming was
From an imagined apocalypse towards happiness!
Inside you I'd like to get lost
And be reborn as I never thought I could be
You were walking...I believed you did not walk
You were watching me...I believed your eyes were shut
You were smiling...I couldn't believe you were crying
You were tempting...tempting me into deadly lust
On the path of the passing autumns
You were coming with my God...
Your coming was the autumn of my life
Solitude you brought, the darkness in my eyes
When nothing belongs to me
And i belong to nothingness!
7. Illumination
You appeared my guiding light
Lonely star, eternal and immense
Strongly burning light
Showing the way to perfection
Embodies perfection of death
Death that will slowly come to us
Till we all gonna die
And others will replace us...
I feel a warmth that rises from me
Higher and higher
Being sealed together, forever
You belong to me and I belong to you
As we belong to deity
We are made for each other, forever!!!
This is God's will
And we will obey it
I am your God and you praise me passionately
You are my goddess and my guiding muse
We are unique in universe
We are one body and soul
Belonging one to each other!!!
With a blazing sinless crown
Upon the path of those with no sin
It is as the blinding light
Among our deacadence's darkness
Spread and burn, angelic spark
Errupt and rise, divine Aura!
8. Cãlãtorul
Calator, opreste-ti pasul
Si mai vino pe la mine
Ca si eu am fost odata
Trup si suflet ca si tine
Nimic nu iei cu tine
Cand pleci de pe pamant
O cruce daca-ti pune
La cap langa mormant
Nimic nu este omul
Se duce ca un vis
Ca roua diminetii
Ce mai tarziu s-a stins
Nimic nu este omul
Mare si Sfant e Domnul
Nimic nu este raul
Se pierde in abis
Nimic nu este raul
Mare si Sfant este Domnul
Actvus Pvrvs - Devs Absconditvs
Actvs Sanctvs - Devs Revelatvs
9. Outro
10. Vodã Lãpuºneanul
11. My Romance...