
"Echoes of solitude" (2002 Demo)
1. Intro 2. Mistress of Destruction 3. Evig er Styrken fra Fullmånens Lys 4. All I ever wished 5. Outro
1. Intro
2. Mistress of Destruction
(by Mactabilis)
Face the fear you bear inside
Darkness creeps aside
Creeping and curling from within
This fight you cannot win.
Face the dangerous beauty
Witch torments your eyes
Strangles your heart to ice
She is the reason for your cries
She is the
Mistress of Destruction
Mistress of Destruction
Long black flaming hair
To paralyse your eyes
Pure white skin
So soft, but kills by touch
Eyes like icicles to freeze your heart
Eyes like icicles to freeze your skin
Slowly she takes you down
Step by step, but for certain
Visualizing spells embrace
Cuts you up inside
No one escapes
Mistress of Destruction
Mistress of Destruction
3. Evig er Styrken fra Fullmånens Lys
(by Mactabilis)
Evig er tiden under den svarte kappe
Evig er styrken fra fullmånens lys
Som lyser opp den mørke stien
Som viser vei til skogens indre
Aldri vil du være ensom
Aldri vil du være svak
Aldri vil du være ensom…
Stolt og sterk…
Som en kriger vandrer gjennom skogen
Tråkker opp de gamle glemte stier
Følger falte ferdes glemte spor
Månen vil alltid lyse opp denne jord
Aldri vil du gå i skyggedal
Aldri lide mørkets kval
Evig vil din styrke spire
Evig vil månen lyse
Dine vise ord vil ei glemmes
Dine gamle spor vil aldri gjemmes
Alltid vil du føle månens styrke
Alltid vil du se månens lys
4. All I ever wished
(by Mactabilis)
Once I tried to pick you gently
I thought you where the true rose of mine
You looked so lovely in the green fields
This was the one for me.
I was so blinded by the beauty
As your thorns made me bleed
The mistake was obvious
My hands tried to let you go…
In my frustration and need
Feelings unknown to mankind
Raged and raged in my inside
This was the thing I always wanted…
All I ever wanted was the love
All I ever wanted was the thing I couldn’t get
All I ever wanted was a star
All I ever wanted was to love – the wish
By the power of one
I see no agony
By the power of two
I see torture
All I ever wished for was to love
All I ever wished for was beauty
All I ever wished for was some light
All I ever wished for was you…
5. Outro