
"As the Leaves Fall" (2007)
1. Blackened 2. Withering Leaves 3. Starlit Thoughts 4. Temporary 5. Dream of Eternity 6. Voiton Päivä 7. Gehenna 8. Exiled 9. Song of Autumn 10. Shadowy Garden
1. Blackened
This morning the sunlight was faint / dense fog risen from the earth / This morning the light of my soul was faint / dark feelings risen from my heart / this morning I felt that the daylight was waning / this morning I felt that my lust for life was fading / Lost in thousand thoughts of darkness / my soul wanders through this blackened dawn / Give me life / give me hope / give me joy / Too heavy is this burden / to bear alone / HERE I GO! / And so did the morning rise after all / through all sorrow / through all the darkness / And so did the morning rise after all... / "Time after time you lift me up and time after time I fall again" / You are the light of my day / You saved my soul once again / You are my home in times of grief / Where else could I ever go?
2. Withering Leaves
Withering leaves, withering trees / tell me that autumn is here / Withering joy, withering life / tell me that death is here / Colors changing from gray to black to gray again / emotions changing along them / Little candles lit there and there / extinguished by the neverending rain / Remembrance... / Candles burnt out / I travel to live those moments again / I travel, just to find the smoking ruins / In the midst of falling rain / when no bird sang / in my depression I kneeled down and prayed / For human shall never be immortal / I set my eyes to the sky above / Hoping to see even a reflection of the light divine / Eternal sorrow and despair on my mind / forgotten sunrises of yesterdays... / Eternally caught in my cursed mind / soul wounded looking for life... / It has been months since the last time I cried / Dressing my sorrow in black, hiding my tears... / Amid of all sorrow and rain / just one phrase came unto my lips / After gray had changed to black again / the same phrase still haunted me / "Hallowed be Thy name" / What else can I say? / For that is the only thing / that keeps a depressed heart alive / Oh, lift the stone heart from my chest / Save me, spare me, please!
3. Starlit Thoughts
Tonight I sit alone / and gaze into the dark sky / thinking of all the wasted years / Tonight I sit alone, and think / this so called life is not leading me anywhere / Tonight our paths separate / I'd like to say goodbye / but it is too late to cry / You go that way, me this way / In your darkness I cannot stay / Tonight our paths separate / I'd like to say goodbye / but it is too late to cry / My friend, you go that way, me this way / for I want to live for the light / I pray, there is just emptiness / at the end of your way / just like you said / You did not believe in eternal pain / neither did I but tonight I can only pray / Now, my friend, we have come to a point / I've made my decision, and I hope you will too / Prodigal son, beloved son / hear your father cry / Look into the face of the old man / look at his eyes.../ He's still sitting beside the window / waiting for your return / Run, run, for soon it is eve / and the gates are closing / Run, run, run, run / the gates are closing / Run, run, run, run / the sun is setting / Run, run, run, run / the gates are closing / Run, run, run, run / your light is waning / Run, run, oh prodigal son / Will you not come home?
4. Temporary
The cemetery filled with withered flowers / the cemetery filled with leaves / people once so proud / people once so blame... / a pile of bones, the ruins of a soul / The fiery chariots riding through the sky / far above these mortal fields / gloom of the night / is lifted by the light / the fire, the glow from the sky above / Eternal life, eternal death / so does earthly pride vanish / lost in sphere of thick and cold darkness / reaching for light / reaching for freedom / You are my life / You are my salvation / You are in my dreams / You are my dream / Would you hear me now / would you understand? / Give me words of live / give me joy / the nightsky is lit by a heavenly light / upon this sacred soil / To sorrow of death a grace will be brought / upon this soil of death / Eyes blazing open wide / heading for the night / You are the fire in my heart / thus I am ready to go! / In the midst of night I cried and cried / sorrow and pain running down my cheek / You gave me hope / You gave me new light / You are my all / forever I shall exalt thy name.......!
5. Dream of Eternity
The last shadows are fading away / On this last day I feel no pain / I saw the river of life / sparkling like crystal / and the tree of eternity / and its green leaves / No more pain / no suffering / oh, never anymore / just an endless joy / in eternal light / Too many years / too many tears / on the way there is / Too many tears / all too many tears / until I get there / The minutes passing by / I hear people cry / How long it will take? / "One night I had a dream I was walking through a forest. I came to a lake and in its surface I saw faces from my past passing by. Dear friends I saw and I saw my old enemies. All of them had a place in my life and all of them had their story to tell." / A little later I stood beside a throne / watching those people come and go / Some of them were singing / while the others were crying / Some of them went upwards / some went downwards / Cold waves shivered my spine / as I realized where I was / "Some time passed by and one night again I dreamed I was walking through that same forest again. This time the forest was filled with supernatural light. All was quiet and all was still and then I came to a lake." / In its surface / I saw a new kingdom / I saw my destination / I saw the river of life / sparkling like crystal / I saw the Eternal One / Oh, won't you take me home
6. Voiton Päivä
Ja niin koitti päivä, jota me odotimme / odotimme niin kauan kyynelin ja kirouksin / Sinä päivänä kansa nousi kansaa vastaan / hävitys ja suru levitettiin ylle tämän maan / Nyt kun me katselemme tuhoa ja turmelusta / joka tullut osaksemme on, osaksi tämän maailman / Suru mielen täyttää, kyynelvirta vuolas / itkut kaduilla kaikuu ja huudot lasten tapetuin / Tänä päivänä vihan malja täytyy / tänä päivänä vihan malja ylitse vuotaa / Ja niin aikamme loppuun käy / enää ei valheet auta / Tullut täyteen on päiviemme määrä / turhaan kaikuu itkut yössä / Jo kaikuu laulu enkelten / hukkuu huuto kärsivien / Kutsu kävi / vastasitko sinä siihen? / Jo kaikuu laulu enkelten / hukkuu huuto kadotetuin / Kaikuu riemu ikuinen / kaukana yllä helvetin / Koittaa aamu uusi / ikuinen valkeus / taakse jäänyt on maailman valitus / Koittaa aamu uusi / ikuinen valkeus / kun kansa viimein perille päässyt on
7. Gehenna
8. Exiled
Lying dying, calm and still... / light fading from those eyes... / Last words of a dying man... / they're telling you to run! / Everything that was before is now gone / he's telling you to hide / Run, run, run / away from this land of death / Run, run, run / away from this land of ever-frost / Sun brightens the darkness of the night / at every dawn the dusk retreats / but who will brighten the darkness of these souls / heal these blackened hearts torn apart? / The eyes of a dying man you still see in your dreams / still in your mind is your quest for remembrance / Years have passed in exile / aged and hardened you return to your home / These fields, these hills, these forests / of your homeland / These places full of memories, the places of your dreams / These burned homes and empty gazes in their eyes... / When will you see your children smiling? / Will the scars ever disappear?
9. Song of Autumn
How should I know about the truth / how should I know about good and evil? / I just witness what I see / and I confess the evil within / Little I know about demons / and even less about angels / but I see what bears fruit in me / and which thoughts I want to feed / My faith is like a dying tree / looks still strong but rots within / I need a new direction, a new life to live / and roots that grow deep / There is still so much to see / so much life for me to live / but is this despair my cross to bear? / In these silent moments of suffering... / Leaves make these cliffs slippery / Beneath, I see the sea furious... / These trees grew on a solid stone / oh, they grew without roots / At the edge / one step from the edge... / Who would watch my step / who would take my hand? / Dark clouds of a rising storm appear / wind blows, trying to make me fall / These rotten trees no longer offer me protection / I try to flee / My life is like these dying trees / I look still strong but so fragile I'm within / No longer can I stand on my own / no longer can I pretend to live / Far away in the distance / rays of sun hit the waves / Until the storm is over / I need You to hold me / lost again in these thoughts... / Show me the path to go / and I'll go wherever the path takes me / wherever it leads me / Oh lead me through the dark! / Guide me, lead me through the dark!
10. Shadowy Garden
Once again I walked these streets / they led me to a forlorn place / I decided to open the gates / and step into this shadowy place / Not a long time ago / I used to sit here from hour to hour / from day to day / from month to month / All the beauty I saw around / was in these dying plants and dried soil / Still those trees and flowers grew for me / but they withered before they bloomed / Now I'm sitting in these shadows again / remembering things I've seen and felt / Remembering things I hoped I had forgotten / Too much darkness / too much pain for one garden to take! / Back on my feet I leave this place / It's too much for my heart to face / I close the gate and walk away / but when will I have to come back again? / Shadowy garden, I thought I left you for good / but here I am again, standing at your gates / Shadowy garden, I tried to forget you / but time after time I stumble across you! / Shadowy garden, forever you'll be there / but know that now I have also other gardens to stay / Perhaps one day / when I have the strength / I'll take one withered flower / away from your poisoned ground / I'll move it to some other garden / and plant it into good soil / and one day / I'll watch the dead come alive / Shadowy garden, it has come time for me to move on.