
"Paths of insanity" (2004)
1. Conspiracy 2. Crest of Silence 3. Insanity Pt. I: Rewind 4. Welcome 5. Damned 6. Insanity Pt. II: Delirium 7. Collapse 8. Coldness do Speak 9. Insanity Pt. III: Revenge 10. Numb 11. Delusion 12. Stillborn 13. Last Try 14. Price to Pay
1. Conspiracy
Branded-it's hard to breathe
you wear the mark so you can't see
the strings in your mind, the ropes
arround your neck 'couse they own
they rule, they bring you down
allow you to laugh
and grant you death
the games, the laws, the rules you
should not break, you're just a pawn
in a cage and faith is not in your hands
the privilege to obey, designed in your mind
shall force you to embrace the world in
theyr eyes, illusion, devotion, the plot
who ownes the world, who shapes the world
they are the ones to blame!
the ones that you hate
have made this dark illusion
the ones that you hate, have sealled your eyes
to stay blind, raped your soul just to
leave the mark behind, burned down your
dreams to bleach your mind's eye
theyr face, you can not see,
unless your eyes are wide open
the scars left to burn in your mind,
are the reasson for this mindless rage
2. Crest of Silence
One Gentle Shallow Breath
Like Dagger Stab Into
Something I Claimed To be
Desparing Forge,Dying Void Breed
Through Age Of False Serenity
Silence Was My Enemy
Just A Dream,Dead Insanity
Non-Existing Memory
Suddenly I Hear Voiceless Words
Stab This Knife To Your Chest
Shelter Once This Folded Blame
Help Me Rise With Another Name
Then Silence Torn Through My Flesh
With Hope To Rise Less Sane
False Serenity In My Name
Takes Me To The Void Between
Death And Decay
Neverborn,But Still Bygone
Everlasting Deceit For Man
Forever Withouth Name
Captivated Endless Shame
Behind,The Crest Of Silence
Last Frontier Made Of Clay
First EMptiness Created
Enterance For The Insane
3. Insanity Pt. I: Rewind
I wake up, in the bloodbath
My body marked with scars
The taste of hatred, in my mouth
What happend, where am I?
If only I could rewind
This awful scene in my mind
And go back, back to the start
Before the screen goes blank
Another shred of flashback
Now I know that there's
No turning back
Seized by this dark sensation
I sink deeper, I 'm pushed too far
The knife in my hands
The grin on your face
I feel like nothing
Can stop me! Your hands
On my neck, the blood from my
Veins, can't catch a breath
Just to save me!
If only I could go back
Bend the time
Erase the memories
Seal my fate and walk away!
Seal my hate and walk away!
4. Welcome
It seems like I welcome
Such a horrible emptiness
As my hope tonight
It `s like I hear the footsteps from where I hide
At least I know we`re of the same kind
At least I know I`m disapearing with my own rime
I welcome you my other mask
Now you can see your seed have grown
Welcome to illusive trap
I`ll be your long lost forgotten son
Never knew why I fullfiled this vain task
Never knew what kept me walking
Toward your cold uncomforting arms
Maybe the end can comfort the sanity left in me
Or maybe I`m allready stiffed and this is eternity
It`s all the same to me
Still I welcome you with reverency
5. Damned
Reclined among the lifeless
Now your own
Years merge the oblivion
Guarding the graveyard stones
It's the time to take a fate of a blood-bonded son
Fom tarnished eyes
The ones that gave me their grim shine
Tonight when nobody needs you
No man shell see two feeble hand
Clenching the agonized soil
Releave me father
Desolaton made our sort
Forever tied to once fallen world
(where honesty silences the hope)
Thine grave the throne
In this lifeless place named "home"
As rising thistle brakes through the stone
You debt becomes my crown
When last lump of dirt falls to the ground
Horror bites into my mind
'cause I've felt your fading glance
Is searching for my own
6. Insanity Pt. II: Delirium
Thock layer of lunacy
riveted to my conciousness
stained my judgement paralyzed
my brain handcuffed, I just stare
at the white scenery of my
prison cell, I shake as the pressure
builds up in my head!
I scream, so these walls
can remember my name
this time I need to stay awake
this time I must not forget,who I am
another dose
another handful of pills
handful of dreams
I'll be torn apart
when the ayr starts to taste
strange and damp 10 years have
passed, 10 years lost in a maze
you've designed in my mind
now I'm immune to the "cure"
reality slowly leaks in my mind
I was caught up in this twisted game
now I'm back from being insane
the stains are all washed away
I'll revenge for every single day.
7. Collapse
* Instrumental *
8. Coldness do Speak
Emptiness, Do Speak
As Scars, Bleeding In My Mind
Rememberance Still Keeps
This Corpse Alive
Buried, Time From Time
Swallowing Self - Awry
Coldness,Do speak
I'll Sneak Inside
Into This Jaded Eyes
Swallowing Self-Awry
Coldness,Do Speak,From Inside
Words Of Comfort
Another Killer With A Smile
Do Speak The Emptiness
Hide Me In Your Dark Rime
So,You Came Again To Tend Me
On The Last Hour
Again To Haunt Me
With Thirst Engulf My Scream
As I Enter This Creature
Behind Me,
For No Legacy,No Open Wound
Can Give Me
9. Insanity Pt. III: Revenge
Payback day
I trade this soul
for sweet revenge
my tormentor- infected with fear
I'll have no mercy
like chant in my head
it is the voice of the damed
this dark heart im my chest
pumps out only hate
I'm blinded by this seizure
I have no patience to spare
surrounded by demons
from the past
engulfed in the fire
you set on in my head
I made it my prisoner
and it kept me awake
decades have passed
this is the beginning of the end
often I imaggine my last breath
I nurture this obsession
that gives me stranght!
ten years- in pain- have passed
I waited so long, today
I retaliate
10. Numb
I rise from the pain
Tortured by lunacy
Cold numb unaware of my body
Struggling to remember where I've been
Where the soul died
Where madness can not espy
There in peace I will die
'cause I'm not the same man in my mind
In my eyes in my eyes you can sleep insanity
In my eyes in my eyes you can feed me on the fear
This time it struck the nerve
Nothing left of reality
Just a beating heart a wondering thought living itself
Within once existing sanity
No escape no releaves no mercy
I'm becoming something numb
Beyond a sane man's dream
Long live the anxiety
11. Delusion
With no escape, I drift, lost
yet I recognize this place
place so known to me
shelter in self-opression
I'm in a sad state of siprit
confidence, persistence...
devotion to this perversion
bounds me in delusion
hear me, my friend, hear me
behind these walls of silence
hope is left burried in time
it went down fading with each cry
I stare into abiss
I turn my back on me
is there a way out?
Hera me, my friend, hear me
behind these walls of silence
with no peace, I drift, lost
yet I recognize this place
place so known to me
shelter in self opression
i'm in a sad state of spirrit
confidence, persistence...
devotion to this perversion
bounds me in this delusion.
12. Stillborn
The clock is ticking
persistent threatening sound
the dead are screaming
new age has began
nuclear winter
cold dawn of a new age
never- ending winter
who deserves to live and tell
stillborn in chaos
new breed of undead men
suicide solutions
new breed genetically altered man
crippled humanity
primeval need to breathe
forced evolution, without souls
half human, half machines
this is the punishment
for all our sins
stillborn in chaos
new age of the human- machine
there is no tomorrow
we destroyed it all today
the life as we know it
has been swept away
stillborn in chaos
13. Last Try
(This is) the last try
To break through this
Empty shallow me,last twitch
From dying filth
That learned to breathe
This vulture still biting
trapped inside me
My spirit spasms as I try to speak
Hands like serpents strangling,fear
Lying down on the floor
I'll vomit my soul my blood my life
Bearing scream awake me
Faithfull fear awake me
Faithfull fear creep next to me
Here's your chance to be like me
Stabbed within bleeding hollow scream
I hide my face but it buries my eyes
Now I am a blind man lurking at the sky
And my fall is fake
For this burden made
My life
And this is the last try to breathe out
The one to whom I am a kin
Faithfull fear
Awake me
14. Price to Pay
* Instrumental *