
"In Metal We Trust" (1997 Demo)
1. Black Devil Mountain 2. The Heritage 3. For King And For Castle 4. Hand Of Glory 5. Twilight Upon Us 6. To My Enemies
1. Black Devil Mountain
Forgotten mountain in the deep dark woods has it´s secrets gloomy . Heed my words when I speak to thee otherwise you might die. The mountain is the place where devil reigns and there you should not go. At the top of this mountain devil sits and guards his chosen ones.
Don´t go near of this damned place that is known by the name Black Devil Mountain. Don´t go near of this damned place that is known by the name Black Devil Mountain. Don´t go near of this damned place that is known by the name Black Devil Mountain. Don´t go near of this damned place that is known by the name Black Devil Mountain.
The mountain is guarded by mighty demons against them you have no chance. The demons are armed with magic swords and the powers they posses are lethal.
The spells of gods of war and vengeance to me are granted tonight. On the graves of all my beloved ones the oath of revenge I have sworn.
Don´t go near of this damned place that is known by the name Black Devil Mountain. Don´t go near of this damned place that is known by the name Black Devil Mountain. Don´t go near of this damned place that is known by the name Black Devil Mountain. Don´t go near of this damned place that is known by the name Black Devil Mountain.
Now that I have killed the demons and banished the devil from these realms . The woods are safe for you to walk in but be aware my dear friend . You might think that I have won but even I can´t kill the devil .
One day he will return and then he will avenge.
2. The Heritage
Steel is our heritage . When young we learned the wisdom . Our father told us the story. How man found the secret. When gods and giants battled. And steel was forgot on the battleground
Steel is strong but the hand that wields it must be stronger . Steel is strong but steel itself doesn’t make anybody man. Steel is strong but before you can be called as man. You must learn how to use the steel.
Steel is our heritage . As men we know how to use it . To defend our kingdom from enemies. And to die for our beloved country. As steel is our heritage. Steel shall be our death .
Steel is strong but the hand that wields it must be stronger . Steel is strong but steel itself doesn’t make anybody man . Steel is strong but before you can be called as man. You must learn how to use the steel.
3. For King And For Castle
With our weapons, for king and for castle we fight . For this fortress, for our honor we fight . If this fortress we should lose the end of our kingdom is near . If we lose and stay alive we might as well be dead
Together we stand and guard this wall to the bitter end . Together we rode together we fight until death takes us.
Enemy is near, their death is my goal . They come nearer, their spears gleam in the sun . Now steel meets steel, flesh and bone earth drinks the blood . The souls of those who died in battle will rest in Hades .
For our honor, for our kingdom we fight . For our lives, for king and for castle we fight . They fight half-hearted with no hunger they are going to lose . We are outnumbered but we have faith may the gods help us.
Let me rest here in the shadows let me catch my breath for a while . If I rest for a while I am ready but now my strength is totally gone . Now I feel my strength restoring after a while I am ready for battle . If our men can hold the fortress I will give them all I got.
I will face them, they will be slaughtered . We are fearless, we have stronger armor . They are strong but we are stronger we have the power . We will kill them one by one they shall meet their fate.
With our weapons, for king and for castle we fight . For this fortress, for our honor we fight . Victory comes nearer, we are winning.
Now we have won the battle now the enemy has fled away . Our men did hold the fortress but many brave men did fall . Also I am fatally wounded I feel life flowing out of me . My life has come to it´s end I lived and died for my king.
4. Hand Of Glory
Made from human hand, to command the armies of dead. Each finger ends to candle, made from hanged murderer.
To summon the dead hordes, you must light the candles. Make the secret sign to earth, and cast the sinister spell.
When these acts are committed, the dead will slowly wake. And by the fullmoon they rise, from their burial mounds.
When they have risen, they wait for your command. After you have possessed them, they will follow your orders.
Hear my call you livingdeads, raise your hands through the icy ground. Take my hand and feel my power, of cold winter wind and frost.
All my allies beyond the grave, come to me, walk with me side by side . The dead hordes will follow you, through thunder rain and snow.
They will fear no man or beast, they shall do as you command. But if this evil spell is cast, and the gruesome hand is used.
The dead will have their payment, and their prize might be too high.
5. Twilight Upon Us
When the time has came for you to die, be sure your life has been worth living. Because when the twilight is upon you, there will be no second changes. When the time has came for you to die, you will realize the meaning of life. Your life was there for you to live, and everything in it had it´s meaning´.
All your life you lived in fear, and now you are going to meet the reaper. Now you see that all religions were false, there is nothing on the other side.
Death is just the end of life, and nothing to be afraid of. Death is part of natures course, and nothing lasts forever.
At he moment of death we all are equal, to some death might be salvation. To others it comes as thieve at night, but all the same we all will die. So enjoy your life while you can, because death is the end complete. If coward’s life you have lived, then coward’s death is your part.
A wise man said once that, death is certain life is not. But heed my words also, without life there is no death . So when the twilight is upon you, and you have lived your life with honor. You can depart this life in peace, when the twilight is upon you.
6. To My Enemies