
"The Fighting Man" (2000)
1. The Fighting Man 2. A New Dawn 3. Together They Stood 4. For These Shores 5. The Call To Arms 6. Out Of Darkness 7. The Paths Of Yesterdays 8. The Last Battle 9. When Our England Died
1. The Fighting Man
The flag held high, a call to the warrior's pride
North they had won, weary in body not mind
Standing alone, the few who would see him to live
For their brother to stay, allegiance to him they must give
Under the banner of The Fighting Man
Through dense forest and dark of night
Always the flag is alight
From northern lands to shores of south
Always the flag is the light
Not the chosen son of throne
But they did hail him as their own
The Fighting Man in two was torn
A new flag flies but soon we'll see the new dawn
Under The Fighting Man
2. A New Dawn
We shall be part of a mighty revolt
We'll sow the seeds of a great overthrow
Our command shall prevail endlessly
Forever triumphant and full of pride
Shields and swords shall clash but we'll succeed
Our grand Fyrdmen shall fight robustly
None who betrayed us shall parry our scorn
Covered with glory, we'll mark a new dawn
The elders' delight shall be known through the land and sky
Prosperous and yielding times they'll bring
Forever in victory we'll be
Our command shall last incessantly
Prosperous and yielding times we shall see
The land and the sky shall bring potency
Our command shall prevail endlessly
Forever in victory we shall be
3. Together They Stood
Heroes now forgotten from a time long ago
Shadowy figures of battles fought
Those who slew with passion and vigour
Warriors that trod our path to glory
Under erratic skies and pounded by pouring rain
Together they did stand, our land and our folk to preserve
Battered by roaring winds and frozen by winter storms
Together they did stand, our ways and our pride to retain
Martyrs beyond recollection from the heart of the fray
The ghostly cries of passionate strife
Those who protected and killed for our cause
Faces unknown that to our destiny strode
4. For These Shores
Was a time when men they fought for kindred's cause, a struggle to survive
But far beyond the native burghs I see they send our blood to death
Is it to kill for greed, to find eternal peace or sow the seeds for war?
This army is not for Folk and Fyrd, there is no peace beyond these shores
Fields of graves reveal courageous aims of brothers long time gone
Should we live to see another cemetery for men who died but not for their own kin to feed?
For these shores
For these shores
Fields of graves, futile slaves
To distant wars, far beyond these shores
5. The Call To Arms
6. Out Of Darkness
Into darkness, unwilling we fell
Augustine came to preach heaven and hell
All must worship the cross he did tell
The heathen spirit condemned to his hell
1000 years on the dawn starts to break
Spirits of the old ones shall awake
Temples of the enslavers shall fall
Liberated, we'll stand proud and tall
7. The Paths Of Yesterdays
On the fields of yesterdays, where many battle's been lost and won
Great domains of seasons passed, where many a deed was done
Shining lands of yesterdays, deep down they will always be ours
Mighty paths of epochs gone, with all their olden powers
Wooded hills of yesterdays, throughout our England's soil
Forests vast of times surpassed, stretched out for mile on mile
Potent earth of yesterdays, I know you will always be ours
Earth of our fatherland, with all its olden powers
Olden paths of yesterdays, with their olden power
Great domains of seasons passed, they will always be ours
Mighty paths of epochs gone, throughout our England's soil
Forests vast of times surpassed
Wooded hills of yesterdays, throughout our England's soil
Forests vast of times surpassed, stretched out for mile 'on mile
Potent earth of yesterdays, I know you will always be ours
Earth of our fatherland, with all its olden powers
8. The Last Battle
The chaos has reigned, the battle has been won
No time to rest, we must re-group and march
The final hurdle lies upon the horizon
One more push, our will shall see us through
Weary we are but fight on we must
Away from the carnage we ride
Bloodied and battered but spirit unbroken
Toward the last battle we go
The blood of the fallen flows through our veins
It gives us the strength to fight on
Weakened by number, stronger in will
Toward the last battle we go
Weapons have clashed, the chosen ones lay behind
Back to our feet, ready to war once more
Our destiny shall open its arms before us
A passion-filled cry, our will shall see us through
We struck our blows ferociously
We warred with passion as one
We spilled their blood without fear
From the last battle our honour lives on
9. When Our England Died
Wearily to the last battle they strode
Onward through day and through night
To death they did go but they let them know the power of Angelisc might
Together they walked and together they'd fall
Under the Autumn sky
With victory song behind shield-wall strong
They slashed and they battered with pride
Over river and stream and through forest and field
They marched with fire in their eyes
Wiping the sweat from their brows
For miles they had fared and no effort was spared
On the day when our England died
Over river and stream and through forest and field
We'll march with fire in our eyes
Like the forefathers of old
For miles we shall fare and no effort we'll spare
Till the day when our England's revived