
"Doomed in Eternal Suffering" (1993 Single)
1. Festering Damnation 2. Bride of Unholy Darkness 3. Aeons of Sordid Blasphemies 4. Eternal Suffering
1. Festering Damnation
Marrow sucking maggot
I ’m feeding on your pain
I ’ll drain dry your spirit
I ’ll rape your every sense
I ’m feasting on your hot blood
I ’ll torture you beyond eternity
no fucking god can save you
no prayer can exorcise the slayer
I spread my disease among you
slow rotting death I ’ll spit upon you
I ’ll plague you with my evil seed
the light of dawn you ’ll never see again
And when your race is slaughtered
I ’ll rape your faggot god for once again
and turn his reign to an open grave
I ’ll build my throne on the innards of his angels
Neverending blasphemy, feast of sin
festering and infesting impurity
parasites bestow damnation upon you
cleanse your race in perishing flames
2. Bride of Unholy Darkness
Oh, Princess Lillith, come hear my calls
I suck the juices of the Ancient Ones
join my lust, become my bride
bring me your pleasures this misty night
Carry my seed, embrace my blackened soul
bring forth the hatred of the Unholy Ones
fuse their powers with my dark desires
welcome their wrath, rise through the gates
I offer her innocent infants� blood
ritual sacrifice of a thousand newborn
shreds of flesh now cover her altar
welter the monolith in the liquid of life
Let the mutant breeds spread
like an epidemic among the living
let them bring suffering and horror
everlasting pain, the Ancient Ones� will
Let them prey and feed on mortal fears
raped souls, the human race fades away
proud and mighty in unity we stand
for once again the unholy reign is raised
3. Aeons of Sordid Blasphemies
As the spirits rise and travel through forgotten gates
trespassing into unknown dimensions and realities
which is your destination and final frontier
shapeless horror ever lurking deep in your souls
Man’s powers against the boundless time
specks of dust in an ever flowing stream
your lifetime nothing but a meaningless instant
in the kingdoms of perpetual power of the Ancient Ones
For there is no aim for the human race
just a mass of weak and useless shit
self destructive, immoral and absurd
you are nothing to the Masters’ might
The eternal hate and despise of the Mighty Ones
will be your sentence to suffering and doom
millions by millions enslaved and tortured
the terror that grasp your souls will feed their lust
Horrific visions of a martyric future
countless aeons of suffering and pain
swirling and perishing into insatiable flames
for Flegethon is your very last destination
4. Eternal Suffering