
"Black Flames" (2002)
1. Inheritance 2. Obsession Of A Maniac 3. Hidden By Gloom 4. Beyond The Last Goodbye 5. Heretic Deeds 6. Greatest Myth Of Magic 7. She Darx The Sun 8. Behind The Mirror 9. Der Schattenreiter 10. Endless Winter
1. Inheritance
2. Obsession Of A Maniac
a secret path beyond the crypt
leads down into the deep
a murderer lives down there
a cannibal, perverse madman
he use to crawl out from his hole
when the full moon shines above the graveyard
he's posessed by a demon
he baths in blood, eats worms and bugs!
nervious breakdown
anger directs the fingers
what hold the bloody razor
and skinning your flesh to appease his hunger
he's dancing in the darkness and pays homage to black arts
he's holding ceremonies and disgusting rites
the dissection has just begun
a new victim who's innocent
lying on the sacrifical altar
she's crying for her freedom
and tries to bite her straps off
but he slits her up, tearing out the insides
to wear them like an elegant cloth!
nervious breakdown
anger directs the fingers
what hold the bloody razor
and skinning your flesh to appease his hunger
he's dancing in the darkness and pays homage to black arts
he's holding ceremonies and disgusting rites
the demon in him
what never existed
forces him to do everything
its thirst is unquenchable
fear makes it stronger
it lives inside the cruel slaughter
but this is just obsession of a maniac!
3. Hidden By Gloom
a vampire flies above the silent city
the people are sleeping down like innocent sheeps
he's searching for a victim who's shivering in bed
when you see his face for first you can't avoid your destiny
barricades and bolts can't save your neck
from the pointed bloody teeth and stinky breath
he jumps down from the window still and flies around your room
he walks upside down on the ceiling leaving there bloody footsteps
he sneaks to your bed cautiously, carefully
when you look up suddenly you'll hear the voice of destiny:
"Come to me my child, let me bite your neck,
I'll take you with me to the eternal darkness"
magic essencies blow up new dimensions open
the blood gives new meaning to life in this moment
it gives birth to something that doesn't feel regret
he comes to life to begin a never-ending torment
two beasts fly now under the moon
between dark clouds, hidden by gloom!
life flickers like a candle in the wind
thirsty, raging vampires lacerate the prey
screams of burning pain reach up to the sky
whispering the name of their mercyful forgotten gods
blood drinker beasts are pouring out the guts
everything they want is to turn the insides out
the sound like the living flesh tears to two pieces
that's the greatest pleasure to their ears
4. Beyond The Last Goodbye
voices fell like the darkness
drowned in the dying evening's eerie silence
whispers of summer's affections
disappeared into the falling shades of winter
...the noose is tied
...and the hangman smiles
I lost my way, my only way
I'm beyond the last goodbye
I lost my way, my only way
a dead season in a dead world
all hope is lost, faith deprived
torn apart and shattered into the ground
no point in gathering what is left
no use breathing life into something that is dead
time stands still in this surreal moment
that seems to last forever... And for me it will!
I lost my way, my only way
I'm beyond the last goodbye
I lost my way, my only way
a dead season in a dead world
5. Heretic Deeds
6. Greatest Myth Of Magic
from beyond galaxies
eerie constellations
a secret sign
travelled through space and time
I picked up my shield
and took up my body armour
for victory I'll lead
my raging army of the fire
commander of the forces
off deepest black divine
magic from beyond the stars
deadly light shall shine
I call forth rotten corpses,
forgotten spirits, wrathful ghosts
to strengthen our forces
for the war of souls
we shall destroy and demolish
everything that existed
everything you once held dear
behold our magic
with my blood I'll carve the spells
forgotten runes of higher wisdom
watch the words light up in flames
the ruinous spell got back its freedom
behold our arrival!
the sky shall be burning
by the living dark fire
the greatest myth of magic
7. She Darx The Sun
the light of dawn declines
losing again to his sister the moon
he sighs heavily and goes to sleep
behind the mountains reaching for the sky
the last rays of light struggle
yet they always fail to remain
in the forest wolves howl with anticipation
awaiting the arrival of their mistress
in one of the many chambers she sleeps
her dark eyes betray her longing
her hair the color of a rose
blooming under the midnight moon
the heavens look on indifferently
they care not for the forsaken one
even the demons ignore this soul
her suffering is to be eternal
my mistress, my hauntress,
my sin, my salvation
my mistress, my hauntress,
my sin, my salvation
she walks to the balcony
image of a martyr, graven to her soul
martyr of a god who has damned her
she steps on the cold stone
with a cry of rage and despair
she throws herself over the railing
"I love you" - I whisper
she replies with a mouth open like grave
wmbracing me with warmth release
night's Daughter has raptured me
now there is no turning back
I am one with the night, just as black
the shades of night decline
fades into the morning twilight
losing again to her brother the sun
she sighs and goes to sleep.
8. Behind The Mirror
bennem ég a tûz
dimenziók kulcsa már az enyém
bebocsátást nyertem
a tükör mögé
mikor átléptem a falat
átváltoztam valamivé
mi nem ember, s nem állat
egy teremtménnyé mely nem Istené
nincs ki uralkodjon felettem
enyém már minden tudás
meghaltam mielõtt megszülettem
ott állok, hol senki más
úttalan utakon járok
messzi vizek felett szállok
csillagok közt gyalog járok
mindenek felett állok
ott vagyok, hol
élõ nem halhat
holt nem járhat
éber nem alhat
s alvót nem ébreszt fel a virradat
itt vagyok hát, de valami más
valami történt, ez nem vitás
nem ebben hittem, nem ezt akartam
túlléptem a határt
született belõlem valami
mit már nem lehet irányítani
nem én alkottam, de mégis érez
belõlem fogant s tudatára ébredt
mi több mint ember, s több mint állat
megöl engem, megfizetem az árat
egy teremtmény mely csak az enyém
de ellenem fordult, nincs már több remény
együtt születtünk, együtt múlunk el
megöl engem, de velem pusztul el
én vagyok a tudás, õ az õrület
én vagyok az ismeret, s õ a gyûlölet
én törtem utat a tükör mögé
mely sosem létezett
saját elmém csapdájába estem
ez már az õrület
hol a tudás önmagából fogan
ott leszek én várva terád
a tükör mögött lesben állva
vadászni fogok rád
anyagi létem elpusztult
elmém más létsíkon trónol már
uralkodik, csillagok közt utazik
élet bennem nem honol már
hol a tudás önmagából fogan
ott leszek én várva terád
a tükör mögött lesben állva
vadászni fogok rád
9. Der Schattenreiter
wenn der Abend dämmert
und der Mond hell scheint
reite ich mein Pferd
auf meiner blutigen Jagd
Ich komme aus der Dunkelheit
in manchem Augenblick
auf dem Rücken meines Pferdes ich reit
mit grausam brennendem Blick
Ich komme aus der Dunkelheit
um über die Hügel zu reiten
und von Zeit zu Zeit
über die tiefsten Meere zu gleiten
Ich bewege mich so plötzlich und schnell
der Nebel zerschnitzen von Blitzen so hell
verborgen bei den Brunnen
in dem tiefen Wald
Ich bin ein Geist aus der Vergangenheit
die böse Seele eines großen Streiters
die Leute fürchten meinen Namen
ich bin der Schattenreiter
Ich reite wie ein wütender Sturm
um der Armee der Seelen beizutreten
den Ruf alter Mächte hörend
trete ich der Armee des lebenden dunklen Feuers bei
10. Endless Winter
Time has stopped
everything's so still
a frozen bird fell down
of an old pine tree
snow flakes cover my eyes
cold wind blows my hair
nightfall is fading the light
of hope in my frozen heart
I'm sleeping on an icy field
awaiting for the Reaper
on a day of an endless winter
--- Lyrics by Gabriel Wolf