
"Through The Blackened Gates Of Immortal Hell" (2002)
1. Storm Of Annihilation 2. Through The Blackened Gates Of Immortal Hell 3. Destined For The Throne 4. Maelstrom 5. Interlude 6. Conquering The Spiritual Realm 7. Weapon Of Undiscovered Power 8. Echoes In Eternity
1. Storm Of Annihilation
Dusk of red sets in
Foretelling doom to come.
Arms raised preparing for battle,
The steam of the gathered soldiers' breaths
Rising in the silence
The battle commences
The roar of steel against steel,
My warriors become a wave
of unsated fury.
First blood is drawn and soon
Carnage spreads all around.
The sound of a thousand deaths,
fills my ears
and my hunger grows greater,
The steel of my sword cuts through flesh,
As my enemies' blood covers me
The copper tinged taste of victory
to come
This once serene setting
Now littered with severed limbs
the cries of fallen foes
bring an evil grin to my face
annihilation is certain.
Wielding my sword across an
unsuspecting skull
crushing his face with my fist
to finish his pathetic struggle.
My laughter strikes fear into those
before me.
Panic possesses their hearts,
frozen in terror.
Unable to retreat
expecting only for my warriors
and me to finish them.
2. Through The Blackened Gates Of Immortal Hell
Awakened from what appeared to
be a dream
A dream of war and complete
Where stone, steel, and flesh
become one
And all that remained were
the howling winds
Behold the blackened gates
Made not of steel but of tortured souls
Joined by each other's disfigured limbs
Horridly beckoning your entrance
Confusion and fear grip the heart
Frozen between life and death
What awaits you on the other side?
A battle rages within to pass the gates
Flame of vengeance burns stronger in death
Visions of triumph draw you in
Unknown forces tear violently at your
innermost fears.
Reluctant strides bring you forward
The horrid gate moans behind
In what appears as infinite darkness
Only one path is shown
Led by a majestic yet brutal figure
Fear has turned into a familiar confidence
As destiny begins to take form
This realm you claim as your battlefield
Multitudes of war beaten souls
Gathered before one
Master of magic and harvester of fear
Whose words inspire them all
Echoing, through the halls of eternity
"Our time of conquest has come!"
3. Destined For The Throne
Come dead soldiers
into the unknown
fight for he who is
destined for the throne.
Soldiers of darkness arise from the gates
A conquest for what has been
All realms shall reek of death
For our lives which are no more!
Hellspawn's minions gather
to cast the die of destruction.
An eternity to gain revenge
Revenge on all who have forsaken us!
The weakness of mortality
No longer restricts our blood lust
The taste of ultimate power
victory shall be ours
Consumed by insatiable thirsts
the boundaries of death will not hold us
The skies will rain our havoc
signs of armageddon to show face
My throne awaits!
4. Maelstrom
The taste of victory lingers on
the frozen snarls of warriors
The smell of death hangs motionless in the air
Time comes to a stand still
as immortal rivals lock eyes
the end made imminent in
one spiteful gaze.
A crescendoing rumble breaks the silence
As these nemeses summon their strenghts
The awakening of ancient powers,
brought forth for this,
the final battle to end all battles
Ground shaking with each blow
earth and sky boiling and breaking
as the hatred of centuries is released.
Above, age old aggressoes clash
Multitudes of winged demons
thrashing, tearing each other apart
Their screams reflecting the
bloodthirst of their commanders
The sky turns black as acid blood
rains upon these unrelenting foes
Colossal powers collide
thrusting forth their energies in
a wave of absolute destruction
His army slowly awakens from
their magic induced slumber
Man and demon descend upon the enemy
a wall of impenetrable flesh and steel
With an earth shattering crash
the final blows are dealt
an all consuming, blinding light
and then deafening silence
were all they could recall
and as the dust settles
his mouth curled in a triumphant sneer
he would remember his hated foe's
fear stricken face
as his flesh disintegrated
The stronger had prevailed.
Rayzlon was no more.
5. Interlude
Rise to your destiny
Defeat all foes
Command your courage
Master your fate
Consume your enemies
Triumph you'll know
Bow to no other's will
Your will is your own
Deny the limits of humanity
Escape the prison of mortality
Explore the realms of the unknown
6. Conquering The Spiritual Realm
The curse of ultimate power runs through our veins
Countless battles await as the realm
of the spirits burns
One victory is not enough!
Battle screams echo as blood fills the air
Suffering unto those that oppose us
A vortex of souls annihilated with the
fury unleashed in our quest
Awakening the power within
Glory awaits on the horizon
Only total domination can appease the beast
Gathering only the strongest
to join these blood thirsty ranks
preying on the cowards who would
not stand to fight
As foes are put down
with unmerciful force
their powers become ours
sustenance for further devastation
When this conquest is complete
with such awesome might to impose
the sights are set on the future
other worlds for the taking
realms of living and dead.
7. Weapon Of Undiscovered Power
8. Echoes In Eternity
As death calls your name
embrace its cold grip
do not fear what awaits
for it is a homecoming
to fulfill destiny
As the flame of life burns away
blindly we seek an answer to a question
which does not exist
What will become of us
once this quest is complete
madness or salvation
Damned forevermore, still we struggle
for what we do in life echoes in eternity
Seek not what the future holds,
for only lies and deception you will find
mad ramblings of a warrior
whose destiny is to die
Death is honor, honor lives forever
slip away into death
into the arms of those seeking your return
As your soul is swept away into the
realm of warriors destiny unfolds
death is a rebirth for the strong
newly awakened to a true physical being
a leader is not bound to man made lies
Hail to he that has been awakened
Hail to the power that has been brought forth
Hail to the leader whose name echoes in eternity
With the flame of life extinguished
coldness consumes your soul
your mind becomes a weapon of unknown power
Power to reach into thy enemies' minds
driving madness into bastard minds
resounding definition of ultimate control
Winding twist of fate, a fortune untold
Echoes in eternity, as my destiny unfolds