
"The Untuning of the Sky" (2002)
1. The Hidden Beyond 2. Untergehen 3. Through the Gates of the Ninth Angle 4. The Untuning of the Sky 5. He Who Shuns the Light
1. The Hidden Beyond
I seek beyond the Seven Stars, to the Habitation that is Hidden
That I may hold converse with Set
I am that I was that I am that I am Become
I have become Destroyer of Worlds
My vision is my world, my World shall overcome
Behold Leviathan, that which I am not
I have entered into the Habitation that is Hidden,
And I hold converse with Set
2. Untergehen
3. Through the Gates of the Ninth Angle
4. The Untuning of the Sky
(adapted from a poem by John Dryden, 1687)
As from the pow'r of sacred lays, the spheres began to move
And sung the Prince of Darkness' praise, to all the Elect above
So when the last and dreadful hour, this crumbling pageant shall devour
The trumput will be heard on high
The dead shall live, the living die
And Music will untune the sky
5. He Who Shuns the Light
(adapted from Faust, Pt. I, by Goethe)
My pathos soon thy laughter would awake
Hadst thou the laughing mood not long forsworn
Of suns and worlds I have nothing to say
I see alone mankind's self-torturing pains
The little world-god the self-same stamp retains
And is as wondrous now as on the primal day
Better he might have fared, poor wight
Hadst thou not given him a gleam of heav'nly light