
"Remnants of A Cannibalistic Debauchery" (2005)
1. Serial Sexual Sadist 2. Intense Stench of Deterioration 3. Eye Socket Orgasm 4. Remnants of a Cannibalistic Debauchery 5. Exulcerated Flesh 6. Resurrection of the Insane Killing Kind 7. Feed us, Kill Her 8. Post Mortem Disfigurement 9. The Sound of Breaking Bones 10. Terminated Foetal Debris 11. Massive Absominal Blunt Force Injury 12. Devouring Regurgitated Genitalia 13. Violent Eruption of Purulent Vaginal Discharge
1. Serial Sexual Sadist
lyrics by: Aaron M.
Savagely pounding down
Abdominal puncturing
Blunt force injury
Bludgeoned, tearing through your flesh
This is my torturous process
Hacking and hacking
Dissect deeper with every strike
Easily mangling your insides
Rupturing your innards with a knife
Torso torn in pieces
Butchering your intestines
Stomach split wide open
Mutilating your abdomen
Ripping and ripping
Emptying out your corpse
Staining everything red
My lust for gore will never end
Surrounded by your insides
Collection of guts, I keep for life
Bodies around me opened
Choosing my next victims, and weapons
2. Intense Stench of Deterioration
lyrics by: Aaron M.
Forensic pathology
The stench surrounds me
Smelling the reek of all that is rotting
Cleansing my senses, I endure the rot
Burning nasal passages, leaking snot
Eyes burning, searing from the stench
The reek of putrilage is so fresh
Bodies left rotting on tables for weeks
The smell in the air, a pungent reek
The aroma is so sweet
Exposed guts, burnt feces, and rotted meat
No one else can stand this rot
Regurgitate, asphyxiate, leaking snot
I am a worshiper of pungent fumes
As you take your first breath, you begin to puke
My fetish for putrefaction, intensely erotic
The first sight of decay makes you sick
More days of rotting, the happier I become
The maggots feast, decay sets in
Deterioration fills my lungs
Forensic pathology
The stench surrounds me
Smelling the reek of all that is rotting
Cleansing my senses, I endure the rot
Burning nasal passages, leaking snot
Eyes burning, searing from the stench
The reek of putrilage is so fresh
3. Eye Socket Orgasm
lyrics by: Aaron M.
My victims are easy to find
My search is within their eyes
Forcing my victims against the wall
Viciously stabbing her eyeball
Gazing at a juicy eye socket
Repeatedly stabbing as the juices burst
Exploding in an orgasmic fashion
The blood flows down her face like tears
Loudly screaming, undoubtably, her end is near
My Rage...An obsession with collecting eyeballs is my
Sickness...A variety of tools are used when her eyes are being
Carved out...Knives, razor blades, screwdrivers, scissors, broken glass
and more...
Open wide
I incise
Piercing the retina
Releasing a...
bloody gel...Squirting out
Oozing down...Carving out
Adding to...My collection
As I hack...Into the socket
Malicious defilement of her face
Upon insertion, excitement comes over me
Attracted to her jelly pulped eyes
Sickness I feed, as the bloody gels squirts on me
You are still alive, but left blinded
No sight, you run but can not hide
You hear me nearing, you begin screaming
Penetrate your hollowed sockets with a knife
Scraping all, your skull's exposed
There is no need to take your life
You won't be able to identify...me
Open wide...I incise...piercing...the retina...
Releasing...bloody gel...squirting out... oozing down...
Carving out...adding...to my...collection...as I...hack...into the...socket
4. Remnants of a Cannibalistic Debauchery
lyrics by: Aaron M.
My sexual fetishes are insane
Extreme in pleasure and pain
A group selected to...
Enjoy this night or so they thought
This private party has turned into a fuckin nightmare
Started off with drinking, casual sex, now they’re scared
As the orgy heats up, I begin to unleash my inner beast
Let the eating begin
Naked and brutalized
Penetrate the dormant
Feasting and fucking
Devour and ejaculate
Carving them all up, and chewing as I cut
Feeding on the pieces I have sawed off
Hacking at the bodies, making a mess
Disposing cut off fragments, sickness I digest
I feed on the perverted
Feasting on flesh of the gutted
Digest them all, my mind is warped
Small bites remain of their fuckin corpse
Remnants of a cannibalistic debauchery
Fulfilling all my fetishes
On all these unwilling victims
Hands and feat roped tight
Preparing my dinner for the night
Blood gushes out with every bite
Mutilating entrails with my knife
My face covered like a two year old child
The parties I hold are deliciously wild
Naked and brutalized
Penetrate the dormant
Feasting and fucking
Devour and ejaculate
Overwhelming flavor...raw human meat
Ravaged remains...torsos still await
They’re now dead...hacked to shreds
Unrecognizable...splattered on my bed
Stomach full of the whore’s bodies
Cannibalized sickening gourmet
Chewed off fragments of her body
Falling out of my mouth...spewing
Fulfilling all my fetishes
On all these unwilling victims
Hands and feat roped tight
Preparing my dinner for the night
Blood gushes out with every bite
Mutilating entrails with my knife
My face covered like a two year old child
The parties I hold are deliciously wild
5. Exulcerated Flesh
lyrics by: Ryan V./Aaron M.
Impregnated...by a stupid fuck
Just cause it felt so good...but now you'll get what you should
A monstrosity...growing inside you
You are not part of the solution...your breeding the problem
FORKLIFT abortion
FORKLIFT abortion
FORKLIFT abortion
FORKLIFT I abort your baby with a fucking forklift
So I take the fork right to your cunt, blood drips out your ass
entering, the vaginal opening. Spreading, the fetus head starts seeping out
You are lifted in the air by your cunt, fetal tissue excretes
stomping, the fetal corpse. exterminating, the feeble creature before me
In shock you lay there helpless
Your procreation a bloody puddle on the ground
Cowering, your crying annoys me
You paid the price for trying to breed your genetic flaws
If you continue to over populate this fuckin world
I will not hesitate to rip your newborn straight from your womb
If you think that it won’t hurt, you’re in for a big surprise
Today will be the day that your stupid little baby dies
I feel good knowing that your existence has died with you
No more stupid fucks that people like me have to deal with
Ending the human species is something that I will do
Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon I promise you
Disgusting slop inside your womb sucking out with no vacuum
The forklift jack forced deep inside to decapitate your child
Vaginal cavity torn wide open, pulling out a headless beast
Even if it wasn’t me, this kid would be killed eventually
Welcoming...you to my clinic
Aborting for no fee...garbage I am delivering
Trust me...the world will thank me
Fetal remains, start licking...my forklift needs a cleaning
6. Resurrection of the Insane Killing Kind
lyrics by: Aaron M.
As I lay awake at night trying to remember my past
Wondering why I’m in this place and strapped to the bed
Was I an evil man? Was I a murderer?
What caused all these tests to be ran on my head?
When I do sleep, I dream of horrific acts of extreme violence
The doctors tell me I smile, and rub my crotch when I dream
Refusing my medication, not swallowing my pills
My dreams become reality. The demons in my head say KILL!
This place of treatment now becomes my asylum of gore
The carnage of the staff and patients piled on the floor
Hospital tools are used in my one man riot
No one is safe as I try to exit this place
My own experiments now I conduct on my doctors
I want to see their insides and watch them suffer
Inserting the scalpel below the throat
Incising deep, cutting straight down, rib cage now exposed
Numerous deaths on several floors
Sounds of screams echo through the halls within
Blood stained sheets inside every patient’s room
Operating tables, one place where I commit my sins
The ones who put me here, and took me away from myself
They will all suffer the ultimate consequence
Endure the pain, plagued by mutilation
Bodies strapped to beds, engulfed in flames...incineration
Ruthlessly torturing innocent ill patients
To get to the people who disguised me...the guilty
My killing ways have resurrected
My mind is normal now, no longer polluted
7. Feed us, Kill Her
lyrics by: Aaron M.
Finding lifeless bodies... Unscarred, to my liking
No fear on their faces... No screams to be heard
Transforming cadavers into slop
Sickening abnormal cravings
Skinning, and dismembering
Eviscerate, incinerate
Lacerate, and masticate
Degrade her decomposed corpse
Urinate on her ruptured organs
Removing any part of her body
With any tool I please
Smashing the skull
Brain leaks through the cracks
I squeeze the eyeballs
Just to arouse my curiosity
Mutilation....to it's sickest form
Genitalia crushed
Scrotum swollen with blood
fingers ran through the grater
flesh flakes fall to the floor
Innocent, my sickness is to me
Post mortem disfigurement...corpse killer
Expressionless faces stare at me
While shredding off layers of their flesh
Mangling up all internal organs
Occupying myself with their death
Nauseating fumes fill the air around me
Massive piles of removed body parts
Nothing left for me to savagely hack
Bored with my current piece of art
Finding lifeless bodies... Unscarred, to my liking
No fear on their faces... No screams to be heard
Transforming cadavers into slop
Sickening abnormal cravings
Skinning, and dismembering
Eviscerate, incinerate
Lacerate, and masticate
Degrade her decomposed corpse
Urinate on her ruptured organs
Removing any part of her body
With any tool I please
Innocent, my sickness is to me
Post mortem disfigurement...corpse killer
8. Post Mortem Disfigurement
As I take your head, and place it within a vice
The blood gushes out, and out pops your eyes
Bleeding from your ears, eyes, and nose
Your body lies there, now I begin to break your bones
Your chest is caving in as I pound down harder every hit
Your limbs become brittle as the bones are shattered
A million pieces of broken bones lie within your body
Crunching...as my mallet...hits your chest
Snapping...as I twist your neck
Crumbling...are the bones...I break
The sound of...breaking bones
Still alive
In the most agonizing pain
Once a walking man
Now you lay deranged
Your insides leak out through all open wounds
Unable to move any limbs in your body
Fulfilling my violent tendencies
Dragging your body, becoming a mess
As bone fragments easily pierce through your flesh
Crunching...as my mallet...hits your chest
Snapping...as I twist your neck
Your body lies there, now with all bones shattered
Pieces and punctured all internal organs
Your body becomes flat as I push on your chest
Crumbling...are the bones...I break
The sound of...breaking bones
9. The Sound of Breaking Bones
lyrics by: Aaron M.
Mangled skin
Decayed flesh
Body deformed
Pussing sores
Oozing gel
Covered in filth
Bloody mess
Blistered flesh
Itching won’t help
Doctor’s cringe
Nurses puke
Might as well die
The smell...is extremely pungent
As the...ulcer opens
Releasing...rancid fumes
Cancer spreads...through the body
Horrific...skin growths
Explodes...decrepit gore
Exulcerated Flesh
Rapidly more flesh dies
Ulcerous wounds opening
Revealing fungus filled tissue
Gruesomely decomposing
Detrimental sores
Collection of purulent matter
Gangrenous inflammations
Excessively discharging abscess
Festering...formations of infected tissue
Putrefied...repulsive diseased skin
Mutation...your body has reformed
Reeking...choking on your own stench
Blistered...all your flesh has died
Decreased...any chance of a normal life
10. Terminated Foetal Debris
lyrics by: Aaron M.
A sick mother fucker like myself
Don’t care about disease
Even the ill want to cum
Overwhelmed in ecstasy
Her vaginal walls ridden with warts and puss filled sores
I’m supposed to be disgusted, but I find myself aroused
As I make my way down to plunge my tongue inside her cunt
I could not believe...how sick it looked, how bad it stunk
Licking and sucking disgusting lips and clit
Tonguing and spitting, I lube it for my fist
I slowly insert each finger
Her flesh is as rough as sandpaper
Thrusting deep from my knuckles to my wrist
Friction causing her sores to burst
She screams in pain
Ejaculation, the juices rage
A violent eruption, projectile female fluids
Cum is met with purulent pus, explodes on my face
Insert my cock in her gaping gross infected hole
Thrusting it in, oozing fluids, down the shaft it flows
The smell of her wet scabby pussy...the stench is thick
Cum and blood is mixed with pus...sticking to my dick
Countless times I’ve wanted to puke...on her face
Not stopping the excessive pounding...Inside her I came
Who knows what disease infected this bitch
I survived the encounter...the sores on my dick, they itch
I ask myself, did I pay what it was worth
I heard this whore is pregnant, I bet it will be a disgusting birth
A sick mother fucker like myself
Don’t care about disease
Even the ill want to cum
Overwhelmed in ecstasy
11. Massive Absominal Blunt Force Injury
Fresh female bodies are the source of my nutrition
Face up on the dining table, ready for mutilation
My knife is forced into her throat, twisting the blade
Beautiful music of a gurgling sound, as blood starts spraying
Working my way down to her cunt, slicing between her breasts
Flapping open her delicate and bloody skin, exposing delicious organs
This particular victim was strange and unique
She was always there in my home, so I stalked and sneaked
I entered my own sister’s room, she was sleeping naked
Sick, perverted thoughts ran through my head, she was soon violated
As she lay there gutted open, I decide to lick her cunt
Her pussy tastes of urine and blood, now I bite off a chunk
Pussy flaps now consumed, leaving a bigger fuckhole
Sticking my dick deep inside, losing all my seminal control
Spoiling myself to a nice freshly killed meal
This sickness has made me a necro-incestuous cannibal
Nipples as appetizers, organs for the main course
Contents of her head for dessert
I live by the cannibal code...to FEED US....KILLER HER!
I entered my own sister’s room, she was sleeping naked
Sick, perverted thoughts ran through my head, she was soon violated
As she lay there gutted open, I decide to lick her cunt
Her pussy tastes of urine and blood, now I bite off a chunk
12. Devouring Regurgitated Genitalia
lyrics by: Aaron M.
To the outside world I’m as normal as can be
Inside my home, my life is vile and disgusting
Becoming a victim, adding to the carnage
Homicidal acts of bondage
Dressed in latex
Chained, bound in ropes and gagged
Caged up like a beast
Brutal acts of depravity
Stabbing her back as I penetrate...Molestation
Gagging her throat as I masturbate...Regurgitation
All my victims killed in the most unusual ways
New torturous acts discovered everyday
Hogtied and hanging upside down
All over herself, releasing her bowels
Thrusting a cattle prod in her bloody cunt
Covered in blood, and feces...not cleaning her up
Chained spread eagle on a rotating wheel
Throwing meat cleavers in attempt to remove her limbs
Pierced, and suspended, floating in the air
Metal hooks tearing flesh on your nipples and clitoris
Experimenting with his body
Removing the genitalia
With home tools, surgical castration
Al while awake, with no anesthesia
No act of murder that I have not done
Experimenting with human life is my depraved fun
Sick, torturous acts of violence, a murdering spree
Killing is the only thing that satisfies me
13. Violent Eruption of Purulent Vaginal Discharge
Sitting in your church, praying to Santa Claus
Not ever knowing that it is I who am the boss
I kick down the door of your church
Stab an old lady, and steal her purse
Babies start to cry and children start to run
No way out but past me, I trip them just for fun
Begging for their life, they begin to cry
I tell them when they get to Heaven, ask God why they had to die
Bodies trampled, exits locked, they hit the floor
Blood splatters all over the virgin Mary whore
I make sure before I leave, that every Christian fuck is dead
I spot one last kid alive and kick him real good in the head
I don’t like church, in fact I think that its pretty goddamn gay
For each one you build, I promise to take six hundred away
The blistering torment of Christian suffering
The blistering torment of Christian suffering
If you don’t take your fag religion somewhere else
I’ll be the one who puts you in your own hell
Chasing you down like the old school Jason Vorhees
Soon it will be that I begin the suffering
From the backdoor, I come in while you sleep
Inside your precious daughter, my cock goes deep
As you die helpless with your Christian throat cut
You get to watch me turn your daughter into a slut
Blood spills from my mouth as blood spills from your cunt
Where is your God to protect you from my hunt
As you lay there dying, you see your bloodline lost
My seed now in your child, I told you I’m the boss