
"The Atrocity Exhibition... Exhibit A" (2007)
1. A Call To Arms 2. Riot Act 3. Funeral Hymn 4. Children Of A Worthless God 5. As It Was, As It Soon Shall Be 6. The Atrocity Exhibition 7. Iconoclasm 8. The Garden Of Bleeding 9. Bedlam 123
1. A Call To Arms
2. Riot Act
Rise up and revolt
Overthrow the government
Level all the temples
Destroy the monuments
Return to anarchy
Defy the Christian law
Prepare for mutiny
Prepare for coup d'etat
So begins our final riot act
Now that your in, there'll be no turning back
Smash everything, wreck it all with pride
The power of our revolution won't ever be denied
Reduce the halls of power
To ruin and to ash
An end to Christianity
An end to holy mass
The dawn of an iron age
Return to Pagan law
Lex Talionis
We rule by fang and claw
So begins our final riot act
Now that your in, there'll be no turning back
Smash everything, wreck it all with pride
The power of our revolution won't ever be denied
3. Funeral Hymn
Let not the sun go down on my wrath
I let it shake the world
Vengeance is the grudge I bear
flag of reckoning unfurled
You are the architect
of your own demise
so smile no more
I am the gatekeeper,
and you are mine for evermore
Come greet the reaper
You know the time is nigh
This is the day of reckoning,
your time to die
Brave men they spin in fear
At the sound of my voice
Say goodbye to life so dear
You no longer have a choice
Burnt black and silent,
rust and blood
upon my reaper’s blade
I come collect the tolls
gather up all the debts unpaid
I call when you least expect
but when you deserve it the most
Behold the timekeeper
the end is getting close
The dead no longer have
A cross to bear
The dead no longer have
Need to despair
Death has come
And set the snare
Death will come
When you are unaware
Solo: Lee
Solo: Gary
Solo: Gary
Solo: Lee
The misbegotten have the gall
to think them safe and sound
They try to cheat the reaper
scatter, hide, no matter, found
The wheel of life is standing still
For them it turns no more
Now comes the soul keeper
and you become my whore
4. Children Of A Worthless God
Brainwashed into madness,
your children are killers without fear
Manipulate and dominate,
stealing their lives for your hate
Twisted perverted minds,
think as we do or you die
Demagogue, fanatical tyrant
a false prophet seething with lies
I you fear, seeing through your lies
You I fear, raping of innocent minds
Folow us blindly or die like a dog
Blood mixed with sand for this holy war
Your saviors a killer, you die for allah
You are all children of a worthless god
Propagation of violence
your one god a disease upon man
Execution, crucifiction
the answer for those not in your plan
The penalty for contempt against your god
is death and nothing else
Ignorant infidels
are subhuman and will all burn in hell
I you fear, seeing through your lies
You I fear, raping of innocent minds
Folow us blindly or die like a dog
Blood mixed with sand for this holy war
Your saviors a killer, you die for allah
You are all children of a worthless god
solo Gary
solo Lee
Smite the pervets and the obstinate
praising the death of the free
United States of islam
that's what you would like it to be
Violate the unbelievers
praising crimes against man
Human rights mean nothing
Doctrine of death a scourge upon man
I you fear, seeing through your lies
You I fear, raping of innocent minds
Folow us blindly or die like a dog
Blood mixed with sand for this holy war
Your saviors a killer, you die for allah
You are all children of a worthless god
5. As It Was, As It Soon Shall Be
We didn’t pay attention
to lessons learned in the past
Soon the sands in the desert
will melt from the atomic blast
Mesopotamia’s ground zero
for the coming of world war
Thousands die in the sand
And I still don’t understand what for
As it was, as it soon shall be
We’re teetering on the brink
of a world war III
A repetition of history
as you soon shall see
As it was, as it soon shall be
Solo: Gary
War mongering leader of ours
waves the flag of democracy
Sending our men out to die
in the name of bureaucracy
The oil fields of Iraq
are overflowing with blood
Another man dies but the lies
rain down like a flood
Solo: Lee
No weapons of mass destruction
no threat to me
Just one man’s agenda for war,
not a land of the free
I never gave a shit
about the Middle East
But now we lie in the bed that we’ve
made, start the atomic feast
6. The Atrocity Exhibition
The glorious frailty of the human mind
Leads us to deceive the mother of mankind
Nature is our master, we serve her through our deeds
She teaches us that only death is guaranteed
If there was a hell, there must I ever be
Eternal life in heaven is but a fallacy
So if death is nothing, but a path to be trod
Walk with me and let me introduce you to your God
Come see an exhibition of atrocity
An ocean of eternity
One in which the shore you’ll never see
Or your God of make believe
You speak to the sky and no one answers back
And yet you wager the word of God is fact
The horrors we imagine in vivid clarity
Become a spectacle, your God’s atrocities
A mirror image, reflection of your soul
Just nature’s play, all her children have a role
God’s an actor, the world nature’s stage
Our fates are scripted like so many
letters on a page
A composition of atrocity
The Story of Christianity
A fairy tale of tyranny
Recipe for catastrophe
Solo: Gary
Man’s inclination
Is to bend those who oppose to our will
Does your great creator think
the good are better made by ills?
Dream after dream, time after time
he who conquers endures
The grand design of the mother
We the disease, and her the cure
Solo: Lee
Unsatisfied longing for the slaughter
The master often slays her sons and her daughters
Death is but and undress of skin and of bone
When you return to her, no sins to atone
The ending is the same for the vile and devout
Let all the poisons that lurk in the mind
Hatch out
She has predetermined our end
Nothing more she will portend
7. Iconoclasm
Man creates the god
and the god destroys the man
Betrayed by their own invention
the shepherd butches the lamb
A lion at the head of an army
of sheep when comes time to feed
Like Saturn devoured his children
they’re consumed by belief
I am the chosen one
and I hold the key
Behold the prodigal son
This good I do lives long after me
Let iconoclasm set you free
Christ is the same yesterday
and today, forever a lie
They concocted the heavens
to keep all the puppets in line
Narcotic, addictive desire
to believe they won’t go to hell
A dog that has bitten its master
that it once knew so well
Figment of imagination
Oracle of ignorance
Corrupter of society
killer of reason and ignorance
An object of man’s creation
made to fill the hole inside
But that abyss has only been opened wide
Solo: Gary
Solo: Lee
Wolves they guard the flock
And they slaughter the sick and the weak
Sorrow is all that they find
When salvation is all that they seek
The truth is the greatest lord
where no fool commands the wise
Religion ten times undone
no room for compromise
8. The Garden Of Bleeding
Viscerated bodies
planted deep beneath the earth
They fertilize the soil
and feed for all they’re worth
Within the garden
of unearthly delights
True meaning of horror’s found
and hell’s within our sights
He plants the seeds
The germinate
Black misdeeds, they pollinate
Within the garden of bleeding’s
where the devil waits
to introduce you to your fate
Endless orchards dot the land
of corpses up on spikes
Beauty’s in the eye of the
beheaded on a pike
Bathed in lakes of fire
until a cinder’s what remains
The stench of death it makes
the flowers bloom in his domain
Bodies hang from branches
like grapes hang from the vine
Garlands made of human flesh
they decorate his shrine
On the wind and through the trees,
the cries of suffering
For this is the garden
of the king of the unclean
9. Bedlam 123
Turn on the havoc
let confusion reign
Random acts of violence
shall not be done in vain
A din of destruction
an overture of rage
Countdown to bedlam
let the mayhem
Soon we all
will celebrate
Feel the primal urge
adrenaline surge
join the altercation
To the third degree
at full capacity
with no discrimination
Total oblivion
no phenomenon
just par for the course
To the starting line
your time to shine
On my mark we
We subjugate
We bring calamity
Everybody cooperate
Let’s start the bedlam
Anticipating the
coming of the brawl
Collide like cannon fire
but only on my call
I provoke the melee
and I fan the flame
Coerce the herd into a
They salivate
We aggrevate
Solo: Lee
Solo: Gary
Solo: Lee
Solo: Gary
Solo: Lee
Solo: Gary
On my command
everybody run amuck
Slam into everyone
never stop to give a fuck
This is the pinnacle
of tumult,
It’s what you’ve waited for so
let the vortex
On this day
We commemorate