
"Immortality's End" (1989 Demo)
1. Intro 2. Immortality's End 3. The Resurrection 4. Beyond the Realms of Madness 5. Casual Killing 6. Outro
1. Intro
2. Immortality's End
3. The Resurrection
Seizure Pulsating Violently In Pain
Mental Cruelty Screaming In Vain
Madness Seeping Slowly Inside
Internal Corrosion Poison Revived
Shattered Your Soul Lies In Waste
Black Is The Blood You Taste
Torment From The Depths Below
A Promise Of Blood They Owe
Resurrection From Below
Resurrection Blood Shall Flow
Rancid Smell Permeates The Air
Sickening Stench Of Death And Despair
Grinding Pain Evisceration Applied
Final Screams For Mercy Denied
Resurrection From Below
Resurrection Blood Shall Flow
Plague Of Decaying Bodies Arise
Shadows Of Our Inevitable Demise
Eternally Cursed Your Souls Are Bled
To Their Graves The Masses Are Led
Sepulcher Of Blood Covered In Red
Remnants Of Evil Left For Dead
Interment Of Sin Blasphemies Rise
Decaying Lives Your Final Demise
Creation Of Life Slaughtered Eternally
Incantation Damned Infernally
Lifeless Eyes Stare Into The Abyss
Forsaken Sanity Utter Mindlessness
Bleeding From Lesions Unseen
Murdered In Your Own Morbid Dreams
Resurrection Blood Shall Flow
Resurrection From Below
4. Beyond the Realms of Madness
Sentenced In Torment For My Unearthly Sin
Black Sacrifice Paid In Blood
Ripped Apart. No Way To Win
Unreal Pleasure Floods My Mind
Fatal Payment A Matter Of Time
Wretched Ecstasy From Horrid Agony
The Cenobites They Writhe
The Sanity On Their Prey
Awaiting Your Damaged Soul
Hooks Rip Now Blood Flows
Life Force Drained Out Corrodes
Loss Of Your Control
Elder Ones They Chant
Forbidden Words To The Sky
Lapidation Of The Dead
Resumption Of Torment In Your Head
It's To Late To Repent
The Gates Are Nearly Shut
Virulent Intention Feel Their Corpsly Lust
Funeral Of Horror You Cry For Your Soul
Drown Forever In My Sea Of Gore
Putrid Depth's Eternally Yours
EXMORTIS Your Masters
They Laugh As You Are Scorned
Trapped Forever No Way Back
Extraction Of Your Soul
Agony Splits The Night
Terror Reigns On You Now
Suffer Agonizing Pain
Fate Shall Bring You Sadness
Perish Beyond The Realms Of Madness
5. Casual Killing
Ripped Apart Commence To Die
Torn Body Left To Lie
Death Comes To You Now
Fade Away Without A Sound
Tearing Flesh Ripping Skin
Casual Killing The Slaughter Begins
Another Body Another Town
Rotting Corpses Underground
Blade Slashes Through The Night
Found Upon This Bloody Site
Limbs Strewn Head Over There
Decomposed Body Rotten Air
Autopsy Complete Funeral Now
Maniacal Butcher In The Crowd
Curse Of Hell Awakes
Eternal Nightmare He Creates
Signals From Beyond
Carcass Floating On The Pond
Death Comes To You Now
Fade Away Without A Sound
Tearing Flesh Ripping Skin
Casual Killing The Slaughter Begins
Ripped Apart Commence To Die
Torn Body Left To Lie
Death Comes To You Now
Fade Away Without A Sound
6. Outro