
"Don't Spare the Green Love" (1993 Best of/Compilation)
1. Spare The Wrench Surrender The Earth 2. Only Hypocrisy Prohibits Legality 3. Only Protest Give A Hope of Life! 4. Societally Provoked Genocidal Contemplation 5. My Minds Mine 6. Anthropocentric Ecocidal Conundrum 7. Reevaluate Life! 8. Gaia 9. Unintended Lyrical Befuddlement 10. An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish 11. Where Is Exit-13? 12. Ecotopian Visions 13. Constant Persistence of Annoyance 14. Inbreeding Populations 15. Self-Misunderstood Cerebral Masturbation 16. The Funk Song 17. Get High On Life 18. Disemboweling Party 19. Shattnerspackle 20. Terminal Habitation 21. Fingernails 22. Conclusions On Various Religious 23. Political Dismay 24. Impaled 25. Disemboweling Party
1. Spare The Wrench Surrender The Earth
Development plans slated, wilderness negated.
Green consciousness frustrated, MONKEYWRENCH!
Conservation policy lies, ecotage on the rise.
Logging equipment fouled...surprise, MONKEYWRENCH!
Biological meltdown, our culture puts nature down,
Subversive action now, MONKEYWRENCH!
Pristine forests felled, death for Earth is spelled,
Our protest can't be quelled, MONKEYWRENCH!
"No compromise in defense of Mother Earth!"
Ecosystems erased, serenity displaced,
Is progress taking place? MONKEYWRENCH!
General apathy toward destructive tendencies,
Can't people fucking see the need to MONKEYWRENCH!?!
2. Only Hypocrisy Prohibits Legality
Only hypocrisy prohibits legality!
A huge propaganda spree misinforms society!
Corrupt industries hinder legality!
Foolish mentalities prohibit legality!
Green rationality demands legality!
Clandestine revelry ignores legality!
Numerous fallacies prevent legality!
It's blatant stupidity to support illegality!
Only hypocrisy prohibits legality!
Sheer fucking idiocy prohibits legality!
Only hypocrisy prohibits legality!
It sure would be great to see big bongs smoked legally!!!!
3. Only Protest Give A Hope of Life!
Your conscience overrides the fears of authoritarian repercussion,
You bring about ends that cannot be achieved through rational =
So called "terrorist acts" utilized to win the fight for nature,
Is direct action the solution to problems that frustrate you?!?!
The time has come for total global mental realignment,
Misused technology has altered atmosphere, terrain, and climate.
Change is needed now, but course of action who'll define it???
Every mind needs a goal - a ladder - work until you climn it!!!
The time has come for radical wilderness restoration!
Deep ecology must become the religion of future generations!!!
Economic gains are invalid reasons for nature's exploitation!
Thwart industrial domination and unmake civilization!!!
4. Societally Provoked Genocidal Contemplation
This whole world is fucking sick!!!
Human stupidity had made me crazed!
Insanity frees my mind to wander...
I gleefully ponder humanity's murder!
Thoughts of slaughter fill my head.
I want to make all humans dead.
To free the of the ills that manifest from diseased wills.
My remedy for Earth's situation, is total human being negation!!!
Radical global extermination.
The venting of my crazed frustration.
Plants and animals would rejoice.
Freed from human ploys.
I've been dismissed as being sick...
"Environmentally romantic", but I will have the final laugh.
As my own species feels my wrath!!!
No more factories polluting the air I breath!
No more authority blatantly surppressing me!
No more politics, mere games for the ethically sick!
No more fighting wars, human beings will destroy no more!!!
No I'm alone, in solitude I freely roam...
But I'm going mad contemplating the good times past...
"..so I enact a frazzled new plan, splattering my brains across this"
now free land!
5. My Minds Mine
Why should I even bother to acknowledge the pathetic notions of =
minds without knowledge?
I have been chastised for acting too freely, but individulism for me =
is the key, see?!?
Why should I style my pattern of life after those who bring about =
hatred and strife?
I would much rather have a mellow existence of celebration and =
productive subsistence!
My minds mine!!!
Individuality, creativity, self - mastery...not for you?
Sensability, originality, responsability...not for you?
Stability, free mentalities, global harmony...not for you?
Stupidity, live destructively, "self" is all you see...is this you?
Pathetic apathy, christianity, no mentality...is this you?
Spreading misery, no flexability, lost and lazy...is this you?
So in conclusion, let's ignite a struggle for total transcendence =
from this confining muddle!
It seems to me simple, just strive for mental freedom, don't end up =
like our parents, tranquilized by their stupidity!
6. Anthropocentric Ecocidal Conundrum
Animals destroyed by the life of man.
Greed and anthropocentrism have gotten out of hand!
What kind of persuasion will change man's course???
Technology "progress" makes things worse!
We're looking at nature to see what profits can be turned,
Irrefutable proof of man's destruction but we have not learned!
The planet is contaminated by the way humanity lives!
Think...extinction will be the culmination and it won't forgive!=0BIt =
is too late for saving efforts, or should we wallow in our own =
techno - grime?
So many people satisfied with our culture of negation,
The government acts with hate to silence those voicing their =
It would be blatantly naive to expect a new society overnight, but =
don't take this as a que to sit back,
Every force is needed in this fight for life!!!
Toxic pollutants, chemical waste, precipitation that's acid based,
Industrial sludge and radiation, man - made environmental =
Cancer clusters, cancres seethe, polluted air not fit to breathe,
Two faced scheming administration, spotted owls killed by =
7. Reevaluate Life!
Nature contaminated knowingly by man,
Blind striving for profits, life denied by our plans...
The time has beset us, we must act with haste.
To rediscover a life - style devoid of destruction and waste!
Man is a creature of immeasurable ingenuity.
But his greed has facilitated an environmental killing spree!!!
8. Gaia
Earth as organism - Gaia
"self sustaining biota" - Gaia
"total planetary being" - Gaia
A theory of Lovelock...
Nature has dissymmetry
disorder known as entropy
life seems to be an anomaly
It's imperative that we respect Earth!
Realize it's total worth, worship it with glee and mirth...
9. Unintended Lyrical Befuddlement
Topics are discussed, personal biases thrust, yet meaningfulness is a must,
Too much blatant stupidity, nonsensical trends followed rigidly,
Is it too painful to deal with reality?!?
Various attempts at lyrical verbosity, have gone awry and concluded
in linguistic atrocities!
Though we aim for contextual sophistry, articulating frustrations sure ain't easy!
Wanting to avoid tedious references to goriness, and transcend the
glut of foolish trendiness,
Has given rise to band member unhappiness, but commitment to the
purpose of lyrical usefulness!
10. An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish
A hero of thought by the name of Bertrand.
Has composed an essay which is magnificently grand!=0BLord Russell
outlines the numerous follies of man,
And lucidity ridicules them with a wave of his hand.
Human egoism and feelings of omnipotence.
Deserve the harsh antithesis of reverence!
Religious views and practices accepted.
Are given valid reasons for being rejected!
11. Where Is Exit-13?
In the underground glut you'll be lucky to find a handful of bands
that will challenge your mind!
We're not a "just say no" campaign band or a commercial hoax,
There's no satanic fool lyrics or scatological jokes!
In this world of cliques and lies we feel out of place!
Life should be a celebration not a cutthhroat greed race!
So search stores hard my friend and maybe you'll find these elusive
Pennsylvanians who play hardcore grind!
We are here, "where's the beer?" "I could smoke some buds!"
Congregate! Communicate! Be mellow and have fun!!!
Won't someone tell me...WHERE'S EXIT 13???
For you the listener band goals I'll outline, to develop our sound
and to inspire minds...
To critize the stupidity of humanity at hand, and to make an honest
living without this movement called scene!
Scrutinize your objectives, don't let idols lead!
Activate common sense to negate your oppression!
Don't let your persona become your obsession!!!!
Won't someone help me...WHERE'S EXIT 13???
12. Ecotopian Visions
Ecotopian visions fused with environmental education.
Natural harmony achieved through caring habitation!
Ecotopian visions fused with environmental education.
Natural harmony achieved through caring habitation!
Cognitive cerebral conceptions of nirvana,
Harmonious existance with all flora and fauna,
Human inperfections have all been surpassed,
Over the earth peace exists at last!
But how can we achieve this vision.
When most societies and nature meet in collision?
The know how and concern are before our eyes..
Commitment to the goal will help it become realized!!!
Ecotopian visions fused with environmental education.
Natural harmony achieved through caring habitation!
Ecotopian visions fused with environmental education.
Natural harmony achieved through caring habitation
13. Constant Persistence of Annoyance
Your words should be solidified and sold as manure!
Your life is like a crippling illness, and for it there's no cure!
Your attitudes are like disco dancing - silly and outdated!
Your ego is like a helium balloon that's incredibly overinflated!
Sometimes I ponder your existence, and hope for the day that you do
something right!
You commit the felony of staying alive! Emitting stupidity is your life!!!!
Your brain is on the same level as a small bucket of dirt!
Your intelligence is like a blow to the scrotum - it fucking hurts!!
The open-mindedness you claim to possess is totally nonexistent!
But the way you succeed in annoying the world is constant and persistent!!
14. Inbreeding Populations
Society of fools abducted by
The latest trends and pathetic lies
Engulfed in the plastic of their peers
Being an individual is their greatest fear
Inbreeding Populations
Lobotomized Mutations
Similarity Fixation
Typical of this Entire Nation!
Society of fools with no intellect
Their inbreeding offspring will surely infect
The contents of their minds isn't worth a dime
An existence this stupid should be a crime!!!
15. Self-Misunderstood Cerebral Masturbation
We're always depressed because this world is a fucking mess.
Watching the oppressed be manipulated and regressed.
In Washington D.C. politicians sit and dwaddle away our time.
Scamming bucks and discrete fucks as innocent millions cry and die.
Corrupted government actions.
A power - mad faction.
Consciousless self - serving shifts.
They get high off of it!
We're always disturbed by George Bush's untrue words.
And from what I've observed the truth needs to be heard.
But it's too late, the "whimps' our leader, and Quayle is not far behind.
What's in store for the 21st century when we elect those without a mind?
16. The Funk Song
17. Get High On Life
18. Disemboweling Party
If I could gather all of the racists and sexists of this society,
I'd give them all an invitation to my disembowelling party!
No need for your ignorance or excuse for your thoughts
Your existence is fucking foul!!!
The hatred that you spew hinders race relations,
you deserve to be disemboweled!!!
19. Shattnerspackle
Hey Chris Dodge, here's 15 seconds of pure fucking noise!!!
20. Terminal Habitation
A myriad of literature aimed to educated,
Lack of much definitive progress surly frustrates,
The end of man is coming fast but few seem to care,
Understanding, but no way to change facilitates despair.
Terminal habitation.
Humanity deserved a punishment of gargantuan serverity.
Crimes against each committed out of greed, egoism, and triviality.
We are being, but few of us can be called truly human,
Humanity will overpopulate until the earth is ruined!
Terminal habitation.
Am I just fanatical to be in love with nature?
And invalid in judging man with nausea and hatred?
Inauthentic zombies caught up in trivial lies,
Egotistic habitation that causes earth to die.
Terminal habitation.
21. Fingernails
22. Conclusions On Various Religious
23. Political Dismay
24. Impaled
25. Disemboweling Party
If I could gather all of the racists and sexists of this society,
I'd give them all an invitation to my disembowelling party!
No need for your ignorance or excuse for your thoughts
Your existence is fucking foul!!!
The hatred that you spew hinders race relations,
you deserve to be disemboweled!!!