
"In the Name of Gore" (1996 Split)
1. Delicious Gory Fun 2. Pus Filled Carcass 3. Overflow 4. Bathing in Mucus and Bile 5. Tasty Hemorrhoidal Tissue 6. Brutally Mauled Human Remains 7. Succulent Torso Crescendo 8. It Burns... And It Just Plain Smells Bad 9. Are You Pornophoric? 10. Demented Surgical Incest 11. Artificial Masturbation 12. Licking Mental Patients' Cum Off the Sheets 13. Curse the Gods (Destruction cover) 14. Horrendous Member Dismemberment 15. Septicemia (Festering Sphinctral Malignancy, Part 2) 16. Masochistic Copramania 17. Necrovores: Decomposing the Inanimate 18. Disinterred, Digested, and Debauched 19. Bone Fucker 20. The Naked and the Dead 21. Necro-Transvestite 22. Torso 23. Dissecting the Caseated Omentum 24. Death Metal (Possessed cover)
1. Delicious Gory Fun
2. Pus Filled Carcass
3. Overflow
4. Bathing in Mucus and Bile
5. Tasty Hemorrhoidal Tissue
6. Brutally Mauled Human Remains
7. Succulent Torso Crescendo
8. It Burns... And It Just Plain Smells Bad
9. Are You Pornophoric?
10. Demented Surgical Incest
11. Artificial Masturbation
12. Licking Mental Patients' Cum Off the Sheets
13. Curse the Gods (Destruction cover)
14. Horrendous Member Dismemberment
Nailing the dismembered member to the table, Hammer gleaming in my sweatsoaked palm, First excruciating blow to the scrotum is struck, Hammering mygenitals into a bloody pulp... Agonizing self castration, This hammer my toolof self-emasculation... Disfigured bludgeoned stump... Relentlessly smashingmy own copulatory organ, Savagely striking the pulverized mess, Testiclescrushed beyond recognition, Punctured, pulped, and pounded, Gouging out thepulsating gonads, The scrotal sac is lacerated and split, As the urethra isviolently macerated, My prepuce is now flayed to bits... Collapsing of thecorpus cavernosum, Completely liquefying the testis and scrotum...Experimenting with penile malleation, The excruciating pain causes urinalvesation... Disfigured bludgeoned stump... The seminiferous tubules aresplayed, Rendering the organ sterile, Severing of the epidydimis, A vasectomyso vile...
15. Septicemia (Festering Sphinctral Malignancy, Part 2)
Suffering intolerably from bladder irritability, Emitting septic belches,pungent septic funk, Unable to function because of bowel flaccidity,Interruption of rectal reflex, a constipated gut... Fecal inspissation inspirecolonic impaction, Decaying the discharge, ulcerative colitis, Bodily wasteaccumulates from abdominal distention, Perforation of tissue,diverticulitis... Indigested splatter, Regurgitated bolus overflows in yourmaw, Atonic bladder, The state of the kidneys is now piss poor...Gastro-abdominal nausea increases with the compression of flatus, Ankylosingspondylitis renders locomotion an impossibility, Prolapsing of the sphincterfollowing violent tenesmus, Bile and chyme seep through ulcers into theperitoneal cavity... Microbes dine on enterolithic crust, Intestines bloatedfrom bacterial infection, Crepitated bowels move in disgust, Escherichia colimount an insurrection (repeat)... Congenital mega colon halts manualdisimpaction, Suppositories run over the sealed orifice, Laxativesperpetuate the swelling of the abdomen, The catheter cannot penetrate analagenisis... The cardiovascular system is infected through osmosis, Overwhelmedby pathogens and bacteria so rank, Mephitic claret causes equilibrial stasis,The product; a human septic tank...
16. Masochistic Copramania
The sterilized scalpel glistens in the light, Plasma issues forth as itplunges into my skin, Slicing the meat, I gleefully smile, Covering my bodywith carefully made incisions... The epidermis snaps back to make way for agaping hole, Osseous tissue revealed as sanguinary fluid flows, My stomachpainfully contracts as I regurgitate, Glazing my exposed dermis with acidicvomitate... Defecation in hand, Clutching moist feces, Stuffing the shit, Inmy freshly made slits... Splashing about, basted in blood, Avulsed flesh dripsfrom my lacerations, My fetish is fed, to skillfully rend, Sublime pain,masochistic satisfaction... Blood drenched stool lines my wounds, The odor ofdecaying discharge looms, The fecalith acts as my suture, My cuts erupt ingangrenous sores..
17. Necrovores: Decomposing the Inanimate
Laid down amongst several thousand tabanid brethren, Wriggling free from apost-natal prison, Incubated in the spume of composting meat, Blindly insearch of a necro-pyomorphic feast, Burrowing through layers of necrotictissue, Pulpous flesh and muscle sinew, Re-ingesting the digested chyme,Frolicking in a playground of post-mortem slime... Writhing larvae are gorgedon the lukewarm grey matter, Overwrought with parasites, a rancid head ofsplatter... Cranial atrophy is abetted by gnathostomiasis, As gamesome grubstake to tumbling down sulcus... Dipterous infants, White and limbless, Nursedon carcass, A pale existence... Relentless quarrying results in anastomosis,Actuating the event of enteroptosis, Through the extirpation of sustenacula,The thoughtless act of a juvenile brachycera, The corpse, subjected tocutaneous larva migrans, Provides temporary dwelling for the pupating clan,Then, following the harvest of the rancid lysate, The toddlers lie dormant inorder to transmutate... Subsisting solely as a parasitic anathema, Thesemaggots, the babes of the Musca domestica...
18. Disinterred, Digested, and Debauched
I unearth the decomposing corpse, Splintering the musty casket, Seething withexcitement, I lay bare the dusty tomb... The pungent aroma of putrescence,Penetrates my nasal passage, Revealing the naked body, To play host to mymorbid whims... An expeditious dissection of the degenerate anatomy, Willhasten the deconstruction of the thoracic cavity, Caseated viscera, abdominalenema, The cadaveric paste inspires a moment of levity... I sip the succulentsuccus, I nibble the nauseating noma, Gorging myself on the gore, Anappetance to truly abhor... Sodomized by an ingot, Shifting through the shitclots, Pelvic fractuing is wrought... The image of the grumous vagina, Anamorous sight that makes my erection grow thick, Penetrating the dried meatus,The crepitated cunt collapses on my dick...
19. Bone Fucker
The mouldy earth crumbles under my pick-axe, The hardened turf gives up itsmorbid harvest, Cracking the earthen crypt with my rusted spade, Disinterrmentof the pieces from where they lay to rest... The arduous task reveals myunhealthy reward, A long dead stiff is the fruit of my labours, Fracturing thebrittle wooden coffin, To reveal the skeletonized remains that I savour... Thehorrendous stench only serves , To heighten my anticipation, Rotted prizesbring with them , The prospect of gratification... Fellating the femur as myanus quivers anxiously, I tongue the mandibles as I work myself into a frenzy,My sphincter twitching uncontrollably in expectation, With a firm grip on thefibula I commence my anal penetration... My buttocks clenched tightly aroundthe bone, A wave of sensual pleasure washes over me as I groan, Again an againI fill myself, squirming in ecstacy, My prostate is tormented by thesplintered bones abrupt entry... This tortured anus is stretched by theentry of the tibia, I grimace in an amalgam of pleasure and pain, My fetishfor osseus necro-perversion I lustily pursue, My erection engorged with bloodas my anus is strained... My crudely fashioned ossified dildo, An instrumentof supreme titilation, Bizarre necro-sodomy my only end, And I pursue it withfervent dedication... I gnaw on chalky metatarsals, Grinding my anus on themusty bones, Me penis lodged in the rib cage, In this grave, I climax alone...
20. The Naked and the Dead
21. Necro-Transvestite
Brutally raped and hacked, Vagina torn ripped in half , Slash and rend,mutilate, Garrote the bitch, decapitate, Face ripped off, disfigurement,Bodily dismemberment, Guts are spilled, violent death, Mangled cunt tomolest... Left embracing the carcass I discover my fomentment, As Iunconsciously rub up against her gory habiliment, The muliebral texture ofthe soused and silken garment, The one and only way to find sexualcontentment... Suffering from mammary and vaginal envy, I fasten around mychest the brassiere of the deceased, Excising the breasts with painstakingprecision, I pad my bra with a pair of decomposing falsies... Hastily undressthe corpse, Peel off clothing, quite a chore, Clutching her bousterrie,Caressing bloody lingerie, Grasping for ensanguined garb, My erection isgrowing hard, Buttoning the imbrued dress, Feminine attire, a bloody mess...As I adorn myself in my victims blood-stained apparel, My perverse urges arefulfilled with overwhelming delight, I ejaculate as I slip into her urinesoaked panties, My carnal desire that of a necro-transvestite... Encrusted,runny stockings, finery for a fiend... Donning ghastly vestments,necro-splattered closet queen...
22. Torso
Blood is spilled, bones are cracked, Fettered limbs are cruelly hacked,Relentless brutal maniac, Violent death, gore attack... Torso... Choke onguts, final breath, Now awaiting your morbid death, No more hope for life isleft, When I rip off your fucking head... Torso...
23. Dissecting the Caseated Omentum
Feverishly savouring my sordid, charnel chore, The rib cage and sternum Ifrenziedly bore, Skin flayed and stripped as your torso is wrecked, Agrotesquely wrenched cavity now lays bare to dissect... A granular amorphousmass is all that remains, Of the peritoneum which enshrouds the rottedstomach, Tubucular enlargements extend across the abdomen, The gnarled cheeselike clumps I now hack... Necrotic tissue converted to casein, Omental bursacaked and dried, My dissection kit now quite bedaubed, As I further sunderyour rotted insides... Blanketing the organs that once facilitated digestion,Transversing the dead bowels like an apron over the intestine... A driedcrepitated mound of viscera, Innards desiccated during caseation, I gouge andexcoriate my way through the guts, Now ripped and mangled duringdesecration... The disfigured gut now totally wasted, I regard the disinterredstiff with a smirk, Decomposed, dissected and dismembered, I resplendentlyadmire my handiwork...
24. Death Metal (Possessed cover)
[Originally by Possessed][Music - MT Lyrics - JB]Arise from the deadAttack from the graveThe killing won't stop 'til first lightWe'll bring you to hellBecause we want to enslaveYour soul will be frozen with frightWe'll break through the crustLeave from our cryptsProtected by eternal lifeLay down the lawsFrom our satanic scriptsBringing you nothing but strifeDeath MetalDeath MetalRuling your citiesControlling your townsEntrapped in your worst nightmarePiercing your earsWith a horrible soundCasting my elusive stareLucifer laughsHis needs are fulfilledThe flames are now burning hotBodies are burningThe people are killedTorture the reason we foughtDeath MetalDeath MetalKill them pigs[Solo: Mike]Now we take overAnd rule by Death MetalEnjoy our long-waited reignBlood's what we wantAnd we won't settleUntil we drive you insaneAttacking the young,Killing the oldBleeding with every heartbeatDarkness has fallenAnd your soul is soldClaws will dig into your meatWhen the sun doesn't riseAnd the day is like nightKnow that your life is at its endRendered helplessSo scream out in frightDeath Metal came in the windDeath MetalDeath Metal[Solo: Mike]