
"Horrific Expulsions of Gore" (1994 Demo)
1. Radiator Bitch 2. Excoriated, Emasculated, and Dead 3. Quagmire of Flesh 4. Puke of the Dead 5. Carneous Corneal Carbonization 6. Vagitarian
1. Radiator Bitch
(musick - Matt Harvey, Matt Widener, Col Jones; lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, Matt Widener, 1994)
Moistened underage cunt, Filthy chained up slut, Beaten and bound to this fumming machine, Scalded flesh excoriated and cut... Bludgeoned features contort in pain as a mallet strikes you dumb, Malleated mammary glands, discolored and bruised to a purple hue, The sulphuric stench of evaporating urine scalds your nostrils, Spatteres with amber rivulets of liquid excrement... Subjugation of genitalia, Taut, bleeding buttocks are pulverized, Vainly you strain in tremendous pain, As your anus is vulgarly sodomized... Face smashed into my excrement, Vagina torn by my fist, Maually administering coitus, My helpless radiator bitch... Brutally raped and crippled, Chained up and degraded, Covered in blood and excrement, Reduced to less than a human urinal... Your broken fettered body, crumpled on the smoldering contraption, Bloodshot sunken eyes behold my sanguinary sardonic satisfaction, Shattered manible feebly shifts your broken teeth and the dung in your maw, Steaming skin smouldering odiously as purulent blisters bleed red raw... Your limp labia hangs uselessly, stretched beyond their limitations, Left in a pitiable state of abject and sexual dehuminization...
2. Excoriated, Emasculated, and Dead
(musick - Matt Harvey; lyrixxx - Derrel Houdashelt, Matt Harvey, 1994)
Excoriated by fingers clawing, Back is shorn and cut to ribbons, Tearing chunks out of your scalp, Puncturing your eyesockets... Drenched in blood your flesh I rend, Every injury my ecstacy, Crushing your ruptured testicles, In an emasculatory frenzy... Carving into, Muscle tissue, Crimson fondue... Feasting on the mangled bloody pulp, Writhing in ecstacy as I masticate... Severing the penis, a useless bloody stump, Your thorax torn asunder, death has come... Slicing your abdomen, Oozing guts through your skin, Hacking at your carcass, A festering abcess... Dickless corpse now remains, Chewing on your fucking brain, Skin torn and ripped to shreds, Totally and utterly dead..
3. Quagmire of Flesh
(musick - Matt Harvey, Derrel Houdashelt, Col Jones; lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1994)
Disembowelled, disarticulated, and disassembled, A feotid jumble of disorganized entrails, The obscure carnal junk heap, A hodge podge of macerated human meat, The remains of the violently expired, A sanguineous quagmire, The remains so perplexingly enmeshed, Into this corrupted quagmire of flesh... Dismantled thoracic contents, Splattered with reckless abandon, Cadavers noisome and rotten, Haphazardly heaped at random... Autodigestion renders cadavers indistinguishable, Acrid putrefaction, the odor totally unbearable, The discarded intestines intertwined, An intermingling to boggle the mind... Of the morbidly inclined... Mixture of fluids and chemicals, An indecipherable concoction, Intolerably molodorous and caustic, This potion of unnatural composition,... Cadaveric mish-mosh, A rotten sickening goulash, Unknowable human mess, A corrupted quagmire of flesh... Which is which I couldn't hope to guess... Unidentifiable mutilation, Unintelligible detructation, Incongruous mortal carnage, Putrefacted heap of garbage...
4. Puke of the Dead
(musick & lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1994)
Reeking putrid crypt, Decomposing vomit, Gore encrusted casket, Repulsive reeking grave... Regurgitated dead, Zombified and vomited, Splattered in the morgue, Disgorged human remains... Sputtering gore from decomposed mouths, Dribbling necro-vomit, Grotesquely noisome, the overwhelming stench, Horrific gore expulsion, Spattering the mausoleum walls with chyme, The spew of cadavers, Repulsive pungent phlegm, The puke of the dead...
5. Carneous Corneal Carbonization
(musick - Matt Harvey, Derrel Houdashelt, Col Jones; lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1994)
Infernal eyesockets smoulder, As liquefacted eyeballs ooze, Scalded optical nerves, Blackened, blinded, and burnt... Melting flesh covers unseeing eyes, Repulsively deforming the charred face... Pupils and irises engulfed and incinerated, The cornea cauterized and sickly immolated, A waxen mangled visage is all that remains, Blistered and molten, your carbonized brain... Charbroiled to embers, Your face now crumbles and cracks, A disgusting heap of cinders, Boiled to a crispy shade of black... The ashes, embers, and grout, Leave you looking somewhat burnt-out...
6. Vagitarian
(musick - Matt Harvey , Derrel Houdashelt, Matt Widener; lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1994)
Beholding the kaliedescopic hue of your decomposing hymen I salivate, Entranced by the effervescing effluvium of the rotted vagina, Carefully excising the fragantly fermented labia I shall masticate, Savoring the pungent aromatic whiff, my quivering lips wet with saliva... Nibbling the avulsed petals of the flower of womanhood so delicate, My slavering palate overwhelmed by the feotid flavor, Marinating chunks of vaginal skin in feminine hygine creams so elegant, This culinary clitoral carving is a decidedlt putrid endeavor... The shriveled copulatory organ, Falls prey to my culinary whims, Sliced, diced, and mangled, painstakingly garnished and trimmed... Dried and festered, salted to taste, A douche bag helps clean out the clots, A napkin will insure that none goes to waste, As I heartliy devour the rot... Vagitarian - a morbid mortified meal, Vagitarian - gorging myself with psychopathic zeal, Vagitarian - a rancid repast so horrific, Vagitarian - with a pinch of salt it's terrific... Gnashing the clitoris with inconceivable delight, The dried vaginal potrusion I adore, The most culinary form of cunnigulus, A strict diet of vaginal gore...