
"Goregasm" (1992)
1. Perverse Innard Infestation 2. Excreting Innards 3. Ziploc Bodybag 4. Goregasm 5. Coital Mutilation 6. Oozing Rectal Feast 7. Splurgee 8. Pyathrotic Discorporation 9. Caseating Decomposition 10. Embryonic Regordation 11. Ben's Song 12. Festering Sphinctral Malignancy 13. Cadaveric Splatter Platter
1. Perverse Innard Infestation
(musick - Matt Harvey; lyrixxx - Col Jones, 1992)
Gurgling oblique aponeurosis is split, As I infect your festering hypogastric slit, Forced to play host to neurotrophic grime, I skillfully plague your insides with pathogenic slime... Ruptured gastro-duodenal flexure erupts, Saponifying moist retroperineal fats, Sporozic fungi, virulent bacteria, And parasitic microorganisms I sadistically inject... Impreganted and bloated with my industrial pathogens, Of lumbosacral obliteration, Your degenerative oesalphageal, Melts from the suppuration... Ruptured gastro-duodenal flexure erupts, Saponifying moist retroperineal fats, Sporozic fungi, virulent bacteria, And parasitic microorganisms I sadistically inject...
2. Excreting Innards
(musick - Matt Harvey, Derrel Houdashelt; lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1992)
Gnawing the stools, I masticate with fervor, Enthusiastically I ingest the discharge of your gaping anus, Anal disgorgement of steaming bits of meat... Each smelly mouthful I devour, Your rectum is now going sour... I divulge the latent feast of your colon, As my drill gouges an avenue of ano-obliteration... Steaming fecal morsels expelled, Chunks of watery bloodied stool, Your salivating sphincter is throbbing, As I begin to heartily drool... Shredded chunks of your buttocks, Your gaping anus is ground and mulched, As you are made to excrete your innards, Your pulsating sphincter emits a septic belch... Sanguineous anal discharge... Loosened bowel segments, Your colon hemorraghing in fecal fistula, This disemboweling enema, Turns your anus inside-out..
3. Ziploc Bodybag
(musick & lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1991)
Mangled body lies wasted, Decaying on a mortuary slab, Ulcerative heap of carnage, Preserved in a plastic bag, Cavities are opened, Innards dislocated, Gastric fluid gurgles... Cavities are opened, Innards dislocated, Gastric fluid gurgles, As your entrails are masticated, Vile evisceration, Discarded in a box, Liquefacted autopsy, I ladle the cadaverous slop... Peeling the perforated skin, Scour the malignant scabs, I collect the putrid offal, In a ziploc body-bag...
4. Goregasm
musick & lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1992)
Your scrotum pustulates, as papules seep and weep and reek, Pyosified testicles, now covered with boils and sores and scabs, Your crotch leaking sanguined pus, ulcerous lesions erupt and ooze stale serum, Penile pustule extrusion, your loins a mass of carbuncles... Excoriate your genitals, gouge and maim, Hack at the penis, slash and rend, Emasculated and torn, dismembered and cut, Your groin mangled as you orgasm, thrashing as you come... Scrotal sac leaking as arousement is peaking, Your loins devoured, your genitals scoured, Sores erupt from the lacerated stump, Genitals now sludge as you ejaculate pus...
5. Coital Mutilation
(musick - Matt Harvey; lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, Jake Giardina, 1992)
Disarticulated, dismembered, and shred, Useless pile of squirming meat, Smeared bodily secretions gleaming, As I caress the sickening flesh... Cadaveric penetration, Intestinal fornication, Masturbating on your innards, Probing your orifices... Throbbing, I masturbate, Drooling I ejaculate... Macerated intestines, Disgusting, seeping, and torn, Semen splattered evisceration, Necro-erotic stimulation... Abdominal cavity, Flayed and hacked, Eviscerated cadaver, Decapitated and skinned... Throbbing, I masturbate, Drooling I ejaculate...
6. Oozing Rectal Feast
(musick & lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1991)
Purulent hemorrhoidal inflammation, Irritating rectal rash, I scrape out the crepitating cavity, To scour out the festering gash... Caked on pus and dribbling cess, Extracted with care and precision, Removing stagnant grime and watery chyme, I tear out lacerating incisions... Gaping septic sores, Draining ulcerous gore, Pyorrheic waste, Your rectal fluid I taste... Grate the mess, Drink the cess, Lick the rash, Your hemmorrhoids I gnash... Scraped and hacked, Crepitated and cracked, Encrusted and raw, Your sphincter I gnaw...
7. Splurgee
8. Pyathrotic Discorporation
(musick & lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1991)
Purulent hemorrhoidal inflammation, Irritating rectal rash, I scrape out the crepitating cavity, To scour out the festering gash... Caked on pus and dribbling cess, Extracted with care and precision, Removing stagnant grime and watery chyme, I tear out lacerating incisions... Gaping septic sores, Draining ulcerous gore, Pyorrheic waste, Your rectal fluid I taste... Grate the mess, Drink the cess, Lick the rash, Your hemmorrhoids I gnash... Scraped and hacked, Crepitated and cracked, Encrusted and raw, Your sphincter I gnaw...
9. Caseating Decomposition
(musick - Matt Harvey, Ben Marrs; lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1991)
Splattered tumours reek, Guts turn to cheese, Dry festered entrails, Withered caseating carnage... Mouldy septic boils are munched, Suppurating gore is devoured... Mashed, ground, and bleeding, Pyosisified, torn, and seeping, I lick your rupturing carbuncles, And taste your pyorrheic scabs... A festering disemboweled torso remains, As I gleefully munch on your decomposed brains, Your genitals I hack and mangle... I crudely tear open your body cavity, Ruptured organs splatter chyme, I gorge myself on your rashes, And feast on the sticky rectal grime...
10. Embryonic Regordation
(musick - Matt Harvey, Col Jones; Matt Harvey, Jake Giardina, 1991)
Spasmodic convulsions, gut wrenchng pain, Contracting digestive tract, bowels collapse, Solidified mass of infectious embryonic vomit... As lochial fluids spew from your mouth, Festering fetus expelled, Oral caesarean section, Your jaw alvulsed violently, A drastic birth canal redirection, Aborted regurgitation flays your gums... As you gag on the ubilical cord, Rupture esophagous floundering, In your pulverized torso's shattered gourd, Your face ripped open as you choke on... The blooded pulp of the disgorged infant, Eyeballs ejected, skin torn to shreds, Natal fluids erupt from your eyesockets, Festering cervix explodes in your face... As you gag on the newborn you're forced to taste, Drooling the pulpy necro-natal cess, Slobbering the contents of your abdominal abscess, Terminal labor pains, Fallopian tubes explode, Involuntary abortive deceasement, As you watch yourself decompose...
11. Ben's Song
12. Festering Sphinctral Malignancy
(musick - Matt Harvey, Derrel Houdashelt; lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1992)
Lesions of your large intestines, adenocarcinomac sores, Ulcerative malignant colitis, rectal tumors feed, Polyopsis of the colon, sanguineous rectal infection, Prolapsing through your anus, tumors mestatsise... Constricting intestines, mucusy, bleeding, and raw, Discolored carcinoid growths, ruptured sores seep... Boils and rashes, Cancerous infection, Pestilent innards are enemized, Dribbling fecal mess... Transanal coagulation, rectal tract removed, Anastomized intestines, abdomino-perineal resection...
13. Cadaveric Splatter Platter