
"Cadaveric Splatter Platter" (1993 Demo)
1. Interlude: A Disgorged Dirge of Dire Detrunctation 2. The Pallor of Unliving Flesh 3. Sickening Colotomic Surgery 4. In the Throes of Ecstasy 5. Bleeding Heap of Menstrual Carnage
1. Interlude: A Disgorged Dirge of Dire Detrunctation
2. The Pallor of Unliving Flesh
Ghastly mortified flesh
Pale, motionless, and cold
The lifeless visage ashen
Unseeing eyes stare dead...
Unanimated corpse
So pale and oderous
So sickeningly beautiful
The placid limp body...
A nauseating hue, the shade of embers
The lovelier to carve and dismember
The allure of the rotting stench
Coupled with the pallor of unliving flesh...
The beauty so pristine
The genitals a livid green...
The hue of putrid limbs
A hobby so morbidly grim...
My adoration of the dead
A sickly pastime it's been said
None can know my orgasmic pleasure
As I dismember at my leisure
Unliving flesh
3. Sickening Colotomic Surgery
4. In the Throes of Ecstasy
Piercing the gossamer skin
Carving and caressing warm flesh
Rivulets of crimson dribbling
As your moaning fills the air...
Undulating in the ecstacy of excruciation
Your lacerated breasts heaving
Hardened, blood drenched nipples
Kissing your ensanguined flesh
The perfume of your intoxicating blood...
I slowly part your lips
And taste your nectar
Biting the nub of your clitoris
As my fingers probe your anus...
Your moist vagina is bleeding
I drink deeply as you whimper
Gnashing and tearing your labia
Your bleeding clit is glistening and sticky...
My mouth on warm bleeding flesh
Teeth ripping through the aerola
Masticating the avulsed nipple
As your moans become hoarse screaming...
Bleeding and raw, orgasm ensues
Spastically convulsing as I slash your ghastly flesh
Tremendous hemorrhaging, pleading for more
Your stomach is split, your mangled breasts now stumps...
Semen, sanguine, urine, orgasm...
You climax in a pool of blood
Trembling in the final throes of ultimate rapture...
5. Bleeding Heap of Menstrual Carnage
Ensanguined flesh rips from your gaping slit
Urine flows as your bladder is split
Fallopian tubes are ruptured and shred
As vaginal convulsions cave in your child's head...
Spasmatic thrashing
Cerebral splatter flows from your hole
Fribulating striations
Muscular contractions you cannot control...
The fetal skull is brutally crushed
Hideously distorting the face
The carcass of your unborn child
Expelled as vaginal waste...
Limbs are torn and dislocated
Its body grotesquely deformed
Bleeding heap of menstrual carnage
Gagging on the umbilical cord...
Spasmatic thrashing
Cerebral splatter flows from your hole
Fribulating striations
Muscular contractions you cannot control...
The fetal skull is brutally crushed
Hideously distorting the face
The carcass of your unborn child
Expelled as vaginal waste...