
"Ordo Bestiae" (2005)
1. Jætteblod 2. Yggs Høge 3. Acheron's Call/Back to Hell 4. I Was The Demon 5. The Beast is Come 6. Mørkesang 7. Black 8. Til En Gud
1. Jætteblod
en aften under natskyggen
i fuldmånens skær
jeg udgyder det blod
som flyder i mine årer
der findes intet ly for stormen
den dødbringende storm
som flænser de dømtes kød
der findes intet ly
i nat vokser djævlens horde
i mine årer jætteblod
i nat vokser djævlens horde
i mine årer jætteblodblod
under månen
under månen igen
i nat vokser djævlens horde
i mine årer jætteblod
i nat vokser djævlens horde
i mine årer jætteblod
der findes intet ly for stormen
den dødbringende storm
som flænser de dømtes kød
der findes intet ly
ind i mørket igen
under månen igen
ind i natten igen
ind i mørket
en aften under natskyggen
i fuldmånens skær
jeg udgyder det blod
som flyder i mine årer
blod under månen
under månen igen
ind i natten igen
ind i mørket
2. Yggs Høge
yggs høge
flår de faldnes kød
plukker øjnene fra deres huler
yggs høge
øjne som aldrig mere skal se
flå min krop, i ravne
i kødet lever kun død
lad blodet drænes
under natskyggen
ned i den mørke muld
ned i det mægtige mørke
det evige mørke
her findes intet lys
her findes ingen smerte
her findes intet liv
høge flå mit hjerte
kolde døde hjerte
blinde døde øjne
høge hent min sjæl
her findes intet lys
her findes intet liv
kun smerte
høge hent min sjæl
min sjæl
høge hent min sjæl
høge flå mit hjerte
kolde døde hjerte
blinde døde øjne
høge hent min sjæl
høge hent min sjæl
høge hent min sjæl
høge hent min sjæl
høge hent min sjæl
3. Acheron's Call/Back to Hell
By the ruins below
where the blood of the damned
washes the blackened shore
by the river that runs deep below
feel the hate in their eyes
as you reach the shore
as you're taken below
where the ruins soon will show
by this river now swear
by this blood that we share
by the ruins below
now heed the call
of the one that has summoned you
through the blight of the light
and know that your search is now at an end
and the dark and the pain
welcomes you here again
i see a blackened sun rise above
is it time is this murder now at hand
make us - make us the swords that slay
make them make them the bones that break
now take me below
where a light never shone
by this river i swear
by this blood that we share
see the shadows rise above
as they call we are given our fate
by this river now swear
by this blood that we share
by the ruins below
by the ruins below
by the ruins - that rise!
by the ruinsand back again
by the ruinsand back to hell
4. I Was The Demon
i belong to this earth
with its might and splendor
i belong to this place
with its pain and ruin
i was the one to bring
all the pain that you could need
i was the one to lay to waste
all the hope that you could feel
i was the winds of hell
that would blow you to your knees
i was the demon
i was the storm
i belong to this hell
with its blood and hatred
i belong in this heart
to bring your ruin
i belong to this life
to share death with it
this heart is for despair
this life is to regret
your desire will be
the will to end it all
this hell
you will soon feel at home here too
torture and death
this is what you get
i brought you to your knees
i was the demon
punishment and pain
all that shall remain
there is no escape
embrace the demon
i was the one to bring
all the pain that you could need
i was the one to lay to waste
all the hope that you could feel
i was the winds of hellt
hat would blow you to your knees
i was the demon
i was the storm
hell is in this wind
this is all you need
when you feel its bite
you'll see the demon
punishment and pain
all that shall remain
there is no escape
embrace the demon
5. The Beast is Come
On earth as in hell
the beast is here
you get to like it here in hell
the beast is come for you
the beast is come..
the beast is come..
come for you
follows the beast
always to be
on earth as in
death in his wake
feeling the heat
now the beast is here
ever forfeit
this is no trick
you get to like it here in
now in his grip
takes you by force
the beast is come for you
the beast is come..
the beast is come..
come for you
when you see him come
you won't see him come
when the beast is come
come for you
when you see me come
you won't see me come
when the beast is come
come for you
when the beast is near
when you feel the fear
then you know he's come
come for you
come for you..
come for you..
i've come for you
follows the beast
always to be
on earth as in
death in his wake
feeling the heat
now the beast is here
ever forfeit
this is no trick
you get to like it here in
now in his grip
takes you by force
the beast is come for you
the beast is come..
the beast is come..
i've come for you
when you feel my claws
running down your back
when you see your blood
running red
when you feel my claws
running down your back
when you see your blood
running red
when the beast is near
when you feel the fear
then you know he's come
come for you
for when the beast is here
your heart crushed by fear
on earth as in hell
where we all shall dwell
when you feel your life
draining on the floor
then you'll know he's come
come for you
when you feel your life
draining on the floor
then you'll know i've come
come for you
when the beast is near
when you feel the fear
then you know i've come
come for you
come for you..
come for you..
i've come for you
6. Mørkesang
I fuldmåne natten kan jeg lugte kristenblod
i nat skal der flyde kristenblod
i nat skal vi flænse kristent kød
i den sorte nat skal lysets sønner møde døden
de skal møde døden
lad ørnen riste på hans ryg
på duens ryg
lad gedens horn spidde hans krop
spidde lammets krop
om djævlen vil kan jeg lugte kristenblod
om djævlen vil skal der flyde kristenblod
om djævlen vil skal vi flænse kristent kød
om djævlen vil skal lysets sønner møde døden
vi synger djævlens hymne
vi synger nattens sang
vi bringer evigt mørke
over verdens lys
rød af blod skal sneen farves
rød af blod vort stål
hvid som sne skal de forbløde
hvide som blottede ben
vi er fuldmånens sønner
vi vandrer nattens veje
vi kender ej til nåde
vi kender kun død
vi hylder evigt mørke
formørkelsens trofaste børn
isnattens kolde ånde
har frosset vort blod til is
rød af blod skal sneen farves
rød af blod vort stål
hvid som sne skal de forbløde
hvide som blottede ben
vi synger djævlens hymne
vi synger nattens sang
vi bringer evigt mørke
over verdens lys
vi hylder evigt mørke
formørkelsens trofaste børn
isnattens kolde ånde
har frosset vort blod til is
vi er fuldmånens sønner
vi vandrer nattens veje
vi kender ej til nåde
rød af blod skal sneen farves
rød af blod vort stål
hvid som sne skal de forbløde
hvide som blottede ben
i nat har vi slukket kristent liv
i nat har vi drukket kristent blod
i nat har vi drukket kristent blod
7. Black
Claws of dragon
Black lion mane
Blood of ancient evil
Child of night
Full moon crown
Black chaos heart
Pools of darkness
Foresee doom
Tongue of serpent
Taste death
Black flames burn
Light up soul
Unclouded visions
Drown in pits
Black water coffin
Roaring black seas roll
Spawning black foetus
Living breathing blackness
Never ceasing evil
Pools of darkness
Foresee doom
Tongue of serpent
Taste death
8. Til En Gud
Snart skal mine hænder farves røde af dit blod
Klinger af stål skal berøve dig dit liv
Føl de rustne nagler som hamres i din krop
Din hud som flås af dit blege kød
Og sorte sjæle vil skygge for lyset
Og livets varme vil forsvinde
Du skal mærke mine fingre som strammer om din hals
Føle dit liv som langsomt svinder bort
Og blod vil regne fra himlen
Og nattens folk vil ej tørste mer
Vinterens is skal klemme om dit hjerte
Fryse dit sind og formørke din sjæl
Og solen vil vende sig bort
Og natten vil herske evigt
Og dødens kulde vil komme
Så kun mørket er tilbage