
"Visi" (2000)
1. Broken 2. To Change Horizons 3. I See 4. The Killing Fields 5. View from The Balcony 6. Visi 7. My Time is Eternity 8. Changing Horizons 9. If I Have To Die 10. I See (reprise)
1. Broken
these feelings i can't explain
months and even years of yearning
for the beauty that never come
each day i find only dying souls
i know we have to enjoy the life
yet i'm still complaining everything
ever seems like never... no more
colours translated as black in sight
overshadowed by uncertainity
when will it become calm again
storms of disillusion wreck my mind
pull me to the state of total chaos
i know we have to enjoy the life
yet i'm still complaining everything
where is my faith as i had in the past
i need to get it back right now
2. To Change Horizons
say a word, you must not lie
tell me what you want from us
is it not enough to leave us dry?
resources have been stripped down
this way behind... take a little time
to draw a line (between two extremes)
another step...? another chance...? another glance...?
there were things that we can't see
where certain facts went uncertain
creativity in stagnant, bound by anger and hate
systematic ambivalence
how can i ignore this
chaos and deconstruction
i'll fight to change horizons
this way ahead... take a little time
to think again
what should we do...? what should we act...?
completely blind...? no!!!
fighting...! keep fighting!
i still have a hope
declare a war, against all deceptions!
3. I See
Hiding yourself behind the shade of black
i can clearly see, you're alone
in sorrow, in despair
in confusion, so tired...
call my name
talk to me
i am here by your side
call my name
talk to me
i am here, your only hope
all efforts seemed to be fruitless
no enthusiasm, neither hope
thoughts of death knowcking on the head
i can clearly see, you're alone
in sorrow, in desperation
in extreme sadness, so tired...
call my name
talk to me
i am here by your side
call my name
talk to me
i am here, your only hope
life has never been fair to us
hold on to me
4. The Killing Fields
Find no disguise
as i can see like everything hits the ground
blatantly exposed
those killing fields have found their place in my neighbourhood
not easy to make friend with the blood and those violence
but here I have no more choice, pull me far onto the edge
these years of blood and tears
filled with thousand deaths around
by hope only we'll live
for tomorrow and not for today
now comes the storm
it is unclear that we exist to live or just to survive
before my eyes
a certain image of our civilization
these years of blood and tears
aiming our dreams to reality
by faith only we live
for better tomorrow, not today
5. View from The Balcony
Experience of pain, hope, and wonder
a second life had just been launched
7 days of the unforgettable moments
witness of silent questions
days and nights at the down-under
compel us to be close to you
between men and machines
there was a faith and hope there
somebody said "only god knows"
somebody said "i can handle it!!"
but who still stands to continue his work?
lord knows we are not perfect
from the balcony of the mount
i saw a peaceful park in fromt of me
As i stood over to look around
i knew we had passed one big struggle
blood flows through the veins
and brings the tars to some people
experience of spiritual struggle
and experience of silent answer
6. Visi
In the wake of all senses
we calculate the environment
thoughts interprete the data
the grand evaluation
you give us a presence of time
and wisdom to spend it but we waste it
history creates, the horrors timelines
full of tragedies
est-ce qu'ilest trop tard pour dire bonuit?
nous puvons entrer dans les moments oe dormit pas
tous les peur dans nos pensee
jamais faites nous un repose
quand l'amour deviens le mensonge
confusion remplace l'espoir pour demain
you give me a vision to forsee
and wisdom to interprete all the signs
it's hard to believe, it's hard to conceive
i'm part of industry
i'm part of ignorance
7. My Time is Eternity
In silence, an attempted contemplation
looking for the dimensions unkown
feeling trapped between past and future
between history and possibilities
so many questions brought out for living
is my fate destined or i can result im free will
yet life goes on and on and on and on
simply, the owner of all that be just says
my time is eternity...
someone's looking through us all in every moment
existence revealed, all deeds are recorded
yet life goes on and on and on and on
simply, the owner of all that be just says
my time is eternity...
8. Changing Horizons
9. If I Have To Die
Outside is the enemy
the world's raging up against me
his eyes stares into mine, he wants my life
he will be happy if he can persuade me
he will be happy, happy to watch me fall
many of us have faced
excruciating fragments of pain
tore from the troubles on our daily struggle
but i must be joyful to risk my own life
every tick of a second, i must ready to die
if i have to die
if you allow me to die
let me die in your hands...
…and take my fear away from me
if i have to die
if you allow me to die
let me die in your arms...
make me sure that i am not alone
in the darkness of nights
in the coldness of winters
make my eyes blind to see what's beyond
living in the faith to the one they believe is dead
though i can't see your face, i feel your embrace
if i have to die...
10. I See (reprise)