
"The Quality of Mankind" (1998)
1. Intro 2. Morality in Question 3. Absoluteness of Our Relativity State 4. Buried Conscience 5. The Quality of Mankind 6. Exiled to Nowhereland 7. Release This World of Hate
1. Intro
2. Morality in Question
Decades of developed degradation
all those irritating constitutional abuses
found around me and all around you
creating a role model of immorality
nonsense moral teachings would not help
means it could not be distributed
without certain actions, things are worthless
propaganda failed to be digested by reality
confidence deliberately overcharged
hiding the crap behind diplomatic defense
morality replaced by political purposes
mankind became unnatural, left its own image
doesn't matter in which stance we are at
doesn't matter how nice our appearances
without a moral control, pathetically useless
in the end, what we reap is what we sow
3. Absoluteness of Our Relativity State
From where the norms created
from where the rules legalized
from where the ideologies rose
from where the traditions came
statistical distribution, a normal curve
represents the characteristics of most people
what is normal or what's not depends on the relativity
each day the standards and ideals change (as people change)
homosexuality was not considered normal (in DSM III)
but then became a normal behavior (in DSM IV)
it opens the door of possibility which one day...
...mass-murders would be considered as normal phenomena
from where the norms created
from where the rules legalized
from where the ideologies rose
from where the traditions came
how bad it would be without a certain standard...
...that could not changed by the wheel of the time
our wills are (equally) corrupt, predispose for self destruction
we are lords of vanities, self worshipping god-players
in need of something absolute, in need of GOD
(note: DSM = 'Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders')
4. Buried Conscience
A man cried,
His wife and 2 daughters were killed during riots
"Why they murdered my family? What's my fault?"
Nobody could answer his questions
Picture of life
Painted by unending bitterness throughout history
Yet few people are still showing their kindness and morality
When others are just gone ignorant
Conscience is not dead yet
But severely buried to the depths
For decades we have learned how to bury
How to bury our own conscience
"Don't blame them for the pain you feel...
...they do not know what they do"
I know that sin is real
And it makes us too blind to see
Immanent knowledge was lost long ago
But it has been replaced by grace
That man won't suffer any longer
And so are we, homo ignarus (ignorant human)
5. The Quality of Mankind
6. Exiled to Nowhereland
Being hated is not what they dreamed
Being hated is not what they looked for
Being hated is not what they like
Being hated is not what they want
Being hated is now what they feel
Being hated is now what they get
Being hated is now what they have
Being hated is now what they are
Exiled to nowhereland... but the hatred still there
7. Release This World of Hate