
"Armageddon´s Birth" (1997 EP)
1. The Coming of Legion 2. The Autumn Burning 3. From The Ashes (She Rises) 4. In Parting Sorrow 5. Chanting
1. The Coming of Legion
Scornfull desire,Implant the seed.Glorious presence,Creates the deed.Victim of heaven,Your not so almighty.Captive of your weakness,No hope for survival.Reap what you sowDeath is all you gainReturn from down belowBelief in christ was insane.(Pre Chorus)Our numbers of the livingAnd the deceased surpassAll of your wildest dreamsNow you shall realizeThe future of manIn Legions hands!(Chorus)I am LegionWe are manyWe shall ruleDestroyer of christianityWorship that bastards bookFor it was written by manYou fail to listen or lookRun from your fears if you canHe shall ascend,To this Satans world.Corrupting mankind,You'll learn his word.Into Hell descends,His feeble Heaven.Dawn's ancient prophecy,The coming of Legion!They call me Legion For we are manyPraise lord SatanThe ruler of your earth!
2. The Autumn Burning
3. From The Ashes (She Rises)
Born of fire Angel of darkness ariseCreation of desire Heart of blackness searsOpposess holy fatherDaughter of SatanTemptress of theeCome and take meSuch beauty indeedMy evil queen She shall ariseLike a dark phoenixReturns from the ashesMay you grace this nightNone can stop your spellYou're beyond Death's reachA vision of glory and seductionFrom the ashes she rises to the earthNot even death can claim her soulBeware she is evil itselfI ride the wings of deathI laugh at deaths faceI escape from the graveTo rule over you all
4. In Parting Sorrow
I remember your wordsTo go forth and be strongI forgotten their liesAnd the walls between you and themMaybe the sky you'll ride Or the ocean you'll driftBut I know you will,Ride the winds this eveMay your spirit upsoarLet us not depart foreverBut be engaged to do battle To avenge your death fatherSo is "God's will" the fool claimed ....
5. Chanting