
"Mysterium" (2001)
1. The Nameless Eidolon 2. Mysterium 3. To The Abyss Unfathomable 4. Whispers From The Arcane World 5. Passing of The Elder Gods 6. Time
1. The Nameless Eidolon
Darkness devours me again
the whirling, black depth of abyssmal night
And he stands before me like a dreadful prophet
like some ancient Mysteriarch
O those eldritch eyes
they glow like sorcerous orbs
like fearful stars of unseen spheres
wise with the secrets of Time
I know he came for me
through the vast gateways of hell
passing from fearful, grey worlds
hidden deep in nightmare's well
The ravenous demons of time fed upon me
like vultures upon the flesh
O, cryptical phantasm let me drown
with the oblivious flow of non-existence
Come swiftly sublime spectre
reveal the endless voids that Night does hide
Spread thine empyreal wings
and lead me to the vast eternity of dark
2. Mysterium
How long have we sought after the forbidden gate
that opens into unknown spheres?
How long have we fathomed
the sky for the star-pinioned gods of Space?
Like phantoms of an ancient necropolis
we wander in the labyrinth of Life,
where reigns the dreadful Tyrant,
great Chimera of Time
What evil conjurer evoked us to this horrid world
to this waste realm of gloom?
What supreme, ravenous and insatiable will
rent us from our empyreal abode?
How could we defy the old seraphic ban
and re-enter the fabled gates of heavens?
3. To The Abyss Unfathomable
What luminous galaxies have been thy prey
O, all-consuming, restrainless Space?
What gyres of planets sunk in thy voidness absolute
O, indivisible infinity?
O, unrevealed Abyss,
whose deep sustains flaming, triumphant suns,
what further,distant worlds doth thee hide
in thy universe-ulterior vast?
O, direful chasm,
elder gods' necropolis,
what star-possessed realms
rest within thy depths?
4. Whispers From The Arcane World
Now as the Night takes form upon the face of sun
and new shadows appear upon the lone, phantasmagoric sky
a world, hidden and arcane, arise
from cryptical depths, hinderless and stark
One with night's perplexed mystery
unrevealed by the scyhted moon's light
phantoms of times remote gather
beneath the bizzare, livid sky
Behold this darkling realm
filled with mysteries of aeons bygone
Step inside the darkness that lays bare the secret spheres
of the dream-woven sisterworld
Beyond these phantasm-guarded gates
where gyving Time and Space are not
awaits a world ulterior, a realm unexplored
large as Infinity
Now as the Night takes form upon the face of sun
and new shadows appear upon the lone, phantasmagoric sky
a world, hidden and arcane, arise
from cryptical depths, hinderless and stark
Behold, this is a stranger earth,
a moonlight-drenched, enchanted land
a world wherein all the cares of life are forgot
a long-sought realm of wonder
5. Passing of The Elder Gods
Where have you gone,
O, old Gods of Earth
what far, planet-paven ways doth you walk?
Upon the marginless sky,
where once your chariots rolled
now a cruel and ravenous tyrant enthrones
Shall you come to us
in star-emblazoned dreams
mounted on silver-haired unicorns?
Shall you appear again
proud gods of old
in the blaze of sidereal multitude?
O, blinded fools of Jahve
behold the creation of your lord!
Earth is now but a rigid semblance
of a long-dead, once wondrous world,
a ruined pantheon of beauty,
a vast sepulchre of gloom
O, blinded fools of Jahve
behold the creation of your lord!
The Huntress rides no more ,
the Elder gods left this hoary planet
And remains not faith enough to bring them back-
Pan to his wood, Artemis to her moon
6. Time
Unfathomable Sea! whose waves are years,
Ocean of Time, whose waters of deep woe
Are brackish with the salt of human tears!
Thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flow
Claspest the limits of mortality!
And sick of prey, yet howling on for more,
Vomitest thy wrecks on its inhospitable shore;
Treacherous in calm, and terrible in storm,
Who shall put forth on thee,
Unfathomable Sea?