
"Thoughts On Living" (1999)
1. Bloody Rain 2. Devil's Child 3. Dance on Grave 4. The Ascencion 5. Voices of the Unborn 6. Thoughts on living 7. One last Wish 8. Desires of the Abandoned 9. Pictures from Paradise 10. Euthanasia
1. Bloody Rain
Nemohu d×l,
Kdo chce bØt smutnØm hrdinou
V umÊrajÊcÊ realitÉ?
PÙÊzraky v×lky
Ke mnÉ promlouvajÊ v bezesnØch nocÊch.
Kdo proklel tuto zemi?
Vstali jsme z mrtvØch,
Kdy· jsme bojovali za na i svobodu.
TeÌ jsme zaslepeni chamtivostÊ.
Nemohu d×l,
Kdy· vidÊm masy otrokÜ
ñekajÊcÊch na svÜj konec.
Jen pr×zdn× slova jsem kdysi sly el:
L÷SKA, SVOBODA a POCHOPENê. TeÌ je to k pl×Ñi.
PÙe el jsem tisÊce Ùek a trpitel byl mÜj pÙÊtel.
Na el jsem zaslÊbenou zemi, ale bojÊm se zÊtÙkÜ.
StojÊm v de ti,
Na poÑ×tku konce,
V krvavÓm de ti.
Netolerance, to je n× osud.
Nemohu cÊtit jen krvavØ dÓ ť.
Kde je bÜh a kde jsem j×?
[English lyrics]
I can't go on.
Who want to be sad hero
in dying reality?
The spectres of war
talking to me in dreamless nights.
Who damned this land?
We rose from the dead
when we fought for our freedom
now we are get blind with greed.
I can't go on.
When seeing the masses of slaves
Which waiting for their end.
Just empty words I heard at that time:
Love, freedom and understanding, it's for crying.
I crossed thousand rivers and sufferer was my friend.
I've found the Promises Land but I'm afraid of tomorrows.
I'm standing in the rain
on the dawn of the end
in the bloody rain.
Intolerance, it's our fate.
I can't feel only bloody rain.
Where God is and where I am?
2. Devil's Child
PoslovÓ smrti nikdy nehledajÊ upÙÊmnost,
Ale Ùeka Ñasu mÉ zn×, mou minulost.
Tak dlouho jsem hledal nÉjakØ dÜvod.
Ztratil jsem se ve svÉtÉ vylhanØch snÜ.
Ztratil jsi svÜj sladkØ domov,
Jsi Ì×blovo dÊtÉ. Jen tr×penÊ a bolest.
Tv× du e je uvÉznÉna ve vÉÑnÓm ohni strachu
A tv× krev se rozlÓv× z tvØch ·il.
Tak krut× nemoc pÙi la za tebou
Bez l×sky a citÜ.
PekelnØ je tvÜj ·ivot
a pÙedv×dÊ smrtelnØ boj.
Blesky hnÉvu v tvÓ hlavÉ.
Pr×zdnota a ·al, mohu to cÊtit ka·dØ den.
Chci zemÙÊt a ty to vÊ .
Jehlu a heroin, potÙebuji to, potÙebuji zemÙÊt.
Slepota dnÜ mÉ usp×v×, Ùekni mi proÑ?
Tvoje slunce je ÑernÓ a chladnÓ,
StÊny zakrØvajÊ jizvy.
NemÜ·e si nic zapamatovat,
euforie - pak tma.
Tohle je tvÜj konec.
Ztratil jsi svÜj sladkØ domov,
Jsi Ì×blovo dÊtÉ. Jen tr×penÊ a bolest.
Tv× du e je uvÉznÉna ve vÉÑnÓm ohni strachu
A tv× krev se rozlÓv× z tvØch ·il.
[English lyrics]
Envoys of the death, they're never looking for sincerity
but a river of time, she knows me, my past.
I had been looking for any reason for such a long time.
I have lost myself in the world of false dreams.
You've lost the sweetness of your home
you are a devil's child only suffering and pain.
Your soul is imprisoned in eternal fire of the fear
your blood is pouring from your veins.
Such a cruel illness came to you
without love and emotions.
Infernal is your life
and you're displaying an agony of death.
Thunders of wrath in your head.
An emptiness and sorrow, I can feel them every day
I want to die and you know that.
A needle and heroin, I need it, I need to die.
The blindness of the days is putting me into a sleep, tell me why?
Your sun is black and cold
shadows are hiding the scars.
You can't remember anything,
euphoria then dark.
This is you end.
You've lost the sweetness of your home
you are a devil's child only suffering and pain.
Your soul is imprisoned in eternal fire of the fear
your blood is pouring from your veins.
3. Dance on Grave
V pýedstavþch krou·ë, volnõ pþdy pýþnë zlûch.
V srdci zas´ jen marnost, v srdci jen stën.
U· sly ëm nê·nõ kroky v samotê ticha tanóëcë.
Tanec poslednë nade mnou zas´ znë.
U mõho hrobu - ticho je lõk.
Nemø·e za mnou, teí je tê nesmë , teí ne!
Klesal jsem dolu, jak obraz du e tvõ zranênõ.
Pro tebe, chtêl jsem zemýët, dþt nemoh´ jsem vëc.
Proó sly ëm nê·nõ kroky v zajetë ticha tanóëcë.
Tanec poslednë nade mnou zas´ znë.
Kdy· chlad pronikþ, pohaslþ têla jdou spþt, zanikþm.
Íþbelskû sen, kde s lþskou hledal jsem jen nþ stën.
Proó ode las´ nþm, teí jen ëlenstvë znþm, zøstal dûm.
Opu tênou, lþsku zatracenou, musel jsem mët.
Tanóë na mõm hrobê,
Proó jsi ztratila potýebnou vëru?
Stojë na mõ stranê,
Nikdo nesly ë tvøj tichû plþó.
Tanóë na mõm hrobê,
Proó jsi ztratila potýebnou vëru?
[English lyrics]
Free fallings of the desires of the evil are circling in my dreams
but vanity in the heart, just a shade in the heart.
I can hear tender steps dancing in the loneliness of the silence
last dance sounds above me again.
At my grave - now silence as a drug
you can't follow me, may not yet, not now!
I was sinking down like the picture of your hurt soul.
I wonna die for you, couldn't give more.
Why can I hear tender steps, dancing in captivity of silence
last dance sounds above me again.
When the cold goes through lightless bodies are going to sleep, I'm becoming extinct.
Evil's dreams, where I was looking with love for our shade.
Why did you leave, I know madness now, the smoke has remained.
Abandoned, damned love, I had to have.
Dancing on my grave, why did you lost a needful faith.
Standing an my side, nobody hearing your silent cry.
4. The Ascencion
5. Voices of the Unborn
Dêsivû kouý, krvavþ silnice.
Prokletõ vteýiny, vteýiny pro mrtvõ.
Poýþd je tê spë , ·ije pro svou nadêji
A jinë u· dojeli ke svûm býehøm.
K bohu, tvþýë tvþý, nemohou z tama uniknout.
Slzy nenarozenûch nióë tvøj bezesnû odpoóinek.
Tvoje oói, vidëm v nich jenom zranênõ touhy,
Silnû vëtr prohûbþ vêtve stromø a tvou mysl.
Kolem, v echno kolem zaóënþ ·ët,
Zachovþvþ si prþzdnou tvþý.
Pýedsudky a pýetvþýka, nejde zapomenout.
Hlasy nenarozenûch ve svõm nitru poslouchþ .
[English lyrics]
Scary smoke, bloody road
Damned seconds, seconds for the dead.
You're sleeping, yet living for your hope
While others have already reached their coasts...
From there they can't escape to God, face to face,
Tears of the unborn spoil your dreamless rest.
I can see only lost hope in your eyes,
Strong wind's bending the tree branches and your mind.
Around, all around is about to live, you keep your empty face
Prejudice and hypocrisy, can't be forgotten.
You are listening to the voices of the unborn.
Voices of the unborn inside yourself.
6. Thoughts on living
Ve zlÙch Õasech, kdy· vËkem se slÀbne,
vleklÀ choroba tËlo trÀpÌ.
Ka·dÙ svÈho boha, k Õertu poslal,
hlavnÌ je ·Ìt.
PoznÀnÌ, i kdy· je krutÈ,
nejde skrÙt, my lenky bolÌ.
My lenky na ·ivot krÀtkÙ,
na lÀsku, spasenÌ.
Tmou smutnÈ du e krÀÕÌ se svÙm trÀpenÌm.
ZlÀ vË tba dÀvnÙch vËku o na em vymÜenÌ.
JÀ odsouzen na ÕekÀnÌ,
ve slanÙch kalu·Ìch se brodÌm.
KolikrÀt jsem vidËl potoky slz,
kdy· lidÈ plakali, za ty, co milovali.
KrutÀ je pravda, nedÀ se zmËnit, mo·nÀ jsme ÌlenÌ.
Život od svÈho poÕÀtku znamenÀ umÌrÀnÌ.
Pocity chladnÈ, kdy· smrt u· se blÌ·Ì - jsme zapomenutÌ.
ZkÜehlÀ srdce odmÌtaj radost - jsme odsouzeni.
Milost, milost...
[English lyrics]
In bad times when growing weak with age
a sickness torments the body.
Everyone has damned his God to hell
the most important thing is to live.
Knowledge, even when cruel,
can't be hidden, thoughts hurt.
Thoughts on a short life,
love and salvation.
Sad souls are walking through the darkness with their suffering
bad visions from ancient times about our extinction.
I, sentenced to waiting,
am wading in the puddles of tears.
How many times did I see the streams of tears,
when people cried for those whom they had loved.
Cruel truth, can't be changed, we might be mad,
life means dying from it's beginning.
Cold feelings, when death's coming - we've been forgotten.
Fragile hearts refuse joy - we've been sentenced.
Sad souls...
Reprieve, reprieve...
7. One last Wish
Nikdy nebude znÀt cÌl cesty
Je na ÇtËku pÜed osudnÙm zloÕinem.
V potemnËlÈm pokoji trÀvÌ poslednÌ minuty,
V tÈhle nemocinic, kde neexistujÌ ·ÀdnÈ sny.
Paprsky nadËje tË opou tËjÌ
A ka·dÙ milenec je noÕnÌ mÛrou.
MnohokrÀt jsi vÀ nivË milovala,
Kde konÕÌ radost - tam je nemoc a ·al.
JedinÈ poslednÌ pÜÀnÌ,
To je zabÌt bolest,
NemÛ·e bÙt ztracenÀ v motlitbÀch.
JedinÈ poslednÌ pÜÀnÌ,
To je, najÌt zachrÀnce,
Jehlu a dotykem smrti.
JedinÈ poslednÌ pÜÀnÌ,
To je totÈ· jako v·dycky,
Neprobudit lÌtost.
NenÀvist a skleslost hlÌdajÌ tvÛj osud,
NiÕila jsi ·ivoty ostatnÌch.
Šeptem ÜÌkÀ : "Chci euthanasii"
NenÀvist a skleslost jako mnohokrÀt.
[English lyrics]
She will never know her destination
She's on the run from a fatal crime.
In a darkened room spending her last minutes
In this hospital, where the dreams don't exist.
A ray of hope, they are leaving you
And every lover is a nightmare.
Many times you loved with passion,
Where the joy ends - there's illness and woe.
One last wish
It's to kill the pain.
You can't be lost in prayers.
One last wish
It's to find the saviour
A needle with the touch of death.
One last wish
It's the same as always
Don't inspire grief.
Hatred and sadness watch your fate,
You've destroyed other lives.
In a whisper you say: "I want euthanasia".
Hatred and sadness like so many times.
8. Desires of the Abandoned
Ztracená víra v hlubinách strádá,
lásek èas to vzdal, se sluncem padá.
Ztracené mládí, den za dnem se støídá.
Krása pomíjí, zùstává v srdcích znavených.
Stùj, ať slyším ten tichej pláè,
myšlení se zase utápí v touhách
ïábelských snu, ïábelských snu,
když znáš, špatné vìty pøijímáš,
když slovo zabolí, pohledy dnu mrtvých
já zkouším z ráje vzít strádání lásek minulých.
Rouhání - kráèím tmou,
stín tvùj znám - žít jen s hrou.
Žár pálí - mé pøání,
zùstaò svá - žal svádí
k mým krokùm nevinným,
zas´ je blízko svit omylu a nesnází.
[English lyrics]
The lost faith withers in the depth of the soul.
No more time for love it sets with the sun.
The lost youth each day follows the last.
Beauty is fading but stays in the hearts of the weary...
Stop so I can hear that quiet cry,
thoughts are drowning in desires
of the devil's dreams, the devil's dreams.
Having the knowledge, you pass through good and evil,
when the word wounds, the looks of dead days.
I try to take the suffering of past loves from paradise.
A blasphemy - I walk through the dark
knowing your shade - to live with just a game.
A fervour's burning - my desire
be yourself - grief threatens my innocence,
coming closer a miserable world.
9. Pictures from Paradise
Kráèím ve svém ráji,
Nádherné obrázky všude kolem.
Dusil jsem se v ohni násilného svìta.
Slepé lásky procházely mou bolestí.
Posvátné svìtlo stále sleduje mou duši,
Prázdné srdce, prázdné srdce.
Zmatené hry spálily naše tìla
V øece plamenù, navždy v plamenech.
Tyhle souboje za svobodné zemì,
Odhalily lidskou jednoduchost
A duchové nekoneèných válek
Zùstávají, stejnì jako obrázky v mém ráji.
Posvátné svìtlo stále sleduje mou duši,
Prázdné srdce, prázdné srdce.
Zmatené hry spálily naše tìla
V øece plamenù, navždy v plamenech.
Zbytky kostí, byli to mí pøátelé,
Kdo se modlí za ztracené duše, to je uvìznìní.
[English lyrics]
I'm walking in my paradise
the charming pictures, all around.
I was choking in the fire of this violent world,
blind loves passed through my pain.
Sacred light still watching my soul
empty heart, empty heart.
Confused games buried our bodies
in the river of flames, forever in flames.
These struggles for free lands
detected human simplicity.
And the spirits of never-ending wars
they remain like pictures in my paradise.
Sacred light still watching my soul
empty heart, empty heart.
Confused games buried our bodies
in the river of flames, forever in flames.
Remains of bones, they were my friends,
who's praying for lost souls, it's imprisonment.
10. Euthanasia