
"Ethos" (2003)
1. The Last Song 2. First and Last Failure 3. Balas de Vida 4. Listen My Friend 5. Dirty Clown 6. Restos 7. Dog Day Down 8. Las Ruinas del Paraíso 9. Declaración
1. The Last Song
Far, far from where I was born I'm living now but
my heart still beats in that land
It has been a lot of time since I left her but nothing
can change what I feel
Lot of nights I used to cross the line that separates
dreams and reallity
Feel her arms embracing me and shutting up
the time in a hope cage
Far, far from where I was born I'm living now but
don't know where I'll be tomorrow
Dreams, girls, family and friends inside my heart
give sense to this madness we call life
Lot of nights I used to cross the line that separates
dreams and reallity
Trying to find someone who can tell me if I'm
free or marked by a destiny
We are walking oh! through a dream made of fire
Show me the way that I should live
We are living in the darkness
Show me the way that I should take
We are walking oh! through a dream made of fire
Show me the way that I should live
We are walking oh! through a dream made of fire
Show me the way that I should live
We are living in the darkness
Show me the way that I should take
2. First and Last Failure
Fucking pride!!
Two lives crossed by
false friendship breeding my naive mind
Nice walks, sincere words
Got to think we were worthy to each other
But I was wrong
You never meant what I wanted to be heard
Time passed and I realized
How absurd it results betting on someone like you
Beyond my steem to whom once brightened my life up
there’s corroded hidden hatred
towards the one who stole my illusions
who thought me proud guys are worth shit!
I know once you have cried my loss
deserve it, ain’t it what you looked for?
No tear could clean my deeply pain
hope your ego will be better friend than me
Your pride will last
until the day
you’ll be alone
and rethink the meaning of your existence
Fucking pride!!
You always cared
more about make a hard outward impression
than keeping me
though I trust you and you ensured that you trust me
Silence, ignorance
Now it happens I have no room in your life
Time passed and I realized
how absurd it results betting on someone like you
Beyond my steem to whom once brightened my life up
there’s corroded hidden hatred
towards the one who stole my illusions
who thought me proud guys are worth shit!
You turned my griefs into hatred
so that now I can’t even cry
You made my mind a guillotine
and now my heart now it’s solodified
Your pride will last
until the day
you’ll be alone
and rethink the meaning of your existence
Fucking pride!!
You turned your back on whom would have bought heaven for you
Now you pretend to be believed hurt and regretful
When did you prefer a simple solution than your pride?
Now I’ll never forget how long I’ve been being betrayed
Your pride will last
until the day
you’ll be alone
and rethink the meaning of your existence
3. Balas de Vida
Has sentido ganas de correr
Mil cosas que nunca quieres ver
se te plantan en la cara, las dejas para mañana
esperando que en tu camino no vuelvan a aparecer
Certeza que quisieras tener
y así llevas desde la niñez
Ya mil cosas han cambiado
cuatro sueños esperando entre tus dedos
tratas de evitar que lleguen a deslizarse
Pero ya nadie me va a parar
no es deporte para mi escapar
Nadie tapará mis ilusiones
ni destrozará mis emociones
Si no cambian no seré yo
quien como siempre vaya a cambiar
Todo lo que un día soñé
fue bonito y para ti también
Ahora huyes de tus metas camuflado entre caretas
que jamás quisiste y
que nunca te atreviste a romper
Basta ya de cubrirte con mierda
¿No ves que sueles andar con las piernas?
Quizás deberías pensar, plantearte
para que coño usas tu cabeza
Mientes, te has engañado a ti mismo
destrozando cuanto llevas dentro
Si hubieras querido acercarte
tal vez podría al menos conocerte
Te están negando el derecho a vivir
vagas, duermes y respiras bajo su sombra vil
Te enfadas, rayas y nunca haces nada
viendo tus alas cortadas te arrastras hasta la cama
Su generación X se preguntan el porqué
Promesas para mañana pero dime, ¿hoy qué?
Criarme como persona sin tratarme como tal
Si no rindo como esperas no me valoras igual
Y estoy tan estresado que cuando voy al lavabo
antes de lo tres metros ya me he sacado el nabo
Y ya no sé qué hacer, con mis 23 años
si al tirar de la cadena veo mis ideales flotando
Falsa estúpida mediocridad
Se apodera de esta humanidad
Que destroza emociones
Que merece mil canciones
Abogando a su puta enfermicidad que no puedo aguantar
Tarde esta quien quiera proclamar
La ignorancia ante la generalidad
Lucharé por deslizarme
entre estas ruinas, proclamarme
rey de cuanto quise en esta vida
Nadie nos va a hacer perder
4. Listen My Friend
You are alone now, asking yourself
why she left you if you were so well
You cannot understand it
you can’t find an answer
Pain’s burning your heart
suicide haress your mind
Your illusions lost in the past
don’t want to feed more dreams
I know that this can be easy to say
but listen my heart words
because it knows the pain
Now you are crying and you gonna die
you think the end has come,
you wanna close your eyes
But if you look around you, if you open your eyes
you’ll see you aren’t alone because I’m at your side
The days are going on
and you still cry every night
because her memories are alive in your mind
You say “I won’t be able to live without her love”
but time will banish all the pain that’s in your soul
And then you will be able to look at the past face
and with a smile you’ll remember what I’m saying
Listen my friend this isn’t the end
you must get up and fight once more again
Forget the past, leave it all behind
and start with pride a new life
One day another woman will desire your love
and if you want you’ll write
another chapter of your life
but if that one doesn’t have a good finale
remember please my words
Listen my friend this isn’t the end
you must get up and fight once more again
Forget the past, leave it all behind
and start with pride a new life
Please my friend, remember this forever
these are my heart words
forget the past and leave it all behind
and start with pride a new life
5. Dirty Clown
Bark jerk, tell us you fuck
we never cared about your dick
We don´t give a shit if you drink like a beast
or even take some pills
Crawling your body through dirty streets
waiting for someone to impress
Guys laugh with you then your colours stick out
clearly, brightly, … a shame!
Watching you rot is not a nice seeing show
Your sparkling nose just has made me sick
During years we have passed suffering the fact
that you’re the nastiest clown of this town
Easy reasoning, so frustated mind trapped in a fancy dress
Social puppet, hidden ignorant deceived by a lot of immorals
Live in a world with basic solutions your simple mindness is not shared
surrended by people who never did anything, not even a one piece puzzle with help
Watching you rot is not a nice seeing show
Your sparkling nose just has made me sick
During years we have passed suffering the fact
that you’re the nastiest clown of this town
Lazyness, you never reached any aim
Inferiority, complex reigned your youth
Lie after, lie up to the point your shoes melt
You became, a non personality piece of meat
There’s many sheeps that will never learn
life is more than criticizasing and crossing arms
Feel the need of being crown the king of street
Try to fade the sack of sorrows which has shamed you everyday
The more you hide the more ridiculous you are
The more you lie the more you die
I’d smashed you, I’d squeeze you
I’d kick your white face
You’d knock to the door with something I forgot
You’re so afraid of ending alone again that
no matter how hard I push sure you’ll be back
The brightness you feel is not the sorrow you give off
You’re stupid, a mess, something we can’t guess
I hope you start thinking and rush starting thinking
the time you’ve lost as fucking clown
Enjoying with friends breaking what crosses your path
no thinking who pays the bill, that’s too much
I’m not prepared to suffer your stupid things, disturb in hell!
Your private circus will end in flames if the story is not changed
Who does dictates rules in society it’s better consider destroying than creating
We must join us and throw out dirty clowns of this world
6. Restos
Consciente de nada creo que hay que recoger
Ha finalizado la jornada otra vez
Pero hoy no hubo problemas todo ha salido bien
Como un buen esbirro el sol se me dejó ver
Cristalino espíritu y sonrojada piel
Arqueados labios vuelvo a casa otra vez
Percibiendo lo mas puro, respirando la felicidad
al rincón de los recuerdos de mi cuarto he ido a parar
Y vi las caras que mi alma sustentaban
Retomé las imágenes de cómo fue el ayer
Caminar alegre sobre aquellos valles de amistad
Tardará siglos en que pueda haber tanta humildad
Dormirán los ríos oscuros que nos hacen naufragar
Brillarán los ojos de todos aquellos que esta foto traslada a mi hogar
Sutiles caricias que mi rostro disfrutó
Tiernos sentimientos que aquel joven descubrió
Entrega de la más tersa piel, la seda de sus huesos
Pues la unión hace la fuerza cuero a cuerpo empieza
La demostración de tanta emoción
Roce hace al sudor, sudor al roce tienta ... excitación
Sin más dilación sumergidos en la noche
Las caricias en mi pelo concesión de los deseos
Todavía lo estoy sintiendo
Amor en mi interior
Rincón de mis recuerdos
Me trae lo mejor
Días después la luz dio paso a las sombras
Asqueado de todo esta vida ya no importa
Me río de todos esos que creéis felices
Sus torpezas, vacías cabezas
Odio fluye en mi interior
Y al levantar hoy la vista hacia el frente
No está vació, que sorpresa! Cantidad de gente
Buscan refugio en el abismo de lo absurdo
Sueños ajenos tejen velos y el tiempo se esfumó
Buscan refugio en el abismo de lo absurdo
Sus torpezas, vacías cabezas
Odio fluye en mi interior
El viento trae mentiras que un día se llevó
Castigos de la vida
Dolor en mi interior
Lo que causó sonrisa
Ahora quema mi piel
Recuerdos desteñidos
Apagan toda fe
Confusión, contrariada la razón
¿Qué es la verdad del melancólico rincón?
Restos – restos de aquel pasado
Restos – que es verdad y que he cambiado
Restos – interpretando el pasado
Restos – permaneciendo jamás miraré atrás
7. Dog Day Down
Blurred, everything is blurred
am I chopped?
Another dawn like this would prevent me seeing the sun
Icy sweat, fear in veins, if only I could bury all in hell…
But this coffee sends me a sign
is not an isolated feeling
what is hammering my mind
Every dawn breeds a new frustration
receiving the night while I’m caressing the death
Ten snakes bites my sad soul
when I recall my thoughts they ignore …
Dog Day Dawn!
the sea of indifference hides the bottles that plead helping me
Can’t you see
coins have several sides and you don’t realize?
I built my life
dreamt my dreams
and I was lucky to manage them
As they came they were gone
I got rid of what I wanted most
My mind fights against my body
in a cruel bloody battle
and I don’t know who I belongs to
I’m a wrapper with three phantoms inside
Ten snakes bites my sad soul
when I recall my thoughts they ignore
Dog Day Dawn!
the sea of indifference hides the bottles that plead helping me
Can’t you see
coins have several sides and you don’t realize?
Hidden in my room while walls are getting narrower
No one understand why I lament over a new day
The answers lie in several truths
that are forbidden words
and silence is the worst of madness
Even the moon howls me
but now I must find the key
to show to the mankind
that we’re feelings running free
Build your own life
by yourself
and don’t care for what you are called anyway
Don’t allow you to feel low
due to sharp words
you are over all
I do conceal when I’m not alone
though behind every fringe word my life is gone
Dog Day Dawn!
the sea of indifference hides the bottles that plead helping me
Can’t you see
coins have several sides and you don’t realize?
The answers lie in several truths
that are forbidden words
and silence is the worst of madness
Even the moon howls me
but now I must find the key
to show to the mankind
that we’re feelings running free
Dog Day Dawn!
the sea of indifference hides the bottles that plead helping me
Can’t you see
coins have several sides and you don’t realize?
Fight for a nice sunrise!
8. Las Ruinas del Paraíso
Tuve un sueño anoche en el que pude ver
a un nuevo rey gobernando el mundo
la locura nuestro dueño y señor
La violencia hizo a la tierra expirar
huyó la fe de la humanidad
Modas, vicio, racismo y corrupción
los ángeles de la destrucción
Grité intentando despertar
pero no pude porque esto es real
Roto el imperio, aplastado el deseo
el mundo muere y aún sueña con la paz
Cóctel molotov, pesadilla y horror
esta es la herencia que dejamos
La Tierra Prometida perdimos
nuestra tumba ya hemos cavado
Practicamos el culto al jodido dinero
un dios que odia la igualdad
Crecemos dentro del útero del pecado
en placentas de irracionalidad
En el infierno ardemos ya
pero aún podemos cambiar el final
Hay que salir de este agujero negro ya
Buscar la verdad que se oculta en las ruinas
Con fe volar hacia el cielo de la libertad
Y recuperar nuestra inmortalidad
Vivimos en sueño tejido con engaños
si no cambiamos esto va a estallar
Mata o muere, la ley del más fuerte
Crucificado el amor, ¿por qué le escupimos?
Hay que salir de este agujero negro ya
Buscar la verdad que se oculta en las ruinas
Con fe volar hacia el cielo de la libertad
Y recuperar nuestra inmortalidad
No esperes mas, muévete ya!
9. Declaración