
"From War to Darkness" (2003)
1. Soyons les Pierres du Temple Noir 2. The Warlord 3. Le Christ Roi 4. On My Throne 5. Frost 6. The Dragon's Lake 7. Pandemonium 8. Outro
1. Soyons les Pierres du Temple Noir
Soyons les pierres du temple noir
Les piliers fiers de ton eternelle glorie
Orcis seront les colombes sans armes
Prenons lenr vie et lenc ame
Brandissons nos glaives nos boneliers
Freres, la revolte està nos pieds
Donne nons Lucifer ton ponvoir
Et tons ensemble crierons victoire
L'horrenc regnera parmi les hommes
Eegneront ensemble debanche et violence
Viendra l'epoque des haches et des épées
Brisés seront les boneliers
Seront devastées les grandes rités
Renaitront Sodome et Gomorrhe
Sur les ruines fumantes
Siegera la Mort...
2. The Warlord
In my visions from beyond
I heard sounds of war
From the dying world,
I feel human dementia
I am the warlord
Vengeance is my throne
I hail the reverse crown
Flag of damnation.
I see darkness devour the sun
Plague takes human souls
I enjoy now the upcoming end
And I hail satan
I am the warlord
I will never die
I am the warlord
And l worship satan�
3. Le Christ Roi
Un Vent de colère soufflait sur les branches dénudées
De la terre naissaient, des vapeurs éthérées
Dans la nuit je voyais, le visage blême du Christ crucifié
Jetant son regard éteint vers le ciel étoilé
Un trône sans roi, un roi sans royaume
Voici ce que fût le Christ roi�
La brume recouvrait, les tombes clairsemées.
J'écoutais les créatures de la nuit, lancer leurs plaintes désespérées
Imprégné de l'atmosphère morbide, un instant je m'agenouillais.
Pour contempler le roi des juifs, une couronne d'épines posée sur sa tête
Le seigneur des faibles pleurait tout le sang de son corps
Dans une plainte longue et vaine, il savait sa souffrance éternelle
Et il siégeait sur sa tombe, sur son trône, crucifié
Il contemplait son royaume, ce Christ roi sans fierté
Un trône sans roi, un roi sans royaume
Voici ce que fût le Christ roi�
4. On My Throne
Standing on my throne, I watch a sun die
In the far of distance, I contemplated this immensity
By and by l saw it fade away�
I saw to disapear in the night, the peak of far off midnight
I saw in the abyss, in this ravine without end
Obscurity invading all
A thought about my present, my fututre, my past
Sinnons path to each the summits
I saw to disapear in the night, the peak of far off midnight
Fire�.fire of vengeance burn my heart.
Liars�liars are the sons of jesus christ.
Never�never obey the god of lies.
I was born to face god, and the day will come
Where I will either defent of will perish by fire
Sinch is my fatal destiny.
I rise this words out lanbd toward the sky
So that each look at them, so that under the same flag
We fought for eternity�forever�
5. Frost
Like the wind my soul flies
Brought beyond this lost forest, the sun is so far away
And my thought are clear yet.
The dark always embraces me
I forgot my mortal cell, now my thought live eternally
A winter night in darkness
My soul travel in unknown worlds
A dark star shines over my head, rising high my sword
I roam under winter sky.
Fog runs over the ground
And frost embraces my soul, Moon rise over the trees.
In the dark now I can see�
Lost souls in front of me
Walking with sadness, thier mortal faces I cannot see
Walking to the kingdom of hell�
Cosmic infinity enshrouds me
A dark star shines over my head, cosmos is inside me.
I travel out of my mortal cell�
6. The Dragon's Lake
The dragon's lake, i have seen one day�
Lost in a dark land, lost forever.
In my wind , in my dreams�
I have seen wings of bats, flying with sadness
Down the fullmoon light, over the silver mirror
Enshrounded by dead trees.
The dragon's lake, I have seen one day�
Lost in a dark land, lost forever.
In my wind , in my dreams�
I remember this land of mysteries
Where legend says :
A lot of warriors were dead
To drink the dragon's blood
Given us their life, sword and shields
To drink satan's blood
I have seen one day, the dragon who never die
I have seen through the mirror,
The old dragon fly�
7. Pandemonium
I see in the night of my soul
Your great and cold towers
Pandemonium, growing up to the burning sky
I see over seas and mountains
Deeply in my veins
Profondly in my veins, in my heart
Your great and cold towers.
Hear my voice, hear my voice !
The wind is furious this night�
Fog is oppressive, my thoughts are depressive
Guide me in my unholy path
Be my light in my unholy path
see in the night of my soul
Your great and cold towers
Pandemonium, growing up to the burning sky
8. Outro