
"In The Abyss Of Dreams ... Furious Memories" (1999)
1. Victorious, Everlasting 2. Survive For Eternity 3. Salvation 4. Temporary Sign In Your Hands 5. Niewinny Uśmiech 6. Eternal Deformities 7. Bia³y ¯agiel 8. Fate
1. Victorious, Everlasting
Gods what do you see ?
A little king from nowhere
He must serve
Like a slave
See your soul is burning water
Look your eyes are drowning fire
Now the wounds are gone
I don't believe you
I'm immortal now
Like a son of the earth
Gods are you crying ?
Did you lose your kingdom ?
You are lethal now
Like a men
The sword of life in my hand
Will kill every traitor
The power of my mother earth
Stayed with me forever
Gods what do you see ?
The great master in pure light
Your fucking night
Is a day from now
2. Survive For Eternity
If i fly for you
If i fly only for you
I'm never gonna fall
If i fall for you
If a fall only for you
I'm never gonna die
When i live for you my dear
I'm never gonna die, cry
In my fantasies
I feel fear
From the gaze of your eyes
You stole my moon
The night is blind
like the rest of us
The greyness envelops me
Darkness breeds darkness
The knife twirls like the snake
The silence serves him
During his spare time
He twirls the robe for us
I will never cry
I will never die
I will never go
I will never fall
3. Salvation
My feeling
Drown insane
My feeling
Die in flames
The eternal flame flares up
The greath darkness wait for salvation
Falling down into the sky
Falling down into the night
Falling down into the ground
4. Temporary Sign In Your Hands
I'm a little sleeping
Who has the most beatiful dreams
of a living nightmare
Growing and dying
I want to read your mind
Cause i know you hiding something
Tell me
Every truth is better than a beauti lie
Open yourself
I know it's hard
But i also know
You have to do it for us
I want to read your soul
Cause i know your hiding something
Tell me
Every word is better than a silent cry
I lie here in this empty room
The memories flying through my head
Are fast like the wind
And temporary as a moment
Lines written by blind poets
No longer return the beaty of that world
In losing you
I lost my paradise
5. Niewinny Uśmiech
Niewinny uśmiech
Uśmiech twój
Zamienia ska³y w piach
Tworzy góry nienawiści
Mój sen to chêæ by wolnym byæ
Lecz śmieræ to prawda i wyrok
Uwolnij mnie
Twa mi³ośæ jak hibernacja
Lodowata krew zamarza w martwych
Czas jak ogieñ wypala znak
Zemsta ból i p³acz
Czas jak sêdzia skazuje nas
Na wygnanie ból i p³acz
Wieków las świetności ³za
Wielkie s³owa rzucane na wiatr
¯yjesz tam gdzie nie ma dnia
Ksiê¿yc znaczy drogê w świat
Kres twych ¿¹dz to koniec cierpienia
Prawda i mi³ośæ to pocz¹tek wiecznego świat³a
Niewinny uśmiech k³amstwa dar
Skrywany bije law¹ z³a
Oczu nie zakryjesz ju¿
Popió³ wpadnie do twych ust
6. Eternal Deformities
They came at night
Immortal deitys
Black masks
Pure mind with dirty hearts
Glossy armour in the sun
They take swords conciously
To kill sick aspiration for freedom
Punished for sin they must be
Evil in the name of good
Couds in the sky
Midnight cry
7. Bia³y ¯agiel
Ma wolnośæ jest w oczach śmierci
Gdy u twoich czekam bram
Czujê przeznaczenie moja dusza p³onie
W zapomnieniu
W rezygnacji
Niech nastanie mój czas
Niech siê zbudzi do ³ask
Bia³y ¿agiel to znak
¯e ¿yjê
A ja dumny jak bóg
P³ynê by do twych stóp
Z³o¿yæ zwyciêstwa moc
Mój ojcze b¹dź
Tulisz g³az
Sen zmieni prawdê w fa³sz
Świt to gorycz ¿ycia
Niech siê stanie dziś cud
Niech bogowie bez cnót
Bia³y ¿agiel na maszt za³o¿¹
A ja dumny jak bóg
Ojcze dziś u twych stóp
Z³o¿ê zwyciêstwa moc
Cierpienia kres
8. Fate
Sin is my holy love
When i walk through space
Through the walls of time
With my thoughts
In to the abyss of this love
Your sinful heart is the sun
And the moon
Fate is my name
And you know why it's so grey
Fate is our god
And your last minuote of sadness
Time which heals the scars
Will one day see
That our path shall meet
Time which destroys all