
"Ephemeris Sun" (2001)
1. Extinction of The Species 2. The Chosen One 3. The Experiment Theory 4. Death Vault (Instrumental) 5. Eclipse of A Distant Star 6. Time Constancy 7. Universe of Pain 8. Death Scholar 9. Variations of Agony 10. Innovation of The Ruins
1. Extinction of The Species
Blown by the wind of the UniverseAn ancient nightmare had risen from the mist of timeCurse of emotionality has been cast upon theeThine essences sank in immaterial unrealityThe concepts of ultimate truth are just another liesTo keep the balance between the forces of good and evilThe Immortals guard the mystery of the flux'gainst the generations that shall come - deaf and blindThrough the implication of interactive imaginationThe inferiors will never be able to feel the truth?Silence of thy own brains, mouths unable to screamNothing moves in magic creation of every dawn?Explosion of a black hole in the centre of your galaxyBurns planetary systems by its deadly massThus all civilization shall be destroyedBy the infinite wisdom of ye Nature
2. The Chosen One
I came to pay with my soul, for thee refused to obeyFor thine omnipresent iniquity. Nevertheless I shall try to save theeIf you feel what I feel it won't be you anymoreWith your phobia to know the consciousnessThe purpose of the world is lore demystified by no oneNeither a few like me do comprehendEvolution of the species is a game with given resultsI hunger to experience the one of yoursI am the one who is elder than thine universeWho saw the scene of its death - same one as of the othersI am not alive, because what lives - diesI am here forever, of your time. I know the portrait of the worldUniverses in the sphere of space-time continuumAlterations of everything imaginable in our hostile multidimensional residenceWe lost our very faith for you have betrayed your childrenYou left our souls abandoned, left all aloneWe have strived; we really tried for better livesDespite all you haven't arrived through the gate in time?Our soldiers are prepared, deadly weapons are primedFoes are awaiting us; they are about to dieVanish in killing air, while our army attacksVictory is sweet with scent of blood and tears"There are no true gods for you to pray to, none shall listen to youYou are on your own to realize the truth""I have fought for thee, for thy liberty to see.Ye reward is lost, even out of my reach"Fallen, ostracized messiah, I shall be gone nowMy exodus to another realm soon shall be done
3. The Experiment Theory
The essences are on the rise; they devour the void of nothingnessI had set this experiment to enjoy absolute experienceEvery alternative shall take place in my ultimate constructionTo please me - the creator of universe, the architect of perceptionMolestation – the pain illusion, confusion – unfocused visionOdium – swallowed feelings, depression - self pity mourningI am the reason, I am the source; I gave birth both thy creators thus theeI am the beholder hidden in every entity. I enjoy what I have made – pleasures and achesThe world is me, I am eternity; everything that was, is and shall ever beI am the destroyer of evenness; the uncertainty bringer, the keeper of existenceLove – the pleasure illusion, certainty – brains adjustedSatisfaction – lethargy foundation, ecstasy – a way to dieThe creator of universe, the architect of consciousnessThe slayer of unreality, I am the springI am the One; and you, you shall depart this life?to know me?maybe?
4. Death Vault (Instrumental)
Instrumental track
5. Eclipse of A Distant Star
The light of the only star is gone and the aim of his way has disappearedHe became lost pointless being, existence without senseSo far from home, suddenly alone. Is there a reason to survive?That being sees nothing but darkest blacknessHeading to nowhere - lost in the immense spaceIn the place where just one star was knownSupernova burnt the planet where he'd grownThe energy is gone after countless yearsHe revived from cryoslep, his time has comeForsaken, forgotten by the deadShall he join his brothers? Can be one of them?The thought of fear visits his mind: Is he immortal? Is he able to die?He tries to break the dread, tries to open eyesTo see what he knows - everything is doneThe last of the clan, his lord shan't let him goExtinct but alive, he shall be imprisoned foreverForever burried in a dead star ship, in the one-star, one extinct race universe
6. Time Constancy
Alone, I use the vacuity as my habitatHere, I can't receive illusions of changes through my frozen mindConstancy in the focus of neverMagic spheres-the germs of the worlds are buried somewhereWith my first move I could corrupt the never and let them explodeTo create space and time through the transformation of never into elements eternalThe garden of vigour hidden to anyone's visionsThe place where the stem of all realities shall ariseThe spring of space-time's infinite possibilitiesSilent sleeping beauty of the time constancyMagnification of the germs is conquering the void of the spaceThe universes in which the evil and good are being builtChaos and order; gods, daemons and inferior beingsBut only the chosen ones will find the keys from the gatesTo the different states of existences and different realitiesin the supercosmos...When 'to destroy is to create' opens the garden againAll realities will meet together to combineThe stream of time shall flow in its own springWhen 'to destroy is to create' opens the garden againAll realities will meet together to combineCycle completes in the elegance of the time constancy
7. Universe of Pain
Born into a world of beauty, you were brought on the silent hunter's wingsYour soul has been incarnated without memories againUpon a planet of desperation, where a race of hatred had grownKilling the species of its own, upon a place where no one can leave fromHow do you feel when your god leaves you aloneHow do you feel when your faith betrays youHow do you feel when you know that you die from very startLeaving nothing only dust behind"Like a nightmare in a dream I am underneath your skinI change wonderful world to hell you live inCreated me you became puppets in hands of a homemade godWho moves your steps through your weary mind""You shall die like I never will, my grave is in oblivionAnd there is no way you could reach it?On the planet of despair your race shall fade awayAnnihilate yourselves - abandon me in pain?
8. Death Scholar
Ghostly nothingness of a hollow etherIs gathering strength for ultimate vibration fieldTo fulfil its function - negation of fallacy: to find the Death RestorerEnclosing darkness, hoax of lights and shadowsBrought by materialized dust cloud of an alien kindnessFaint voice of a dream transformed into a weak and insubstantial fieldBizarre entity with a breath of solar windConsciousness of constructed beingHis ancient mind got old in eternity, now it craves for brand new brain"Dispose of your emotions, pulverize them into space debrisThe aeons are ephemeral like the Universe?Futures have already happened but the pasts are waitingAeolian civilizations shall be blown by your breath away......you are me......once again!"
9. Variations of Agony
It's a long route towards the end, you can not turn, there's no use to die todayThey throw thyself back to sub life; your blood is on thy own handsYou are captured here on Gaia, just in few dimensionsBy false gods made by yourselvesThey tear thy soul apart, mutate thy flesh by the dust of fallen fearMetamorphoses thy mind and transfer it to a lethal realmVirtual illusion of life, memories taken awayFear comes from dreams, suffer in painful tortures- variations of agonyMillenniums are awaiting thee, descendants of stellar travellersSeek in thy past - for the keys to the future of humanityBreak the circle of ephemeral half-life; find stolen senses of your bodyAnd incomplete perception of unknown around thee shall come to an end"I wish I could only know is this life or final deathI hope I shall find at least is this the start or the end"
10. Innovation of The Ruins