
"Forged For Proof Eterne" (1998 Demo)
1. Intro 2. Earth And Bath 3. Benighted 4. Of Dust And Desire 5. The Sport Of Pillage (O' Sacred Chaos) 6. Rapacious Agony 7. Drenched In An Ashen Fog
1. Intro
2. Earth And Bath
Behind the lavish mirrorWhere a clean commonage abidesThe throne of accord has fallenSprung ablaze in the blackened skyDivergence casts a dismal shadowThe luminous inscribedThe night's horde has crossedTheir pathetic lineBehold the lush infernal nightRemnants of woe in its wakeThe spirited few who perceive the sightRevel in the loss of the saneA storm exists in swimming mindsLike a wolf apace in the darkThe voice of conquer echoes aloudThe spryest sparks are barredPrune the bleeding flowerIts nectar pierce thy soulIts burn-a torch most deadlyThe paling light grows coldPry the seal of all lifeMere ill-flavored debrisAn execrable earthA wretched eternityBrave the wind...leaves of time...liesStrike down the common voidHate...the stench of writhe...swineShy away from the lightA foul taste...the bitter sting...lash outThe lustrous slave must dieA whore's child...stillborn...life's veinBask in its bloodThe betrayTorn affinityLash outExtrudeGrasp the mournful gloomRemovePure dissension and prideReplaceCommence our time anewAbhorDiscardRefuseAllegiance to their faultInstillContriveRedeemThe pride that they have thievedAbetUprootRavageThe kingdom they have formedCrushRouteOur flameWill melt their golden crownThe way of the flesh is setA presculptured dirt is deadUnleash our wrathful rite
3. Benighted
Enamoured with the benighted czarHer beauty defiled through diaphanous garbEphemeral love for the prevalent ruseA primordial gloom for those who seek her doomInvoking fear in most who lust for repentTheir sin--a lost art--It was the birth of repressPretense worship is the genuine errTo obey the divine is to live consciously blindA squalid emblemSubjugate the mortal lieA fallacy--the true unholy measureJus sanguinis is her way of lifeAn unharnessed ravenHis wing will conquer allThose amongst who are unenlightenedWill receive the fiercest blowThe prophecy that she bestowsAmong the weak is filthHer most prodigious moldThe only fate we have foretoldIs ourselves, our willWe rend those souls opposedAnd down upon the midnight skyWe will renounce the wrathHeighten her tide of demiseIf this night succeeds, the blackWill stain the earth and all isLost--Who will shear the path?The severed whore bears a foolish rantBeneath her glare is clear thought-an infallible stabOusted in an astral dimensionIs her "truth"-the life-the death-we won't succumbAmass the earth as one synthetic majesty-The siren song--A necromancer of sortsEvil akins to the foul cursed lawOur storm will devour-spew forth a hideous squallThe sheer disgust of "faith"Absorbs our mind--imbibedThe writ must be erasedHer fiery eyes that heedThe land should be gougedAlive--She will fall by our handThe pallid heart that she canImpose--is as black as the night-Will she war with her foes?Volition is the ground where weStand--We'll defend ourselvesOur steel eager to brandThe dust of centuriesA veil of myth and loreIn the end, it will reap the futileTheir soul shall fall upon the sword
4. Of Dust And Desire
As the winter lays dyingI whisper the wordsThe sand's hourglassWill be overturnedAnd life as we know it willPass like the day and allThat was bright willNow turn to grayI can show you fear inA handful of dustThe cinders of timeStoke the fires of lustThe allure of fireMy only desireIts glow engulfs my soulThe ashes rich in theUndoing of passionNursing the unearthly seedThe line that was sewnBetween the young and the oldFalls prey to the god that feedsTorment sufferingA prowl in the darkest grayMesmerized by the vile witchcraftIts night tricks the eyeWith the illusion of daySuppress and mourningBeware the supple dawnEngrossed in the rape of delightIts the dungeon that snaresOur thoughtA glimpse of HadesEthereal blood has driedAvouch the meaning of pleasureThe spattered feast defiedPonder the hell as to dreamIt hangs in the balance of lifePoised to cut through ambiguityPull the wool over death's eyesFateful is the deceiving windA fury of dust and desire for bathCleanse the despair over sinMuffle the cries and the dark howling laughConjure a scent with sweet caressInstead of a burning fear incensedRavenous hatred swallows surmiseDevoid of mirth-no kingdom shall riseThe water clock hasStrangled the mornIt bores from withinIts beating pulse will adornThe love of this godWeeps-an essence long-livedIt breeds a raging heatPent up in the skinThe glass orb castsA glance upon their gravesA dire end to thoseWho wish to be savedAn incubus spreadWhere maidens do lieFoul crueltyA faint mortal cryThe depth of my sanityWalks in stepWith my evil state-A cloaked serpent?A need for steep primacyLies in the handsOf the sun and the moonAnd the earth's fatal grabSadistic by natureTerror in tongueA (rabid) display of ancient evils-Out of blue tides are wrungBow to the sandsThe valley of lifeMeter derivedFrom the blade of the blackest knightFounded in conquerBound to the scytheThe soil's weak raceAre seated before the emerald skyLone Ghost pit to roamLoosely unrefinedApparition in fateI behold-the hooded one in his prime...
5. The Sport Of Pillage (O' Sacred Chaos)
Your life is a mythBrought forth by insanity's creatorBut you can't resistThe lies you have been toldThe world is nothingRandom accidents-mixed up with disorderYour "soul" fulfills the ancient ignoranceOf life eternal-a cliched prophecyClose your eyes to the lightEndure the bitter coldEnslaved by your GodConform to their holdShed blood of the agesHypocrisy unboundThe innocent left to rotBeneath your Holy groundDesolate, mindless thoughtsKill the soundEmptiness in your breathWhisperingLonely hearts, life has no mercyBury meYou're just a spec, one in a millionFilling spaceLifeHasNoPlace...Symbolic of nothing more...Create your myth...Sculpt the lies...Evolve and be left behind...Your thoughts are supposed to be advancedBut you resort back to your old waysAbsorb the abstract thoughtsOf inane drivelYou narrow-minded hypocriteSee the err of your claimsForce upon me your corrupt methodsOf campfire folkloreRot in the soilBathe in the dirtUnconciousnessImmersed in the black!
6. Rapacious Agony
Bitterness awakensFrom its sleep in the heart of manCold shivers incest the young ones...In our greatness we fall damnedHatred imbededDeep within our putrid soulsBloody hands still remain cladWith the torture of humanityWe live in a world ofIndividual lustNo one can save usFrom ourselvesHuman nature...Or maybe animal instinctHereupon,The screams turned cries remainIt makes a slave of meSlowing down my personal thoughtsEscape the fallacyOf cleanliness unboundSlit my wrists...Free me from the pain of lifeLet blood flowDown my arm and from my soulSeal my fate...To torture for a thousand yearsKill yourselves...No one cares about your tears...Happily married am ITo the soft home whence I cameBut the torment of your findInterrupts my eternal dream of life...Neverending agonyFulfills your precious causeMy eyes are bloodshot redFrom pondering killed innocenceWe will never free ourselves, we'reBound to pathetic liesTo continue-to exist like thisIs living suicideNow is the time to admit our faultThe dark embrace is yet to squeezeThe purity of this ugly clanYou are a horrid sight to seeThe perfect likenessOf oppression and guiltMorality Does Not ExistExcept Within Your MindsReality Is An Opiate PlaneCreated By All Mankind
7. Drenched In An Ashen Fog
Beneath the floor of geneologyHolds truth in this hollow bloodVanishing from comprehensionIs the proof of the settled wayBurn in your mythical landLet the fires consume your "souls"The foul stench of rotting thoughtFloats amidst in the wintering coldI can remember whenYou meant existence to meThe whithering travestiesBrand flesh with her sickening signLove me for molded skinUntil the flames are permitted to burnMelting unbridled lustForever cursed by your bleeding eyesReject me...Hate meNo pain too weakNo force too strong Degrade me...Rape my mindNo thought too harshRelease the lionsExperience the casualties andFeel the painSovereign leader - DemagogueOf fallacySole survivors of common senseAre ridiculedGreatness seen in naked eyesUntil their close demiseIllegitimate prophecyCacophonous soundsOf PhilomelDead, feeble speciesClaimed as justBut walking blindSo few words need to be said...Your primitive lives explain allIrradicating braincellsWith each justifiable proofHow dead the concept is...Shutter to think upon itBut, yet, one can't avoidThe muttering of mindless nonsenseKill the local idiotIn this decaying EarthPoisoning our cupsEach and every day Like some immunityThat few have failed to seeSymbolic lamb-the leaderOf conformity