
"Il Rito" (2001)
1. Crystal Square (The Cube) 2. Nerone 3. Wind Of Freedom 4. When A Dog Finds A Home 5. Winter Lake 6. Freak Out 7. Le Valli Perdute 8. Wayana 9. Hunt The Hunter ! 10. Il Bosco
1. Crystal Square (The Cube)
I look at the strange message
thru' my Crystal Square
and I receive a full reception
of every channel of perception
Everyone dreams of going through the square
dancing with pussies in a clip
fucking plastic boys being
watched instead of watching
I don't like the sun
I don't like real beaches
radiation runs better on
the Crystal Square
but what I see isn't real
I loose my time
and I don't move
I've got nothing to do
but only watch
the square world thru'
my Crystal Square
And I dream before my Crystal Square
full of adrenalin and sin
as fool as an astonished child
looking at the forbidden fruit
2. Nerone
Né Nerone né nessuno
hanno incendiato Roma
la ragione resta oltre:
Roma è in autocombustione
L'urbe spreca i suoi sesterzi
e il circo placa le sue turbe
e gli urbani sono serpi
intontite al suono d'arpa
ma lo spreco delle cose
li consuma anche nei corpi
ed insieme al loro sterco
per le fiamme sono sterpi
Date i cristiani in pasto ai leoni
date i leoni in pasto ai pagani
chi non gli basta si mangi un boccone
di quel che avanza dal pasto di Nerone
E Nerone suona l'arpa
ma gli urbani sono serpi
intontite dal suo circo
ed esaltate dalle forche
e lo spreco dei sesterzi
le consuma anche nei corpi
che per autocombustione
si trasformano in carbone
L'urbe spreca i suoi sesterzi
e il circo placa le sue turbe
e gli urbani sono serpi
intontite al suono d'arpa
ma lo spreco delle cose
li consuma anche nei corpi
che per autocombustione
si trasformano in carbone
3. Wind Of Freedom
4. When A Dog Finds A Home
How many dogs can we take away
thirty is good, here is your money
the van is little, but we don't care
the way is long, it doesn't matter
when we arrive at the institute
doctor will take care of you
Where are we going, I cannot breathe
what place is this, the light is dazzling
this cage is so small, I can't lie down
now the man in white will come and feed me
Open the cage, put the dog on the table
let's rivet the paws so as to stand still
open its mouth and strike it dumb
I burn oesophagus and saw its skull
Look at the backbone and bundles of nerves
see you tomorrow for another experiment
Can someone explain what they did to me
I cannot move, I feel only pain
fire in my stomach, ice in my brain
will the man in white go on torturing my flesh?
Today I'll show you how to shock the dog
insert the electrode into its brain
switch it on and see what happens.
And finally a new experiment
shave it off and soak it in the ice
it seems dead, throw it away
Darkness around, earth in my mouth
I try to walk but I lost a pow
I reach the street and wait for a driver
to put an end to my shooting pains
5. Winter Lake
6. Freak Out
Teacher says to children: go straight home
don't speak to the ogre, beware of the ogre!
otherwise you'll fall in the dark memory hole
don't look at the ogre, escape from the ogre!
But the boy and the girl
call and ask me to tell them
the story about the hole
the dark memory hole
So I stand up and walk
and I take'em by the hand
and I lead them to my garden
through the dark memory hole
So the boy and the girl
call and ask me to tell them
the story about the hole
the dark memory hole
And they follow my steps
while they get hold of my tail
they wanna see my garden
so we fall inside the hole
The swallow amazes the boy and the girl
colours become intense and clear
forms loose symbol, sounds become noise
smells become metal vapour
so the boy and the girl stand
in the middle of the sphere
So I show them my garden
and they play every game
while I hide to better spy
the boy and the girl in my sphere
And they play and run and taste
but now someone is calling them
so they run away from me
they must go back to their homes
But they really enjoyed the trip
and sometimes they think of me
'cause you can find everything
in the dark memory hole
7. Le Valli Perdute
8. Wayana
Il giaguaro mi scivola vicino
non odo i suoi passi, ma ne sento lo sguardo
penetrarmi nel profondo degli occhi
fino a raggiungere i miei pensieri
Mi accompagna nella giungla
e mi invita sotto un tetto di palme
lo sciamano fuma e canta e aspetta
che lo spirito arrivi e guarisca il mio corpo
Le pareti tremano con forza
che cosa le sta attraversando?
non capisco le tue parole
con chi stai parlando?
Per ore e ore e tante ore ancora
lo sciamano ascolta e risponde allo spirito
e si lamenta e dialoga e canta
e lo spirito parla con la sua voce
Scivolo, scendo e sprofondo
in un immenso letto di piume
il mio corpo affonda in basso
e riposa sul morbido muschio
E poi salgo verso l'alto
e galleggio leggero nell'aria
sotto lo sciamano soffia
fumo sul mio corpo disteso
E riprende a cantare
e mi ritorno incontro
dentro al mio corpo guarito
riapro gli occhi sotto il tetto di palme
9. Hunt The Hunter !
10. Il Bosco