
"Black Crystal" (2004)
1. Crystal - Oration of Cryst 2. Return 3. Power of Crystal 4. The Way 5. Lar - Lar 6. My Father's Message 7. Lost Nation 8. Blood and Punishment
1. Crystal - Oration of Cryst
I’m returning from The Realm of Darkness and Seeds of Evil. From the scenery of lakes full of blood and tears.
From the scenery where nobody rules, nobody lives, nobody dies.
2. Return
Father, Father, Father, Father !
Nothing, only empty silence…
Noisy always have been here,
palace full of Wizards and Mentors,
Father’s voice resounds around,
but now sad silence I hear.
Father, Father, Father, Father !
Nothing, only empty silence…
Where is Raon ? Where is Lykorian ?
I’m confused, woeful, tired.
And someone’s voice speaks to me,
dire words, full of despair.
Father, Father, Father, Father !
Nothing, only empty silence…
Where from these words come ?
And what does this all mean ?
Why everybody disappeared ?
Am I forever alone ?
Father, Father, Father, Father !
Nothing, only empty silence…
3. Power of Crystal
…and so Powerful stood up and gathered around the Symbol, which into dust fall, and they did, what they has to do. From their palms black pearls fell down into dust close to their feet, where it changed into monolithic piece – from the dust was born The Black Crystal.
Yes, it is that memory, when I was standing by The Monolith of Demons and I understood everything.
It is the first and last,
and you Equirhodont, you’ll become it’s Guardian.
Watch it as an eye in your head,
for there is Force conjured in it,
the Force of all generations of Mages.
It is the first and last, it is the first and last !
It is the first and last, it is the first and last !
It is the first and last,
once it will save all of the Worlds,
once it will finish your Work.
It will be Him who you will call for the last time,
He alone will rest your Friend.
It is the first and last, it is the first and last !
It is the first and last, it is the first and last !
It is the first and last, it is the first and last !
It is the first and last, it is the first and last !
4. The Way
In the wasteland of my arid heart I don’t find an explanation. Ancient, mysterious Symbols of my Ancestors are silent. I don’t cry. I’m just standing and listening to the whisper of the Spiral.
Vanitas Vanitatum et Vanitas !
I put away my staff and hold The Crystal,
red lightnings acrossed the sky,
fiery circle holds my Soul,
I’m leaving the place where everything I’ve lost.
I’m leaving the place where everything, everything I’ve lost.
I’m leaving the place where everything, everything I’ve lost.
Trapezoid of Fate defined my Way,
where to search, I don’t know, He will lead me,
centuries of learning, bones and dust,
I’ll cross the line of Death.
I’m leaving the place where everything, everything I’ve lost.
I’m leaving the place where everything, everything I’ve lost
With a single groan I burn the Bridges,
with a single sight I crush the revolt,
with a single move I sweep all from my Way,
I’ll find what I have to find.
I’m leaving the place where everything, everything I’ve lost.
I’m leaving the place where everything, everything I’ve lost
I will return with them !
5. Lar - Lar
After the long magic duel with Gryall, the ruler of the territory of Xar, I found in his blood the Sign of Lar. I knew, that Lar left in it a message, that only I can read. Joyce oveflown my Universe. But…
I see torns of mist, bloody mist,
jagged tongues of monsters,
and among them Lar totter,
now I can hear his voice:
Lar : „Powerful friend of mine,
son of my Ruler,
horrible things had happened.
When you were at the Monolith of Demons,
strange, powerful Forces never seen,
called up the curse darker than
Damnation itself !
Everything was decaying into dust,
everyone was turning into Monsters,
Life became Death.
The Death for us too,
for us Immortals.
Only you can bring us back !
Only you have the Power !
Zodacare, Zodacare, Grandiose Magus !
Only you know how !“
…and the Lar’s Sign dissolved,
message from Strangeness silenced.
6. My Father's Message
Everything, that I can’t even imagine, became an awesome reality. Where should I go ? What was that Force ? Questions whom I didn’t know the answer showed in my mind. Therewith I remembered Father’s words, that he pronounced before my departure…
Karndytryxx : „After the neverending age of Tranquility,
the break in the Order itself arrive,
what was, is never more, and what is,
becomes an Unknown.
It comes back, the curse is fulfiling,
the shivers of ice are dancing in fire,
the eyes are changing into dark throat,
the tongues into stone turns,
the skulls full of flames.
The roots are ripped from entrails,
the Univers itself paralyse with dread,
Something awakes, to life endorses,
however it’s not alive,
it’s Overwhelming !“
7. Lost Nation
Unlogical pictures begins to compose together. But what that Force doesn’t know, was that We are Immortal. We know no downfall, we know no Death. We are the offsprings of the Agelesses. Only once, when I was young, I broke the Law. I know no remorses, it was necessary, it was so sad…
Proud nation Kärgeräs…
Proud nation Kärgeräs…
They defied my Power
they wanted to steal The Black Crystal.
They created their own Gods,
Rodäxx wanted to oppose me.
Rulbrah just wanted to rule
but love she always defied.
Stone, child, Trygän Sexton
she spawned Dygon to them.
It’s not possible to stand against
Order of the Universe.
I was send to intervene,
I created them and so destroyed them.
I broke the Law
but was it my guilt ?
8. Blood and Punishment
So what they want to tell me, those unknown voices ? What Lar wants to tell me? Why do my dear suffers ? Who avenged on them ? I shout with anger and scare. I will find you and i will return. I will find you. I will avenge you.
Voice: „I laugh to your wail, Grandiose Magus !
I laugh, however my eyes glow.
Just remember who I am !
Once you find me, you will understand all !
The guilt falls on you.
Just remember who I am !
Remember, my Father !“
I don’t know who you are. I don’t know your voice,
neither your minds.
But I will find you.
I will find you !
I will find you !
I will find you !
…and the eyes of the Daemons are upon you !