
"What Will Be Has Been" (1998)
1. Ad Infinitum 2. Undone Within 3. Silver Mistress 4. Burning As One 5. What Will Be Has Been! 6. Crimson Might (And Glory!) 7. (From northern Aeries to) The Infinite Cycle of the Unborn Lord 8. The Day The Light Hath Died 9. Conflagrations of Hate 10. Immortal Crucify
1. Ad Infinitum
Seas within myself
Yet see within myself
What cannot be seen
Lies deep within my soul
Yet cannot be the sole
Purpose to my quest
Time is but a stream
A stream through which I cross
Across the endless time
In primal night I was always searching for an answer to
The majesty of night and the peace of starless space
The taint of Novas past and the stench of burning suns
My will to find the place to escape the curse of light
Needs to be fulfilled
Fulfilling in the need
To right the venerable wrong
Pleas my weary soul
And all the souls who plea
To regain sovereignty
End the venery
And from the end begin
The point which lost to time
Caught within "…the dark backward and abysm of
Time…"1 I sought to find my way
Lead solely by a faint string of crimson hue
To bring me back upon myself
Into Time
In fetters of time lies a measureless space
A malfeasance in contradiction
To a cosmos unbound when in times long ago
The keepers of the continuum failed
[To] Endless Night
Creature of highest conciousness2
Exists in the notch of the "eight"
Seeking "the palpable obscure"3
For I am The Dweller of Inanity
Through Storms of cosmic dust I make my way
Blinded by a thousand dying suns
And through the grayest hole where a million realities exist
I find where strip upon itself does turn
Seas within myself
Yet see within myself
What cannot be seen
Lies deep within my soul
Yet cannot be the sole
Purpose to my quest
Time is but a stream
A stream through which I cross
Across the endless time
2. Undone Within
Deeper Down I lie, and in it all the night
That I may never see, what's become of me.
The wolves…howl above…yet for I…the peace that was once now has passed
The caleche…rattles by…and again…
the sustenance of life continues on its path
A dark trip with nothing more to see
The immortal soul's final destiny
The enlightenment undoes the self
Ancient ways…in infinite chaos unfolds…unwilling yet to see…
Infinite scenes on my canvas are scrolled
(A) Predacious creature…with only a mind to feed…The lust that wells within…Becomes as faltered as the seed
That Germinates…within barren and arid soil…a wanton desire to be…
Fought by nature and all her course
A discourse…upon the “lie untold”…That I may remove the self…
And with it all the duplicities of old
Sacrarium…within the mud and clay…yet still with heightened awareness…I sense the passing of the day
Into dusk…and further into night…again my mistress calls me…
To be with what is mine by right
Like “Life” so flows the lie
Embracing Me
Interring Me
I am undone within
I have seen one thousand twilights besmeared by western paling lights
And in their wake the primal forces gathered to unite as one
The time of darkness is upon us finally to cleanse the brood
My “pride”, my will, my lust unending will return me to the world
For unto me
chaos rapture
I was never to be
“whole” again
undone within
3. Silver Mistress
[ A scene of time flashes across the mind of the ancient one, defender and chosen soul above all by SHE. One of the isochronal encounters of Night's Warrior. Forever, the solitary legatee of HER gift and raptured soul unto SHE, he engages the weakened forces of light in the eternal affray…forever to be champion! ]
Upon the sea of time I ride…
to stay abreast of rising tides
I cast a scorn-filled glance about
this body black through which I pass
Time of the Gathering disseminated troops advance upon the source
Source of the pale and the jewel of the night
Lead by HER desire SHE twists their threads to knot
When at her peak in full & high
While I have she to be my guide
I will but champion the night!
And rend my odium to (the) rest
Hour at hand a force arrives with blades in hand
And in their haste a claim to SHE is made to which I stand
And ending yet another's quest the moon-bleached flesh is all that stands
avoiding cosmic undertow
my thoughts change course
immortal beauty embracing me
and beckons forth
a brighter thread unseen by all
when burst into existence
her silver lips upon my brow
as praise to crimson glory
so enchanting in her lust
in rapture to her bidding
“Find in me your way through this…”
“My gifts are yours to wield alone”
avoiding cosmic undertow
my thoughts change course
immortal beauty embracing me
…A pounding Lust to know her face
A life to glimpse her shade
As candle's wick may burn to end
So quickly does light fade…
4. Burning As One
[A] Candle black in silver stand with wind-kissed flame on wick
Casts a flickering shadow of the ancient one
Whose slowly moving presence toward the hoary tower casement
Ascends to view outside his manse the scene revealed below
Legions align on the red high land hills
Not as one but as many
[Once] warriors for she and now warriors for none
Conflict in lust for the night
Eyes with age unknown stare on at wheels, which turn below
And so the scene repeats itself for he who watches all
And unknown to those at odds in arms below
A card was played one yet unseen
Fools carry on in their bittersweet rage
Salacious desire to have all
Failure to them, while unknown is their fate
For Night has Her chosen one
That which does not
Become part
Of the one shall
Become void
First to feel the burning rays, to see the lie in light
First too she who wrapped my wounds and healed in pale Unlight
I am that
Which can not end
And from whom they all have come
Divided to
Dethrone her son
Now they shall all Burn As One
First to feel the burning rays, to see the lie in light
First too she who wrapped my wounds and healed in pale Unlight
Desire…a carnal need…to force upon their will
Purging…a bloodline's end…cleansed in flame
Alone now
My will be done
Unchallenged again in might
Set at odds
Those who once were
And will never be again
Divided to
Dethrone her son
United Burning As One
5. What Will Be Has Been!
Caught within the scenes of time the warrior wakes again to find
A prologue set by twilight rays through the breaking dawn
A dawn unlike no other dawn as backdrop to proscenium
The cursed cycle starts anew Himself "cast" down as lead
On his feet a legend and on his throne a lord
Bathed in crimson glory so the centuries have foretold
The advent of the day when pale untruths shall be no more
Usurping the hands of Fate
Now to leave the dismal place and setting eastward the course he takes
Skirts alongside the stagnant pond whose waters swirl with taint
[For] Within the fetid mists and foul decay which on the natatorium lay
The source of evils yet to be lie in wait
Further east and all the while
His grand design is planned
Obscuration of the light [when] the balance is destroyed
Ushering the epoch of the splendorous Unlight
"…And so I set forth my mind resolute and might unchecked to rend my will upon the world. With centuries to prepare for the final battle and the glory that awaits in every drop of life…"
Lust forever, lust for life,
A lust Unmatched in human kind
Fueled by such desires
As may mold flesh to my want
"Beauty as Might, and Might as Right"
So seduced the lord
From wanton whores the bloodsons came
In legion issued forth
Cursed for all eternity
As seen by another also condemned
Before the final blow is dealt
What will be has been!
…Too late the error revealed. The unparalleled pride of the ancient one now splintered through all the ages. With glory for one the ideal is lost, as is the war…
Gone is the path to victory besmeared by consanguine wars
Arrogance in the sons that I was fated to ignore
For a greater lust that by design will never sate
An all-consuming hunger unified by blackened hate
A pause to look upon the world before I am reborn
…A brilliant flash of light and the One Great Truth revealed
The pain of clarity just seconds before oblivion and the slate is again wiped clean
Where one time ends, another begins
Caught within the scenes of Time…
6. Crimson Might (And Glory!)
…As giant wings, fashioned from the flesh of the fallen, exerted their will to secure beast and rider's course in twilight's sky so the once placid night was disturbed. In legion they came with only instinct as guide spurred ever forward by an all-consuming hunger. A hunger so old that the truth in its origin was forgot, and so it came to pass…
In a land far, far from the source, far from the light
Order decayed, decay wore away the immortal pride
Realize the nature deprived
Wanting the system has failed
Willful the inner self
Guiding where free flows the life
In a scene, already seen, a pact is made
[And] Gathering men, yet not wholly men, a break is made
Fledglings at a time they were with few
Centuries between and likewise treated in place
But now in mass exodus the willful
Depart leaving the Noachian ways to rot
The ancient fools were left to rot!
A world with many fruits yet bared and many more in prime
To pull apart the pulpy flesh and sip from what's inside
In ecstasy the warmth within is felt by sallow hands
Which mold an all to willing flesh entranced by feral eyes
Journey's end in lands once verboten,
By Crimson Might the precept was broken
From the skies yet more descend and swoop upon the tithe
For as Lords and Ladies this must surely be their prize
A glint of Mistress in their blades before they find their mark
And in the wake of frenzy's end the sated now depart
Silhouettes on ancient walls await the coming of nightfall where shadows pale as one
As one blade with many wills with ceremonies end the nature reveals
The need for the piercing blows - an opiate to the night
By the Scarlet Lust Within the new found world will fall
In a land far, far from the source, far from the light
Order decayed, decay wore away the immortal pride
Greener pastures overcome by foul decay
The strongest first to fall with the weakest easily swayed
With a scarlet gauntlet I rule by might that shall never be tethered
In the Black & Crimson Glory I exist forever
7. (From northern Aeries to) The Infinite Cycle of the Unborn Lord
I am the word of hate made flesh
Demon Black immortal soul
Genesis…at a pool of stinking filth
And again the images unfurl
From me the crimson strings unfold to infinite lengths and points untold
To conquer time alone by will…to BE…forever more
Apoditic evil in the arms of the Unlight
Tribesmen turn from Starside skies…
and venture not unto the north.
As doctrine to their lives…
a fear of death or worse
Cimmerian recursive soul….the force from which the fountain flows
tributaries in worlds beyond to snuff the lie of light
Enslaved creation molding man as mine or be destroyed
Sheathing drops which fall to earth
and freeze within the night
Sculpt the northern towers high
antithetic windswept plains
From behind the eyes, from within I writhe
With preternatural sense I feel the scarlet flow of life nearby
To mesmerize
The hypnotic beauty in these eyes,
Seek in me and you'll find
The truth you so design
Brilliant infinity
I'll send you on your way
From me the crimson strings unfold to infinite lengths and points untold
To conquer time alone by will…to BE…forever more
Apoditic evil in the arms of the Unlight
8. The Day The Light Hath Died
Once upon a star-less night
Within my sky fell rays of light
(Who) chanced upon a path unknown
To all the path ends here.
To approach me in my land
Is to release the strongest dam
Behind which oceans once duressed
now flow to Ever's end
I have become
What is now and ever shall be
The whisper of the timorous
The Scarlet hue of the blood
Once upon an ancient time
When still I searched for truth
I chanced to view a mortal's death
Upon a cross a of wood
Now as crest is to wave
So time and time has passed…
And brought an end to my quest
Within this foreign land
Years within the light
Are now dispatched with swollen eyes
And gaze towards blackened bliss
Be for me and only me…All that can forever be
A midnight cloak in ravens' black…To steal the jewels of night
The lens through which as willed to be…The scenes of all Infinity
Scroll through Chapter, line, and verse…And falls upon the page
(No More) Traveling through Space and Time
The spectrum collect lays at rest
Stasis again now restored
The day that the light was destroyed
Be for me and only me…All that can forever be
A midnight cloak in ravens' black…To steal the jewels of night
Again to face the marvelous mysteries
The Keys of Time are mine to employ
To view again in triumph of blasphemy
That which cannot shine anymore
Fetid Pallid Death
Cast down from the red mountain cliffs
Cosmic earth and clay
Upon your mother terra now lay
Ancient puissant hands
Now reach towards the heavens for all that I can
(The) Final mendacity
The End- a boundless lust may never see
Hunger…For the fruits of time
Ethereal… Ardor divine
Clarity…In a now darkened sky
The jewels of the night are mine!
I have become
What is now and ever shall be
The whisper of the timorous
The Scarlet hue of the blood
Years within the light
Are now dispatched with swollen eyes
And gaze towards blackened bliss
The spectrum collect lays at rest
Stasis again now restored
The day that the light was destroyed!
9. Conflagrations of Hate
Thirsting… With a lust that knows no bounds
I Ride…Into night and further into
Battle…With gauntlets raised and piercing cries
The infinite flow of her womb
The poignant spring from which all life doth bloom
Now matched alone by the myriad of bones
Broken seeping life, within the ravaged battled garden
(The) Mother…of man must now dry her wetted
Eyes for, it is upon her bitter sweet
Nectar, I wish to glut
And so doing ascend in might
With power over all I rule
(Ere the War)
Storms on horizon, the ancient hands of time align
Thunders toll the final hour of the mortals down below
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?!
Earth shakes and gales break upon the red and cracking clay
And spewing forth the raining slag begins to cleanse the fallen ones
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?!
You'll slowly burn
In hates black fire
Realize the lie
And the truth in pain
Choked by thorns
Blinded by “light”
The living lie
Burned Away
Father inequity, bending down on broken knee
The time of the fiery wrath has now come to pass
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?!
You'll slowly burn
In hates black fire
Realize the lie
And the truth in pain
Choked by thorns
Blinded by “light”
The living lie
Burned Away
The blaze that began in the soul of the one
Now sent upon the children of sun
The child of night has now his ascent
And crushed lay the feeble in death's stalwart grip
Searing phlogiston as child rises high
Blinks into darkness when through time he flies
And onto a new terra firma he stands
The cleanser of worlds has arrived!
I Ride…Into night and further into time!
10. Immortal Crucify
Argentum chains, blind my eyes
With silver spikes, I'm crucified
Ignorant fools! Upon this pyre am I to burn?
You can not win for life's to short for you to learn
I am immortal and shall be when all is not
I see the flesh to life and then to ground upon which it rots
Within the night, a tribe revolts
(I was) caught from behind (with) a kneblasch bolt
Now return to a scene of foolish pride
A camp surrounds a fire whose fueled by what was flesh of mine
The meek pray, the timid shield their eyes
A brilliant flame reflects upon the chains held fast inside
A pool of essence and dripping fats
Seep into the charred grass
What light rejects can not pass
I will rise from the ash
Taint and earth combine
As nature of my will
With years between the flames and now
A wounded tribesman nears
His lifeblood issues forth
Into my "resting ground"
And occupying his vacant shell
I walk the earth again
I am immortal and shall be when all is not
I see the flesh to life and then to ground upon which it rots
I rise, I am the immortal crucified
I rise, I am the immortal crucified
I rise, I am the immortal crucified
I rise, Your fucking Light has died
I rise, I am the immortal crucified
I rise, I am the immortal crucified
I rise, I am the immortal crucified
I rise, Your fucking Light has died