
"The Continuum Hypothesis" (2005)
1. The Continuum Hypothesis 2. Under Starside Skies 3. Argentum Era Secui Duos (Silver Mistress Part 2) 4. Cardinality 5. Highgate 6. The End Of All 7. Broken Pendulum 8. Aberrant Shadows 9. Quicksilver To Ash 10. Denubrum 11. The Scarlet Thread
1. The Continuum Hypothesis
Countless years between the fated crossings
From the mighty threshold into time
Under the ice-blue glare of a star-filled night
Once again I had arrived…
(Verse 1)
Another point of transition, another’s grand design
The endless quest of a darker mind
A skewed symbiotic voyage through the all
The legatee of a night much maligned
(Grind 1)
Egested “innocence” …an empyrean expulsion
The ethereal levee breaks in multicosmic explosion
(Groove 1)
Unbound I rise
The aleph-null was the lie
Far beyond the rubicon
In league with the Unlight!
(Verse 2)
Fetid crests of purulent seas flowing over all
The cleansing streams transecting time
Guided through the propylaeum of the lemniscate
Supposition’s proof in drowning cries!
(Grind 2)
Aberrant infinities …a systematic return to primal night
Incalculable nefariousness swathed in failing light
(Groove 2)
Unbound I rise
The aleph-null was the lie
Far beyond the rubicon
In league with the Unlight!
(guitar solo)
(end run1)
As the external projection of the Will, I will embody the insurrection into time
With the cosmic singularity well within grasp, I pluck from the churning vortex a view into…
(end blast1)
The blinding splendor of the multileveled universe…
The linear continuum of uncountable infinities!
(end run 2)
A point between all other points and nowhere in between, with malice of forethought I pass through time unseen.
Where others failed before I was successful in my task, and so the ignis fatuus fades and I return to…
(end blast2)
The blinding splendor of the multileveled universe…
The linear continuum of uncountable infinities!
With malice of forethought
I pass through time unseen!
2. Under Starside Skies
“Pushed to find a way
To sate a higher lust
So through night I ride!”
“My burden borne by craft of hand
And strength of will
Under Starside skies!”
Long ago the foul stench rose, yet we remain…
The few to whom the night truly belongs – and by right lay claim.
A darker path
Through twilight’s sky
Awash in a sea of cries
The preternatural rush
Of a frenzied kill
Under Starside skies
Paces quicken in the sunless dawn, on the plains below
As terra shifts so does the night, unbound with no ray of hope.
Scatter, the wide array of a thousand harried souls
Dispersed throughout the lonely camp fleeing to their hold
From Aeries high in show of force so (quickly do) they come
To fall upon the weaker flesh and fell them where they run
Broken Shield of day… And so they carry on
(And on) the shepherds herd as few may tend to stray
Always heading eastward toward the red and cracking clay
Barrier reef to the north and mires in the south
The path veers ever steeply to the estuaries mouth.
Failure in the tithe
The pact was undone
Swift it moves…into sight
Swift it slices…through the hide
Swift it falls…on the pile beneath
Under Starside skies!
From crimson earth I rise!
(My) burden borne and my steel un-stilled.
Tempered with care a few remain
To return to the fastness high
I ride the rising crests away.
“Pushed to find a way
To sate a higher lust
So through night I ride!”
“My burden borne by craft of hand
And strength of will
Under Starside skies!”
A darker path
Through twilight’s sky
Awash in a sea of cries
The preternatural rush
Of a frenzied kill
Under Starside skies
3. Argentum Era Secui Duos (Silver Mistress Part 2)
Once more I ride!
“Be for me and only me”
Was what she said unto thee.
“No go forth and saddle beast…
For tonight we strike!”
Like the pull…of the moon…. to the flow of the tide
So I again… feel her call….to meet those who would try
Flashes of the fleshy cumulus as all is made ready
Time is time and in its stream
The paths of those long gone
Cease to mark the others fall
As sapience fades away
Like the pull…of the moon…. to the flow of the tide
Others try… to lay claim….led by her elusive lure
Shadows of my former self before I championed night
Forces “en masse”…
Forces unmasked
Unmasked in the black yet star-bleached sky, without grace of her guide
In the southern pass beyond the barrier foothills forging the claystone divide
A foolish party, enrapt to she, would seek to claim her spoils
Delectation for the one, as this scene in time unfolds.
From the north we move as three
In motion under one
One third to lay the channeled net, one third to flush them out
One third to block any escape or return them into route.
A wider entrance with narrowed neck closing in the gap
With me alone at gantlet’s head to lead in the attack!
And so it begins again.
As vessel to her will!
”…Oh, the splendor of the machine
Fueled by flesh of the fallen
Moving ever forward with gauntlets raised
Into the night…”
The final vociferations, as the last falls.
Decaying murmurs in melee’s end, silence in the pale
4. Cardinality
"Bending thoughts to the sky,
I choose the path my will to try,
and through it all the night."
Frozen seeds of finite thoughts, barren in less(er) minds.
The untilled planes of higher thought - a waste in midnight sky.
Silver beams on eddied streams the foolish wish to cross.
The arrogance of ignorance while another watches on!
Days to weeks as months will span,
the "epoch" lengths of mortal man -
to further seek the all
A flawed approach to reason what has wandered must be lost.
Set upon a legions task with barely light of sun.
A dimming mind in motion is as clay to one more skilled.
Providing folly for the one that was caught from within
Layer upon layer unbound in time and space - seeking the naught within the all
A Looking glass spanning what was and is to be
And in it all a piece of me!
(bass break)
Impulsive drive to categorize the time invariant night
Misapplied derivatives convoluted in pride
End point limitations to a limitless existence
Folding back the edges to a point at which I claim
A furtive move to elude the frozen barbs of times
So washed away, the minor player in his role (as) in mine
As guided through another's fate to seek the path forgotten
So guided through another's fate to seek the path verboten
And in it all a piece of me!
{spoken over grind at the end}
Blinding Infinities the naught becomes the norm
Receding boundaries to night's apprentice
A claim laid, now lies in wait
A call to those that might!
5. Highgate
(Verse 1)
Faster…footsteps fall upon Swain’s lane
Echoing…the frenzied turn to flight
Alone…. Careless youths caution less
Indurate…the sallow will carries on
Hallowed grounds for a hallowed home
Deep Within the Highgate crypt
(Sub-verse 1)
Privy by a chanced encounter fated by the glimpse
The bitter loss of innocence upon the crimson lips
(Verse 2)
A year ahead…the lonely path is tread again
A union made…and broken in the night
Fears allayed…by thoughts of each and future plans
Fears displayed…as darker thoughts are shown
Hallowed grounds for a hallowed home
Deep Within the Highgate crypt
(Sub-verse 2)
Held in thrall while the sweeter flesh is tried
Filling the warm core with my essence
Always the same, to make a name, the “others” came
A trophy of the highest order, to bring an end to the one
The source of all, will not fall, what time itself ignored
The folly of man to hunt a shade within the night
(Groovy 1)
Set to work on a moonlit night
In the haze of a predawn mist
Not a sound but the clanging gate
Swinging free by the northern wall
Lesser ones are put down
As further into the crypt they seek
With no sign and the thickening smoke
They retreat to seal the way
(Blast 2)
Fresh walls of cement and kneblasch permeate
Premature satisfaction as the hunters………they abate
Known to me alone this manse of mine and all its ways
A safer route free from taint and burning rays
(Verse 3)
Safety…deep within barren soil
Deeply…. dreaming of the next embrace
Castled… and always one move ahead
Hunting… the hunters using them as pawns
Hallowed grounds for a hallowed home
Deep Within the Highgate crypt
(Sub-verse 3)
Privy by a chanced encounter fated by the glimpse
The bitter loss of innocence upon the crimson lips
6. The End Of All
Blinding where it tore the sky and fell from cosmos grasp
Blinding where it fed the lust and steals the thought of man
Blinding where it seeds deceit in the waning lure of light
Blinding where it seals the fate - bringing the end of all!
Not to be heard, not to be seen another quest in darker dreams
A slate devoid of yesterday now makes his way
Deeper through the catching limbs the forest path seems closing in
Footsteps on the foreign trail fall by vestigial engram
“Eternal return into the night…
…Disambiguation in the Unlight”
Stranger here, yet stranger still the underlying pull of will
The source of a recursive force since the dawn of time
Ineffably at Haven’s end, the fading rays as light rescinds
Sets the stage once again for the final act
“Confrontation, the two arrive…
…Comprehension the two collide”
The dichotomy embodies the whole and provides the key
Gathering on a starless night as in times of old
Always the endless struggle played out the same
A never-ending conflict across infinite planes
Across Infinite planes….
“An ever-changing background
to the ouroboros tale”
Immured in forgotten woods locked in eternal embrace
Yellow feral eyes linked with a crimson gaze
Glowing orbs seething, a time-immemorial lust
The sylva air permeates with the sounds of…
The sounds of bitter steel!
“The curtain draws as the dawn arrives…
A new champion stands”
Blinding where it tore the sky and fell from cosmos grasp
Blinding where it fed the lust and steals the thought of man
Blinding where it seeds deceit in the waning lure of light
Blinding where it seals the fate - bringing the end of all!
Not to be heard, not to be seen another quest in darker dreams
The lone survivor makes his way from dark woods path
Indifferent to the battle’s end, one day the paths will cross again
When Legatee and champion meet by fate’s design
“Eternal return into the night…
…Disambiguation in the Unlight”
7. Broken Pendulum
An inevitable cycle (as) structures fail to stand tall upon this broken Pendulum
Descend into the great fall with arms to govern and minds to crawl
Beneath this frame frail and small
Grinding teeth and cracking bones
Metal splinters and pins
Money to dust gold into rust
And everything in between will die with time
Industrial soil erosion…craters fill with blood
Rivers of hydraulic fluid form canyons below
Filling the air with sounds cutting metal
Cranks turn and gears move
Cracking the surface aged and weathered
Her tears will burn the face you’ll fail to recognize when she’s in pain
Growing withered and tired
Charred from the sun’s poison
Burning sight and melting our Future
8. Aberrant Shadows
(Verse 1)
Solar zenith long surpassed…
The waning light in lunar path…
Leads the westward lagging edge…
In a crimson hue
While the few belabor still
The greater mass their bliss reveals
Credulous, indolent flesh
Dulled by time
Shadows under guise of a passing day
Shadows of loathsome time and odious place
Shadows in the “Stygian caves forlorn”
Shadows of an ancient night
(Verse 2)
Analemma in contempt
The one and seven nine descent
Where light begins its wayward course
Felt by those below
For in the stead of absent rays
The scintillating, cerulean haze
Accents the ambient gelidity
Spread from northern plains
Shadows under guise of a passing day
Shadows of loathsome time and odious place
Shadows in the “Stygian caves forlorn”
Shadows of an ancient night
The fluid spread of tenebrous mist
As blanket to the fertile fringe
(Swedish shuffle1)
Freed from the confines, the elliptical-avail, the beginning of aphelion the force that none may quell.
The turning of a world, the balance was destroyed, a caliginous return to the primal void.
The upper plain…long denied by light, the former claims…of what was once by might!
Resurgence, an out flow from wells long thought dry... oozing into night!
(Groove riff1)
“Deeper, deeper, deeper, down I lie”
From the calcite depths unknown slowly I arise
(Swedish shuffle2)
The tyranny of persecution, the curse of broken oaths, the condemning of interment…where others would lose hope
Tenacious, the lust left to fester on, (in) the Cimmerian recursive dreams of those below the dawn
Banished by the sulphorous gaze, no longer holding sway, as final rays expire so in legion they awake.
From the deepest sumps to cesspools far below they arrive as innumerable shades over all
(Groove riff2)
Locked below the stagnant earth the stale air permeates
Through fallen stone and earth the amalgam makes its way
(Stoner Rock1)
Another fool dispatched
Another’s end for sport
Iniquity’s return in crepuscular glory!
(Enslaved riff)
Shadows under guise of passing day
Shadows of loathsome time and odious place
Shadows in the “Stygian caves forlorn”
Shadows of the ancient night!
(Stoner Rock2)
Another fool dispatched
Another’s end for sport
Iniquity’s return in crepuscular glory!
9. Quicksilver To Ash
Daubed in darkest night
A pulsing brush of Vermillion
Spanning earth to sky
In molten flames of biting rock
From the earth within
A show of force unleashed on all
Serpentine…the river flows…slowly through crag and cleft
Consuming…fallen trees over the shallow ledge
Ever moving in a measured pace down argentite slopes
Adding to the sliding shale over centuries untold
Emblazed on a darker canvas, the dissolution of light
Scattered on the northern gale, swept away in a sea….a sea of black (ash)
Ash to ash, and so the path is mottled in the cooling night
The slaggy trail of scoria atop the molten core
Smoke and fumes…. issued forth…far below the cliff
Engulfing all from talus low to spire high
Entropic acceleration, a pyrogenic demise
Racing ever forward with granite seas aflame…burning high…burning into night
And where were those that lie in wait?
Based aside base in tribute to colossus
Where dwelled the foolish few…
Supplicant life spent in the pulsing shadow
Of (an) enthralling force to abyssal to pursue
As in turn it now pursues…
A cleansing conflagration for all who may descry
Purging the tenantry of light.
Serpentine…the river flows…slowly through crag and cleft
Consuming…fallen trees over the shallow ledge
Ever moving in a measured pace down argentite slopes
Adding to the sliding shale over centuries untold
Emblazed on a darker canvas, the dissolution of light
Scattered on the northern gale, swept away in a sea…. a sea of black ash
10. Denubrum
Atop The Highest Mountain, Across the Great Red Waste
Lays The Key To My Deliverance From This Mortal Plane.
The Radiance of the Obelisk Sets My Eyes Afire
With The Dark Scenes Of Time Now Emblazed Upon My Mind
As I Near the Ancient Shrine the Wind Screams Loudest Through
Hollow Trees Which Line My Way As If to Obscure My Path.
Yet This Cannot Be--For Being Part of the Pale
The Timbers Flare at My Touch
And Return To The Ash From Which They Came.
As I Approach the Ancient Monolith
The Veins of Mine Open to Night
Receiving Waters from the Well Within
Having Found the Point Of Eternal Return.
I Am Alive Within the Night
And Will Exist Beyond the End
Of Cosmos Great and Mountains Small
Oceans of Time but Fill My Palms.
Sacrarium Sweet Gate to Life
Release Me from This World of Lies
A Point between One-Thousand Suns
To Build Again What Light's Undone!
11. The Scarlet Thread
Hunting the hunters, the cold justice of wrath
Avenging those that strayed onto a darker path
Fallen lays another prize, this night-quest drawn to end
Disposing in a manner fit, with no hope to ascend.
Each day ends the same…I follow through
The door my will alone conceives and yields to form
Retracing my life’s strand through the naught
Where twisted colors taint the metaphysical hue
An ancient destiny scrolling through my mind
With access to the Chronosphere I pursue “them” into time
In a place where thoughts echo and equations carry weight
I seek the source within the source as key to my fate
A unified infinity derived from chaos trace
I track the change in the line of man
To shift the balance - a return to cerulean haze
I seek the end to the scarlet thread
Further into time a crimson glow is felt
It guides me through the night
Navigating Infinity’s seas
To another scene in time!
Hunger in the night
the primal force urges on
As if by fate the other one appears.
In a path known only to feral eyes
With force the flesh-honed gauntlet ends the act.
Always the same since the “fall”.
(with) Each slowing breath as though my own.
I probe the reeling mind.
A line blurred without distinction
Spiraling through the twisted knots.
Clarity’s disillusionment.
This path returns to me!
Further into time a crimson glow is felt
It guides me through the night
Navigating Infinity’s seas
To another scene in time!
An ancient destiny scrolling through my mind
With access to the Chronosphere I pursue “them” into time
In a place where thoughts echo and equations carry weight
I seek the source within the source as key to my fate
A unified infinity derived from chaos trace
I am but an Ouroboros in time
To shift the balance - a return to cerulean haze
I seek to end - the scarlet thread in me!