
"Lamento Ostinato" (2004)
1. Boredom Sweet Boredom 2. Ostinato Mind Pt. I 3. Born Again A Frog 4. Depression - Box 5. High Horses 6. Good Reason 7. The Couldhaves And The Shouldhaves 8. Lemmingway 9. Poor Poor Me 10. Sad Song 11. Savoir Vivre / Savoir Mourir 12. Sei Mein Feind 13. Ostinato Mind Pt. II
1. Boredom Sweet Boredom
boredom sweet boredom
my boredom sweet boredom
take me nowhere
show me nothing
2. Ostinato Mind Pt. I
ostinato mind – ostinato slave
you don’t need a message
because this world cannot be saved
the beat goes on and on and on
without direction
you don’t have to listen
it will get you one by one
just leave me alone with your...
just leave me alone with your...
just leave me alone with your...
damn small spirit
damn small spirit
one million minds are one
one creature of the night
politicians separate and chemicals unite
repetition dumb – repetition dull
loose yourself and all that’s not manipulateable
„“she went to a party and never came back
and died at 23 from a heartattack ! yeah! “
same old lies same old shit
I’m so sick of it
just leave me alone with your...
just leave me alone with your...
just leave me alone with your...
damn small spirit
damn small spirit
now they got you where they want you
got you in their supervising hands
and when they want you to sing you sing
and when they want you to dance you dance
ostinato mind – ostinato slave
you don’t need a message
because this world cannot be saved
repetition dumb – repetition dull
loose yourself and all that’s not manipulateable
go die in your ostinato grave
3. Born Again A Frog
you`re not gonna go to heaven
you`re not gonna go to paradise
and you`re not gonna reach nirvana
when you die – when you die...
when you die
i guess you wiill be born again
born again a frog
i guess you wiill be born again
born again a frog
cheap superstition
born by the fear of another man’s religion
your magic works only here
you’re lost in foreign regions
and damned by strange and stronger gods
with strange and stronger lies
who only know why...
when you die
i guess you will be born again
born again a frog
i guess you will be born again
born again a frog
...and every king at the call of history
should have a wise man behind him
who whispers a silent memento mori
into his ears to remind him:
„“lazarus arose from the bed
but that’s cold comfort when you’re dead
remember: you are mortal! “
you’re not gonna go to heaven
you’re not gonna go to paradise
and you’re not gonna reach nirvana
when you die – when you die...
i guess you will be born again
born again a frog
i guess you will be born again
born again a frog
4. Depression - Box
depression - box is open
depression - box is closed
guess which situation is the one i like the most
depression - box is empty
depression - box is filled
i guess i won’t get out of here
until i`m dead and killed
yeah yeah yeah depression - box
depression - box is open
depression - box is closed
guess which situation is the one i like the most
depression - box is empty
depression - box is filled
i guess i won’t get out of here
until i'm dead and killed
yeah yeah yeah depression - box
the sky is burning and my head begins to boil
nothing can grow upon dried out thirsty soil
an empty water well where my brain used to be
close my depression – box and throw away the key
depression - box is open
depression - box is closed
guess which situation is the one i like the most
depression - box is empty
depression - box is filled
i guess i won’t get out of here
until i’m dead and killed
yeah yeah yeah depression - box
5. High Horses
come off your high horses
walk proud with joined forces
your secret’s a see through
like said
there’s no need to justify
so all you vip come off your
horses high
come off your high horses
come off your high horses
friendships sink sailing on oceans of trouble
oceans of trouble
friendships sink sailing on oceans of trouble
oceans of trouble
do you realy think that you’re something better
you’re nothing better
your shit does not smell one fucking bit better
you’re nothing better
so come off your high horses
walk proud with joined forces
your secret’s a see through
like said
there’s no need to justify
so all you vip come off your
horses high
come off your high horses
come off your high horses
friendships sink sailing on oceans of trouble
oceans of trouble
friendships sink sailing on oceans of trouble
oceans of trouble
do you realy think that you’re something better
you’re nothing better
your shit does not smell one fucking bit better
you’re nothing better
6. Good Reason
babylon bitch
your beauty fades away away
i gave you all my money money
and now i will no longer stay
babylon bitch
you won’t give me your syphilis
i spent my last lone euro euro
and now i gotta go away
many a word has been wasted
words of hate
words of love
now won’t you come over baby
it’s time to ...
you better give me good reason
to return one day
because for now i am leaving
I’m going - I’m going away
many a tear has been wasted
tears of pain and of joy
now won’t you come over baby
make me a happy boy
you better give me good reason
to return one day
because for now i am leaving
I’m going - I’m going away
if you don’t touch me I’m not real
if you don’t hurt me i can’t feel
all the emotions i conceal
when the scars start to itch don’t you peel
a broken heart that cannot heal
will always beg for love or steal
not my intention - not my free will
not what i want but have to do still
there’s so much space and time to kill
space and time to kill
many a year has been wasted
out in the lonely world
now won’t you come over baby
and be a good – good girl
you better give me good reason
to return one day
because for now i am leaving
I’m going - I’m going away
7. The Couldhaves And The Shouldhaves
the couldhaves and the shouldhaves
are a gang of angry boys
they take you and then make you
become their play ball and toy
regret and repent
are some of their best friends
and bad conscience is the leader of the gang
better watch your back if you come across them
they drive by and shoot you
bang – bang – bang – bang
and the bullets hit
and the bullets hurt
and the bullets make you eat the dirt
the couldhaves and the shouldhaves
are a gang of angry boys
they take you and then make you
become their play ball and toy
regret and repent
are some of their best friends
and bad conscience is the leader of the gang
better watch your back if you come across them
they drive by and shoot you
bang – bang – bang – bang
and the bullets hit
and the bullets hurt
and the bullets make you eat the dirt
and the bullets fly
and the bullets bite
and the bullets make you bleed inside
and the ache and the pain
when they pierce through your brain
many a poor man broke down and died
in this psycho – bullet rain
many a poor man broke down and died
in this psycho – bullet rain
do what you gotta do
walk the lemmingway
the sea is calling you
hey hey
jesus what a shame
died and went away
so there’s no one else to blame
but you
too little space and too little time
too little love and peace of mind
you better walk the lemmingway
better now than the other day
and let me go mine
do what you gotta do
say what you gotta say
do it your own way
many a poor man broke down and died
in this psycho – bullet rain
many a poor man broke down and died
in this psycho – bullet rain
rain on me
8. Lemmingway
9. Poor Poor Me
poor poor me - poor poor me
poor poor everyone of us but first of all poor me
poor poor everyone of us but first of all poor me
if you ask me how I’m doing i gotta admit that I’m alright
for a socially disordered nothing with a tendency for suicide
i only had this morbid urge two times this week and now again
thank god it’s already monday morning six o’clock a. m.
watch out here comes the message:
poor poor me - poor poor me
poor poor everyone of us but first of all poor me
poor poor everyone of us but first of all poor me
if this is what it means to be a member of mankind
I’d rather go deaf dumb and blind
and leave this world behind
if this is what it means to be
a part of your society
I’d rather walk alone and feed my own insanity
poor poor me
and though i know it’s closing time
and though i know it’s time to quit
and though i know nobody loves me
and nobody ever did:
if this is what it means to be
a part of your society
I’d rather walk alone and feed my own insanity
poor poor me
10. Sad Song
oho - oho - oho
it’s so sad - it’s so sad
oho - oho - oho
it’s so sad - it’s so sad
it’s so sad
it’s so sad
it’s so sad
it’s so sad
oho - oho - oho
oho - oho - oho
oho - oho - oho
11. Savoir Vivre / Savoir Mourir
alleingelassen aufgegeben
die freude sonst der schönheit freund
kennt keinen mehr in diesem leben
der süsses lügt mit sauren zungen
und fleisch und lust am feuer bräunt
mitleidend in erinnerungen
mit nichts und niemandem vereint
mit nichts und niemandem vereint
vorbei an trümmern und ruinen
schreit sie dem tot ein lautes nein
zum bösen spiel die guten mienen
um dunkle worte aufzuschreiben
die freude ist allein – allein
und wird es auch für immer bleiben
und wird es auch für immer sein
und wird es auch für immer sein
savoir vivre - savoir mourir
wir sind zu viele hier
fort - fort - fort
es ist das leben das uns treibt
weg von diesem ort
und alles was von uns noch bleibt
ist leerer reim und leeres wort
leerer reim und leeres wort
savoir vivre - savoir mourir
wir sind zu viele hier
kling wohl - kling schräg
das ist der freude weg
leb wohl - leb lang
das ist der freude gang
verlier dich selbst im klang
verlier dich selbst im klang
walk the lemmingway
walk the lemmingway
12. Sei Mein Feind
ich trag die angst in mir schon seit millionen von jahren
ich trag die angst meiner väter und meiner vorfahren
angst aus den zeiten voll dunkler realer gefahren
angst aus den zeiten als wir jäger und sammler waren
ich trag die angst in mir schon seit millionen von jahren
ich trag die angst meiner väter und meiner vorfahren
einst sollte sie mich vor fremdem und feinden bewahren
doch wolf und bär sind schon lange zur hölle gefahren
oho oho oho
ich trag die angst in mir schon seit millionen von jahren
ich trag die angst meiner väter und meiner vorfahren
doch wolf und bär hat man schon längst vor uns totgeschlagen
jetzt bitte sei mein feind wie soll ich die angst sonst ertragen
sei mein feind
sonst bin ich mit meiner angst allein
sei mein feind
sonst bin ich mit meiner angst allein
13. Ostinato Mind Pt. II