
"L'ombre de la Croix" (2001 EP)
1. Winds of Despair 2. Crucis Umbra 3. L'Ange aux Yeux Morts 4. Les Livres de Sang
1. Winds of Despair
In your long march, covered with the Virgin's veil
You hear the bell's distant sound, which annouce my dark funeral.
Throught the shadows of the hood, you try to fly the memories,
which indefatigably nights and days, come haunting your mind.
And however you see me again, still and always...
Kneeded in the desolation,
The face sadded,
By the last blooming,
Of the bloody rose...
This rose,
I couldn't steal to the loneliness, I press it in my hands,
Under the mysterious statues' look to the dead eyes without emotions,
And in spite of all your exertions in this world quiet and cold,
You don't reach to catch your tears and this last kiss on my cold lips,
You know yet that you're only kissing the Death...
Our sobs intermix themselves in the night immensity,
Where i withdraw myself for ever in the loneliness,
Letting the winds of despair,
Caress your gentle face...
2. Crucis Umbra
Si oculi tui repercursum afflatus tui sunt
Reperies in meis
Gravem luctus...
Damnas Vitam,
Silencium noctis in te collocare permittis,
Opus unicum quaerente,
Pedibus, manibus et facei
Per uirgulta cruentis...
Sed post munditiam respectum tuum,
Persona oculis uianibus et saeuis se abdit
Ostendens totum dolorem
Et miseriam ferras...
Et ea nox, uelut tantum alia,
Supra linteum omittens, nunquam post perpetrabit
Sumptuose reddixi
Desperationem infinitam, quam animum meum prehendit...
3. L'Ange aux Yeux Morts
4. Les Livres de Sang
Ô Vous
Pénétrez dans les ombres
De mes funestes Passions,
Pénétrez dans ces livres,
Ecrits aux traits de sang,
Où aucune vérité, ici n'est voilée...
Ô Vous,
Imprégnez-vous de ces récits
De souffrances et de ruines
Où la joie se mêle aux pleurs
Et où aucune lueur ne subsiste,
Dans les ténèbres et l'oubli...
Ô Vous,
Fuyant cette cruelle vérité,
Dans le scintillement pâle de vos yeux
Se lit la macabre destinée
De l'Ange aux yeux morts,
La pureté, l'innocence, la déchéance...
O Thou
Enter the shades
Of my deathly Passions,
Enter those books,
Written in blood strokes,
Where no truth, here is veiled...
O Thou,
Become impregnated with these stories
Of sufferings and ruins
Where joy mixes with tears
Et where no gleam remains
In the darkness and oblivion...
O Thou,
Fleeing from this cruel truth,
In the pale glitter of your eyes
Can be read the macabre destiny
Of the dead-eyed Angel,
Purity, innocence, decay...]