
"Drama" (2006)
1. The Drama (Intro) 2. Drama Pt. I - The Concrete Value 3. Autodestruction 4. Dead Poets Society 5. Drama Pt II. - The Truth 6. A Neverending Drama 7. The Believer 8. Drama Pt. III - The Compromise 9. Compromises 10. The Drama (Outro)
1. The Drama (Intro)
2. Drama Pt. I - The Concrete Value
If the art has the aim to create works
guided from the individualism of the man,
to draw out the intimate friction
between just the mind and the external world -
the contribution of an artist to this world
does not have no concrete value;
to provoke emotions
travisate from the egoism of the man
can't render no concept authentic no famous one, no word;
that the flock can be small or immense
isn't completely comprised fully
the message of truth of one flame of the spirit.
3. Autodestruction
Our existence lives of emotions and fight with the truth,
lost if illuminates, uncounscious if ignoring,
the happiness is a world angle all just,
that we choose to share with some words,
some concepts, some melodies, some tastes,
the true wisdom of the life is perhaps caught up
with the solitude, because only then we are free,
free to nourish our spirit as we want,
free to be destroyed in peace, serene, happy.
4. Dead Poets Society
5. Drama Pt II. - The Truth
The history is made of great men.
revolutionary men, wise men
men who entertain and men who suffer
men who construct and men who destroy
the history repeats itself always, why not servants to nothing?
as lessons studied and forgotten the day after,
men against men, the man against the man, the man.
that it is a divine apocalypse or a human autodistruction
our presence is like a grain of watching
sand of an unknow destiny
that the truth will only know when will be ended.
6. A Neverending Drama
I write in english so my sons understand
indians are globalized too
man write always beatiful love words,
hope words and against the war
and now is tired
perhaps if we invert all and speak of war and hate
we will be tired and search love
the real life show this
a neverending drama without a way out
if a man guide the world searching to resemble God
the divine model bring man in power to be
beasts, matter, water, light, darkness
7. The Believer
a ditched straight line without high by now for a long time,
in the wait to heat to me to some words and some concepts
I find a way in order to evade the fantasy
is a motor that always remains ignited or perhaps one necessity
that we like, for being ready to some words some concepts...
the family, the friendship, the love, the happiness, the dignity, the honesty
I speak about words and about concepts but I would want to speak about persons,
my life is much difficult one but i never end
to believe the only person about which
I can speak I am believer like stalker
a believer in the world of the uncertainty
I am like a hope that becomes truth.
But the truth waits for to replace the words
and the concepts with the persons when all we understand.
I only hope is not too much late.
8. Drama Pt. III - The Compromise
Without never knowing what to want truly
fragile and obstinate, confused and rebellious,
hope is made of small certainties
to be able to breathe they must only
find a way in order to share with some compromises.
Is this the new way
why arriving with a bunch of black flowers
after unforgetable wounds and arms tired
in front of the snare of this system we have constructed on (The Snare)
can't stop me along, I can't cry again.
The compromise is to continue living.
9. Compromises
Admited in a psychiatric hospital;
a solution that send "The Snare" to fuck
if it is arrived to the worst and we don't succeed to die,
but it's a risk choking life
decreeing us cold of forehead to some words, some concepts.
A disease,
the greatest enjoy that exists other that drugs,
but we can't choose and call them
would be a bad luck to remain cold not for guilt ours a declared
an happy and free suicide with a cover letter that explaining
all the reasons puts of agreement the race,
I continue living in order not to only remain cold to some words, some concepts.
It's a solution as the listed others, often a compromise is always a solution,
the compromise is to continue living.
10. The Drama (Outro)