
"The Forest Is My Throne/Yggdrasil" (1995 Split)
1. Black Winds 2. The Forest Is My Throne 3. Min Hyllest til Vinterland 4. The Night of the Triumphator 5. Heimdallr 6. Allfaðr Oðinn 7. Intermezzo 8. Hal Valr 9. Niunda Heim 10. The Winter Kingdom Opus I: Resound of Gjallarhorn 11. Enslaved
1. Black Winds
Summon thy hidden wisdom, gather the unholy hate
Winter is at hand, frozen my tears will be
Created by blasphemy
The edge of my sword, the powers of my mind
Winter is at hand, as two torches blaze in the dark
A warrior dressed in black, granted eternal life
Black winds blow my hair, as the voice of the night
Whispers my name
Blackened ground, misty sound
Hear the call for war, the master calling his
Warriors to explore by the sign of the horns
As the dawn arises the souls of a thousand
Young men shall go wild
As the fire shines into the night they're sitting by
The campfires awaiting the dawn
2. The Forest Is My Throne
Through years of knowledge, man rode the wings of evil
Through the enormous winter, three years without summer
Prepared for the battles of the north
I sat on my throne and watched between
The skies of a cold northern light
Knowing this was my ground, but those who turned their backs
Against my throne, only got my sword on their back!
I rose from my throne, and walked away with the wind
Through centuries of weakness
Only the strong follow me, on my crusade of darkness
In this land where the forest is my throne
I have come to re-hunt
3. Min Hyllest til Vinterland
4. The Night of the Triumphator
Come come infernal war awake beasts of hell
free yourself from the chains that have been holding you for 666 years
We await sodomy and destruction
It is the night of the triumphator (starts the burning of heaven)
On this night in the pentagrams power we shoot the angels down from the sky
(and we) sodomize the dirty whores of babylon... on christian ground
On this night we torture the betrayers
Night night holy night of the triumphator
(rape the nuns, hang the priests, cut the throat of the crying christians)
5. Heimdallr
Heimdall is the name of an Old Norse God;
he is called the Old White Norse God;
he is great and holy;
his teeth are made of gold;
his horse is named Goldtop.
He lives where it's called the mountain in the sky besides
He needs less sleep than a bird;
he sees night as clear as day
one thousand miles away from where he is;
he also hear the grass grow from the soil,
or the wool on the sheep and everything that can be heard.
He possess the horn that is called the Gjallarhorn,
and they can hear him blowing the horn in all the homes.
6. Allfaðr Oðinn
7. Intermezzo
8. Hal Valr
9. Niunda Heim
10. The Winter Kingdom Opus I: Resound of Gjallarhorn
11. Enslaved