
"Omega Telocvovim" (2000)
1. Oceanus On The Dry Land 2. Abaiuonin 3. Transversary 4. `Tis The Sound Of Tempest That Drowns Us Out 5. Ye Crystall Sphears 6. Igne Natura Renovatur Integra 7. Väkisinkastettu 8. De Siatris Od Teloch 9. Grey Skin
1. Oceanus On The Dry Land
Churning becomes the seas and oceans
Reverence to a most soverign frown
And to a swelling pulse
That tears the empires down
Pen the notes for chaos' dances
And weave destruction's gown
Blackguard this art of war
Stranded, but standing proud
Daring to blaspheme so loud
An effigy of pain - this scorn springs from afar
Kätken maan kasvot vesiini
Kuin kuolleena kävelen
En koskaan hautaan ehdi
Puhun suilla vainajien
Kun henget huutaa
Huulet mustaa vuotaa
Vahvaa verta riivattujen
Vain hukkuneilla on valtaa
Tukehtua voi kuivalla maalla
Ilma loppuu autuaalla
Tavalla henki karkaa, olevaisuudesta pois taivaltaa
Raise your arms up
Mouldy claws towards silent air
A deep green army
Malign entourage with an empty, black stare
Antiphonal response
A bellowing trance
Rousing them from a hideous lair
Wroth, braying and writhing about
I am breeding thunder
The dry land will drown under
My perilous kin - acolytes most devout
Arvet syvät kuin valtameri
Enempää vuotaa voi en
Olen täynnä sieluja
Kuolaan pois veden ja veren
Ja henget huutaa
Mustan lihan tulvaa
Kuoro turvonneiden
Säestää sielunsyönnin humalaa
En kovan maan päällä
Enkä vihatulla jäällä
Ole oceanus - harhainen jumala
2. Abaiuonin
Him that is fallen, the physical sun
Progenitor of the devil, serpent of time
Adjustment at the will in Teloah we are alive
And in darkness enabled to being-becoming the one
Death, the final release
The dragon spreads his wings
Death, the friend with loving arms
And claws to rend this world apart
A cycle of cycles, always alone
Yet never lonely, at the bed of a harlot
Tiphereth, Saturnus, whom aeons begot
Another time a stranger, let him be known
Death, the final release
The draongs spreads his wings
Death, the friend with loving arms
And claws to rend this world apart
It was you who heard the Seraphim sing
While I rode the sharpest banshee sting
A toll of hellish might
But whose is the nobler power to clain?
The one light-hearted or of the darkest fame
Alas, for both are but pawns in a cosmic game
Regardless of the aim of their flight
A luminous spear brought new light into my blinded eyes
He lives in all of you
686, 1409, 1345,266
Death, the final release
The draongs spreads his wings
Death, the friend with loving arms
And claws to rend this world apart
3. Transversary
Cryptic lore of the Black Crosse
As transversary called by Dee
Sinister with latent horror
After the sixteen next the gate
The Evil Angels
Minsters and Servants
The Trumpeters of Great Vision
EAST - Sickness and Death
SOUTH - Coining and Gambling
NORTH - Changes of Form
WEST - Evil use of the Elements
Transformation of the world
Through inverted names of a god
Apocalypse will be revived
We sing the songs of silver blades
The Evil Angels
Minsters and Servants
The Trumpeters of Great Vision
EAST - Sickness and Death
SOUTH - Coining and Gambling
NORTH - Changes of Form
WEST - Evil use of the Elements
The questions that went unanswered
For Kelley and John Dee
Are now dawning upon us
Secrets of the Transversary
Azdra, Xannu, Oclao, Caolo
Malap, Ndnos, Bbemo, Auabo
Iaola, Zipli, Apata, Mfzrn
Tiiio, Zibra, Daalo, Adois
The questions that went unanswered
For Kelley and John Dee
Are now dawning upon us
Secrets of the Transversary
Cryptic lore of the Black Crosse
As transversary called by Dee
Sinister with latent horror
After the sixteen next the gate
4. `Tis The Sound Of Tempest That Drowns Us Out
'Tis The Sound Of Tempest That Drowns Us Out
Raged and burned
Longer than the stars in the sky
The Fiend shall conquer
Turn away your heads
Blackened and shattered
Terrible and sublime
Man is the source
Of his own downfall
Splintered rock, Rise of the hurricane
Break the bonds, Blood-lies of humanity
Ride the Fiend, Sun-souled and soaring upwards
There is no tomorrow, Just a burning tomb
The madness has black eyes
And flaming hair, wears a smile
His kingdom, incandescent
Brimstone and charcoal skies
Mankind, its plucked out eyes
And Rotten mouth, wears a frown
Its kingdom, a whispering wind
Mild breeze on the brow of the dead
'Tis the sound of the tempest
That drowns us out
A cremation ground
Ensnared and murdered by flames
The protruding tongues
Lick the smouldering flesh
World is burning
Afire and churning
Alloces' alluring funeral fire
Fure, the sound of the tempest
The cry of the tempted
Drown us out
5. Ye Crystall Sphears
Ye Crystall Sphears
There are skryers
Seers of the ways of wyrd
Who face the damned spirits
And the Hellish vaults below
Spirits come, they come, came in numbers yesteryear
Will come and shall forevermore
When the Equinox arrives and the symbols are in place
Unbound the corporeal knots and wait
Wait until the vision is focused
And channel through what needs to be writ
Spirits come, they come, came in numbers yesteryear
Will come and shall forevermore
The deception of daemons, multitudes of angels,
Noble seniors, undreamed apparitions
And cryptic sights, even unknown landscapes
Must the skryer pour unto our plane
There lies hunger in thy house
Spiritual thirst in the world
The magician gathers his own
Be it material or ethereal harvest
"O'er the night-time winds which howl
O'er the darkened roar
Comes the whisper calling me
Enticing me to more"
- Ceridwen
6. Igne Natura Renovatur Integra
Igne Natura Renovatur Integra
We must burn to ashes
To rise again
With a threefold glory
Prepare yourself
For the unhallowed day
When our souls are fit to climb
And the fools are left behind
Overwhelming shadows
Massive unearthly bodies
Of their weight
Hot smoke burns the tongue
And sets the lungs aflame
The fury of the tempest
Will beat the false pride out of you
A predetermined course
Is upon you
The inescapable finale
Disciple yourself
The sightless one
When desire to live will
So abnormal seem still
Yea, transmutation
Bow down your head
That ignored premonitions, forewarnings
Save your tears
Because your tears won't save you
Be utterly ruined
Creation of silence
7. Väkisinkastettu
On vihastaan veistänyt nyrkin
Verellä punatun
Vieraista valheista koostetun
Ristin kiesus
Ja mustakaapujen lauma
Kiroten heitetään
Kuolemaan ulos pakkaseen
Järven jäällä kirves soi
Teräs lauloi ja verta joi
On lihastaan poistanut myrkyn
Betlehemin saastan
Korppikotkien hylkiman haaskan
Raadon löyhkä
Ja pastorin likaiset valheet
Hurmeella huuhdotaan
Silmä, Perkele, silmästä!!!
Järven jäällä kirves soi
Teräs lauloi ja verta joi
Herramme Saatanan nimeen
Kastan itseni uudelleen
Tuhansien Kristittyjen verellä
Pesen itseni puhtaaksi
Mätänevän Kristuksen löyhkästä
Syleile minua kylmyydelläsi ja
Oi pimeyden musta valtias, olen orjasi
Raiskaa minut vihallasi ja raivollasi
Oi herramme Saatana, olen huorasi
On vihastaan siittänyt koston
Tuonelle vihityn
Totuuden voimalla siunatun
Ja Kristitty lammaslauma
Hurraten mestataan
Ja Suomi takaisin lunastetaan
Järven jäällä masturboin
Ja pyhän miehen verta join
Järven jäällä masturboin
Ja kuolleen Kristityn verta join
8. De Siatris Od Teloch
De Siatris Od Teloch
Come bringers of sickness and death
Ogiodi, Iopgna, Atoglo and Rmlaon
I invoke thee evil angels
Come forth to vomit thy grief
Gah iad oi as momar
Spread thy (leathery) wings over the stars
For I summon thee with blood
And by the power of the black Craa
Gah de teloch od qting
Evil angels weltering in sin
Come and spread thy vile semen
From thy loins to mortal wombs
Butmoni parm zumvi cnila
Vohim ol gizyax
...De siatris od teloch
...Of venomous evil beings
...Of bitches' labor screams
...De siatris od teloch
From the unclean mortal wombs
Rise the cities of tombs
...De siatris od teloch
...Of venomous evil beings
9. Grey Skin
Grey Skin
Do you dare to join the choir
Of opened skin and weeping flesh
Dare you take this sharp key
And penetrate the carnal wall
What treasures will it reveal?
Perhaps a hidden truth beneath...
This drooling call attracts the one
Made of shadows and grey skin
Dare you open the jaws
And look into the red
Open the gates of skin
And see the horde within
Dare you listen their weeping
(Those red tears dropping)
The silent moans from their mouths
And the flowing sighs...
Dare you take this path
For it's made of bleeding
And of suffering and screams
...Although it's all rewarding
I dare to tread there
Where the unfanged jaws drool
Bitter phlegm to amuse
The horde of shadows...
...And grey skin