
"Seelenspiegel" (2002)
1. Soulglass 2. Land of the Lost 3. Nexus 4. Patience's Ring 5. Interlude 6. The Forbidden Site 7. And Soon Will Fall the Days 8. Seelenfrieden 9. Helios' Niedergang
1. Soulglass
For this very moment
I free my pain,
Images of blisses,
You will have to show me
My inner despite,
You will have to lead me inside.
For this very moment
Of timeless age
Fears of deeper insight
Surpass me.
For this very moment
Your eye's turning bright,
A solitary lightning
Without a sound.
Desperately I'm trying
For to hear your voice,
But you will stay silently shining.
For this very moment
I free my pain,
Images of blisses,
2. Land of the Lost
Far beyond the mists in sky,
The all embracing round,
Must lie safe from a goddess frown
An unknown land where loss and sigh
Fill every heart and mound.
The lost come here with torment load,
Arising from their difference;
From mass and hate, from mass compelled,
They're lost inside themselves.
Help me to break free from all those treacherous expectations,
Save me from the numbness of the so called fellow-creatures,
Free me for to live and not to be lived by the mass,
Free me for to be myself…
Inbetween the grass of woe,
The burdensome discord,
Relieve the slain their shattered minds,
In unknown words of things below
The superficial horde.
And soon when all the grief is done
The loners' crowd will crumble
The lost return to solitude
To win inside themselves.
Help me to break free from all those treacherous expectations,
Save me from the numbness of the so called fellow-creatures,
Free me for to live and not to be lived by the mass,
Free me for to be myself…
3. Nexus
This is where I cry my silent longing for your grace,
For the paralysing motion that your moods evoke in me.
All your wonders live inside me,
Fill my heart with life again;
All your rushing pleasures flee
'Round till my time comes.
Now is what I see dissolving through an emprisoned mind,
Ancient thoughts have walled a cell of stone around me.
This is where you catch my conscience for to torture me,
For to live inside my nightmares, rising from the gone days.
If I just could banish
Those who loathe my soul,
Those who once have been my life;
I left their crystal cavern.
4. Patience's Ring
When all time ends
Your soul I send
Beginnings end
On deathbed's hands
When ends begin
When your heart weeps
And hide the truths
Its golden bud
What lie herein
Mine patience keeps
Mine ancient will
Mine shining smoothes
Through years of blood
Since any times
While farewells win
Thine surge of rage
A golden chest
Which's kept in gold
To charming rhymes
For ever in
The weight of age
Will lie the rest
Weighs nothing more
In my vein's shrine
Will curse your thrill
Than insight's might
Smooth shape of gold
Inside my core
The cast of mine
When furies fight
Veils in heat's hold
Along my bends
The earthheart's cast
The fight would last
Till all time ends
5. Interlude
My mind lies weak
And quietness speaks of sound
As captive in a creek
Of wordlessness.
As though a silent hurt
Is trembeling
In screaming riot's roar
The night stays calm
And quietness speaks.
6. The Forbidden Site
Blackened lies in ashes arms
The broken grace of rites;
Through glowing mist the death appears
And shows some withered soul the way.
Dunkelheit lastet auf goldenen Höhn',
Lichtschimmer winden sich sterbend im Fluss.
Rauschend vermischt sich das Schweigen
Der Stille in endlosem Reigen.
Welch glänzende Träume, welch Wohlklang, es muss
Niemand voll Angst mich beseh'n.
Wenn eisige Schauer aus siedendem Zorn
Und lähmende Furcht gegen Tugend besteh'n,
So lasse dich führen,
Verblendung zu spüren;
Komme nur zu mir, du wirst mich versteh'n,
Vernehme das lockende Horn.
7. And Soon Will Fall the Days
"We are the essence of the world beyond perception,
Force is the outcome of our arms ordained by the unaware,
Blood is the liquid between dreams and life's deception,
Noone will know when we'll raise our swords against the days."
Things existing,
Lifelessly living,
They disclose
The world's appearance
Things existing,
Bloodlessly pulsing
In the stream
Of time's procession.
Thoughts forgotten,
Seeming asleep,
They'll awake
In drapes unthought.
Thoughts that vanished,
Ended in smoke,
Will return
And fear they'll stoke.
8. Seelenfrieden
Der Welten Glanz scheint ungetrübt
In meinen Augen wieder.
Fragen stiegen,
Wissen sank
Von hohen Häuptern nieder,
Seit das Leben mich berief.
Der Sterne Gang ging unberührt
Von hoher Tat vorüber.
Sagen fielen,
Um getrost
Von neuem aufzublühen;
Seit das Wort den Geist beirrt.
Das Sein hält nie ein Leben an,
Doch hält das Sein den Geist.
Wiegen leicht
Auf ewig gleicher Waage;
Seit das Rad der Zeiten rollt.
Doch Taten sind von hoher Lehr'
In einem reichen Leben,
Wenn man möge
Durch der Zeiten
Rauhen Schritt bewahren
Seinen Seelenfrieden sich.
9. Helios' Niedergang
Lucemus ad terram pridem tempos aeternos.
Der Flammenengel:
"Erhebt euch, Sklaven des Lichts,
Lodert auf in Zerstörung!
Erbebt in Salven des Scheins
Gleissender Flammenwut."
Die Flammen:
"Gebiete, Herr,
Wir sind bereit,
Zu kämpfen als Feuer,
Zu sterben in endlicher Glut."
Der Flammenengel:
"Lodert auf,
Lodert hoch empor!
Entfachet die Welt,
Bis alles in ihr,
In Schwärze entmachtet,
Und zerfällt."
Der Weise:
"Ich fürchte euch nicht.
Kommt und sehet, dass ihr vernichtet werdet,
In einem Sturm des Nichts versinkend.
Und die Welt wird ohne Licht sein
Und euren Tod feiern."
Erblühet, Kränze, wenn ihr in Rot getaucht,
Zu weiten Weiden vor dem bestrahlten Band,
In dem voll schwerem Gleichmut Farben
Brennend und glitzernd wie Schemen glimmen.
Verblasset, Schemen, bald schleicht ihr kraftlos fort,
Und niemand hält euch, wenn ihr hinunter geht
In tiefe Gruft, das Grab des Tages,
Bis dann die Kränze im Mondlicht schimmern.