
"The First Storm" (2002 Demo)
1. Looking Down 2. The First Storm 3. Born In Flames 4. Cenizas 5. The Last Day
1. Looking Down
2. The First Storm
Lyrics: Gerson Mejía
Music: César Banegas, Gerson Mejía
In the beginning there was only silence!
Nothing existed between the oceans an the sky
But then Gucumatz , and Tepeu(the mighty fathers)
Created the river the forest and the land!!
Like the storms and the clouds was the creation
From the dark waters the green mountain emerged,
Silence was broken by the howling sea,
And the grate thundering sky!!
Like a chain reaction every thing began
Life was given trough the rivers in the mountains
And trough our immortal veins!!
This was their gift to us....
..........their true sons, hahaha.
3. Born In Flames
Letra: Gerson Mejía
Música: Gerson Mejía, César Banegas
Trapped in this forgotten place
Where dead angels dance
And humans cry out in pain
As life walks upon them
Where tears of sorrow are draw
In innocent faces,
And all hopes are consume...
...by the fire of hatred
We crawl for salvation ,
But we have found none
We drown,
In our selfish world of damnation
As the ghosts of our past
Hunt us every night
We still have another victim
On sight!!!
Day after day, we fight in vain...
In cold temples we search for a god
that lives....
...in the heart of forgotten souls!!
And yet with a little of our broken faith
We want to live!!!
Another day and see...
....another sun!!!
We born and we die
In flames of sorrow and anguish
Forever we suffer
In the eternal circle of
4. Cenizas
Letra: Cesar Banegas
Música: Gerson Mejía, César Banegas
El viento se lleva los restos, de una alma torturada
Las cenizas alzan vuelo, buscando su ultima morada!!.
Eolo juega ,eterno danzar por todo el lugar,
Como un silvido, viajan sin cesar,
Acampan y vuelven a zarpar, bailan por los cielos
Alcanzan el firmamento, sujetos a la voluntad de Eolo.
Este podria ser mi fin ideal
Sin embargo, quede atrapado en este lugar,
No puedo ver la luna ni el sol la caja es mi fria prision,
Oh!! Eolo escucha mi lamento liberame de este....
5. The Last Day