
"Out Of Eden" (2002)
1. Sphere 2. My Sweet VIOLAnce 3. Der Diplomat 4. On Winter's Earth 5. Birds We Are 6. Amber Journey 7. Dead Ends 8. Cold 9. Meine Jägerin 10. Autumned Inside 11. Wiegenlied
1. Sphere
here, deep into the wound
you stick your finger
here, deep down in my wound
I wait for you
come to me and pour your salt all over me
come to me and make all pain come free
I know you will come
like you always did
I just wonder how it will feel
will I cry or will I scream
let the pain crush over me
I want to feel the waves of ecstasy
I let you reach out for my heart
with your claws you tear me apart
I know you will come
like you always did
I just wonder how it will end
will I die or will I dream
2. My Sweet VIOLAnce
grey clouds take their trip
travelling so cold so quick
beyond the dirty window
drowning the seeds of spring
the warm wind forgot to blow
130 pounds of liquid ice
do their catwalkdance tonight
every step that scars the floor
make me cry whom I adore
sweet grey clouds moving fast
exploring their way
black blue eyes sending back
only a poisoned ray
I tried to drown this pain
failure - it resisted
now it tries to do the same
failure - I'm still dead
stretched bodice does its share
glittering moonboots up to the knee
and what nylon spanned thighs do dare
screws up the madness to a higher degree
my sweet
my bitter
my violaNCE
3. Der Diplomat
kein diplomat in meinem krieg
in meinem herz, in meinem kopf
und hinter trüben augen
kein frieden und kein - sieg
doch ich kriech vor dir
auf meinen knien daher
wie ein tier vor dir
ich verlasse mich
verliere mein gesicht
vor dir vor mir - für dich
doch du - du siehst mich nicht
gedankenspiralen in bahnen
immer schneller immer enger kein zurück
kein halt keine kontrolle
unberechenbar und ungebrochen
was gedacht ist ist gedacht
und gedanken fordern konsequenzen
ein kleiner anstoss ein wort ein blick
ein vorgang eine maschine ein automat
stärker als der verstand und grösser als die vernunft
und so lähmend wie gift
strudel ziehen abwärts - eskalation in der tiefe
gott einen schritt voraus
gefühle komprimiert und konzentriert
tobender krieg - evolution des wahnsinns
doch ich kriech vor dir
auf meinen knien daher
wie ein tier vor dir
ich verlasse mich
verliere mein gesicht
vor dir vor mir - für dich
doch du - du siehst mich nicht
4. On Winter's Earth
asleep I am
cold ice on my cheeks
twirling little snowflakes dancing
to the beat my heart once knew
the flowers for you
they withered in my hands
the poem I wrote
I kept it only for me
so many farewells
so many goodbyes
so many tears
of loss and hope
will I die now a lonely death
or will you remember me
will I die now a lonely death
or will you hold my hand
will I die now a lonely death
or will you stay with me
will I die now a lonely death
or will you die with me
will you remember
will you hold my hand
when I lay down on winter's earth
will you lay down with me
5. Birds We Are
now I lie down, take a breath so deep
once you promised you would comfort
me in my sleep - did you forget
we all have burnt our wings once in life
at the light that draws its attraction to us all
but we know no halt, no pause at all
when we try to fly again and not to fall
we all have lost some lovers once in life
to the dark that turns its attention to us all
but we know no halt, no pause at all
when we try to love again and not to fall
birds we are - in the last summer known
birds we are - heading south one last time
we are lost - for the last season known
we are dead - to the north - this very last time
and so you tell me tomorrow will be a better day
but I fear to see you burnt and that you cannot stay
how can you tell what the future holds
all I found you did not like to hear me say
and again we will burn our wings in this life
at the light that draws its attraction to us all
but we'll know no halt, no pause at all
when we try to fly again and not to fall
birds we are - in the last summer known
birds we are - heading south one last time
we are lost - for the last season known
we are dead - to the north - this very last time
oh I yearn for my sleep,
to forget the promises we could not keep
will you hear me sigh,
when I kiss your memory goodbye
6. Amber Journey
now I shiver in amber warm emptiness and
songs from the whales are floating through the
burning desert air
I turn around, there is nothing to see
but the mirrorlike horizon and me
I start walking, but I can not feel the ground
looking up looking down, crystal golden sand
gushing through my toes - through my toes
here I don't need my clothes
here I don't need no breath
nothing changes - nothing to prove
on this amber journey
my brain is melting
little point, little point
coming fast and straight to me
from beyond, from beyond I see:
a bizarre figure without legs
in his shining uniform
on his black old bicycle
smiling without lips
oh help me, help me, smiling man
help me escape, escape from here
from mad dreams that I fear
here I don't need my clothes
here I don't need no breath
nothing changes - nothing to prove
on this amber journey
old man's tracks dancing in the sand
circling 'round me, waving dunes
where I am - where is he gone
how tired I feel now in the heat
on this golden, on this amber journey
7. Dead Ends
I passed the point of no return
on the borderline-journey
I've heared their order:
show us your license for luck
your license for love
and tell us: how does it feel
how does it feel in a trap
if life was a little path with our name
know that mine would be short and spiral-like
no exit - only one direction
the dead end
as love is a train it would not stop for me
so I wait, let it pass and lie down
on cold old steel - waiting for
the dead end
can't you see the flowers
she asked me every day
but I can't see, I can't feel anything
I'm so sorry baby, I'm in war - with myself
can't you touch the grass so green
and hear the flies and the bees
and the birds in the trees
but I can't hear, I can't feel anything
I'm in war - with myself
can't you feel the warm gentle touch
the sun's fingers in your face
oh no - I'm so sorry dear - I can't, I can't feel
It's the war - inside
I passed the point of no return
on the borderline-journey
I've heared their order:
show us your license for luck
your license for love
and tell us: how does it feel
how does it feel in a trap
if life was a little path with our name
know that mine would be short and spiral-like
no exit - only one direction
the dead end
as love is a train it would not stop for me
so I wait, let it pass and lie down
on cold old steel - waiting for
the dead end
and can't you touch me she asked
you're so cold she said
I'm sorry I can't feel you babe
I'm in war - with myself
I can smell the ice she said
I'm freezing in your arms she said
and we kissed - oh no -
for goodbye
8. Cold
what are you waiting for
what are you dreaming of
do I really want to know
can't you see there's nothing we share
and the bonds that tied us became dust
can't you see that we don't care
that we search distraction in lust
and so we walk blinded
in a world colder every day
and when we try to talk we must admit
that there is nothing left to say
still we do remember
easy days and hopes and smiles
when did we lose our innocence
this sleepy view of the past
we were legends and kings and queens
in realms of our own
now we are fallen and can only look back
words without wisdom but full of regret
can't you feel there's nothing we share
and the bonds that tied us became dust
can't you feel that we don't care
that we search distraction in lust
and so we walk blinded
in a world colder every day
and when we try to talk
we must admit that there is nothing left to say
can we make it through the night through the days
in a world that is getting colder
and with hearts getting weaker
all your sweet perversions I did not know
nor all these dreams that we did not share
oh goodnight my dear
sleep safe although you're lost
9. Meine Jägerin
warum jagst du in meinem herzen
warum raubst du mir die letzte kraft
warum spüre ich diese schmerzen
was hast du mit meiner liebe gemacht
(was hast du gemacht, was hast du getan)
was raubte mir die sinne
was stahl meine träume
was ist es in deinem blick
vor dem ich mich noch immer fürchte
mein herz war geöffnet und du hast es erobert
ob du wolltest oder nicht
du bist in mir drin, das messer gezogen
und du jagst mich tag für tag
dein blick verfolgt mich noch immer
ob du mich ansiehst oder nicht
du bist in mir drin, das messer gezogen
und du jagst mich tag für tag
kraftlos gleite ich zu boden
versuche nicht an dich zu denken
du hast mich nie belogen
doch mußtest du mir dieses lächeln schenken
sag mir, was gibt uns die hoffnung geliebt zu werden
ich weiß nur was den großen traum zerstört
(weißt du es auch)
ich weiß nur was mich noch gefangen hält
mein herz war geöffnet und du hast es erobert
ob du wolltest oder nicht
du bist in mir drin, das messer gezogen
und du jagst mich tag für tag
dein blick verfolgt mich noch immer
ob du mich ansiehst oder nicht
du bist in mir drin, das messer gezogen
und du jagst mich tag für tag
10. Autumned Inside
as we die and nothing's done
as we try and choose wrong
and every dream in red decays
let our end be the end
of human race
no tear I weep
no hand to take
no ground to creep
no cause for hate
no tear of ice
no red sunrise
deep blue sea so cold
no blossom no bird
a tree of stone so old
and no gold under dirt
pure pain inside I could embrace
freezing tears and blood and face
where the cold wind once did blow
now it's too cold to snow
just one tear
or caculated hate
or ice to break
or fear of fate
no single drop
and no cascade
never - autumned inside
never - too late
11. Wiegenlied
mit zunehmendem wissen
darüber sollten wir uns im klaren sein
steigt ebenso das leid in uns
die kraft die wir schöpfen
um zu überleben - wozu auch immer
aus der hoffnung schöpfen wir sie
so krampfhaft ignorant
doch ist die hoffnung nicht mehr
als nur ein wiegenlied
so wird es kein besser geben
es wird allenfalls ein anders geben
fehlt uns der wille
so sollte uns auch die kraft fehlen
doch die natur ist ein sadist
so bleiben wir ruhelos, rastlos
die ferne im blick
treiben wir durch die zeit
wie ein schiff ohne ruder