
"Cryptic Works" (2005 Best of/Compilation)
1. Internal Catastrophy 2. Post Mortem Soul 3. Prophecy of Infinity 4. The Price of Submission 5. Misfortuned at Birth 6. Into the Lives of the Unblessed 7. Portal of Demonic Torment 8. Drowning in Ignorance 9. Cast Into Darkness 10. Rebrutalization 11. Sermon Decay 12. Horrific Engenderment 13. Vomit Congregation 14. Images of Tragedy 15. Everything Must Decompose 16. flow Towards Salvation
1. Internal Catastrophy
Millions dying disemboweled. So unholy were their past lives.
There is no turning from this Infernal Catastrophy.
If they had accepted Christ, took the cross and changed their lives, if they had repented first,
they would have no place in Hell.
Corpses still suffering death, dying and dying again and again. totally absent from God.
Reality laughed in their face.
Lamb was slaughtered for their sins. Only some were led to this life in Christ so plentiful.
and the rest were fools.
Persecution of his ones. Hundreds died and were martyred. Heaven awaits our souls. Rejoice!
Corpses stil suffering death, dying and dying again and again. Totally absent from God. Reality
Laughed in their face...again
Screaming will never end. Instantly burned to death. Ignorance killed their souls, dyng and
dying again.
2. Post Mortem Soul
Torn apart by sickened spells, the hour has arrived for death. Feeling a final tug upon his
soul, he meets his makers face.
"Bow down before me," says God. "Vengeance is mine." there is no choice but to yield to the
Lord's request."
Sin has ruled your existence since your birth. You did not accept the Christ
Chances you've had were ignored. there is no excuse for this.
As your soul is stripped away...
As your soul is stripped away by demons from the realm of Satan. You are pulled in flames
Another death, another soul who lost its freaking way, and was denied eternal life. And
everlasting pain was his only place.
Undead will feast on your body forever. Eyes torn from your skull. Rotting in the grave.
Sin has left your treasures in ruins. You did not depend on him. Wasted your life and now
beside the Throne. How will you explain?
You died a horrible death. And because you rejected my God you lost your soul. You lost your
3. Prophecy of Infinity
Praise my God for he is amazing. He will reign for all eternity. there never will be gods
before him. Give your sould to the King. Praise him, Father, Lord of Power.
Take your life and follow Christ. master of the endless light. Savior of the lost souls. Leader
of a Nation. Praise him, Father.
4. The Price of Submission
Lord Almighty, creator of the Earth. Shed your mercy in this life. Great is your hold in my
existence. Dwell in me, ward off temptation. I cry out, cry out the name of Jesus. Oh, my
saviour, let me feel. Guide me to everlasting life, Christ!
All the treasures you've stored up will be obsolete, where they rust and thieves can steal and
kill. Greater is he who is in me than the hatred in this world. Guide me to heaven, your kingdom
reign. Guide me to aid those who won't accept. Accept! Accept! Accept! Accept your truth.
Vanity, insanity, sorcery. Adultery, witchery, murder, all will die. Time to be free ,
end the sin. Only way out of this is Christ. Price of Submission!
The price of submission is death.
5. Misfortuned at Birth
! !
I have searched the ends of the World, trying to find my rewards. I cannot find what belongs to
me. It tears me apart from the inside. All my life I have dreamed of a great existence. Takes me
time to realize that this is just a wive's tale.
No reassurance or revelation. Apathy takes my soul.
I return as a newborn soul. Wishes made, I have all I want. I will take all I deserve, sing my
praise to God. Misfortuned at Birth!
But I wake up and realize that this was a dream. I had forgotten my God. Now I must suffer. Oh,
suffering! Oh, more suffering! When will it end? When will I win? You don't understand me.
6. Into the Lives of the Unblessed
Blinded eyes, like something you've never seen. The people have lost their vision. It seems as
though they are dead. Trapped by sin like chains that bind their souls. Their minds have lost
control. World of sin!
Take my hate away, replace it with the love of Christ, eat away at my anger. Take away my pain,
God forgive my iniquities, give me peace of mind.
They have lost direction. People of deception. Lost in cheap philosophies, tradition, and
demise. Cursed beast of Hell who controls the world, you will lose your grip on the unsaved.
Take my hate away, replace it with the love of Christ, eat away at my anger. Take away my pain.
God forgive my iniquities. Give me peace of mind.
Blinded eyes, like something you've never seen. The people have lost their vision. It seems as
though they are dead. It seems they are dead.
7. Portal of Demonic Torment
Feed the Spirit, fight the flesh. Worldly lust and worldly hate is here, Christ will conquer
all, he controls my mind. I am weak and feeling faint, burdens showing in my tired face. Christ
will make me rest, he guides my way.
There is a whole in my faith. Demons come in to torment. Spreading the message of hate,
burdening me with despair. Cutting me away from all that brings mel ife. Threatening to take
what I love. From this there will be no gain.
There is terror every day. Tearing, breaking in every way. This behavior spawns no life. I
opened the portal of demonic torment. Here I stay on my knees. Holding with me all this hate.
Holding with me all this pain, portal of demonic torment.
Portal, of, Demonic, Torment. Portal, of, Demonic, Death!
It's the door where demons come in to torment. Spreading the message of hate, burdening me with
despair. Until I call to my God, there will be sin. There is no escape. Until I call to my God,
there will be urge to sin. It is the portal's end. There is no escape!
8. Drowning in Ignorance
Drown in ignorance of sorrow. Fall in pits of disgrace. Crying in the darkness, desperate for a
savior. Cry out to the Son, open up your eyes, Mercy is yours, stop the lies.
Scholars worshipping the stars in the sky. Answering questions with lies.
Plagued by a false antichrist full of lies and deception. You will be undermined. News full of
death, choose the worst, show the world, and you'll see a broken promise.
Drowning. Drowning in Ignorance!
9. Cast Into Darkness
You're Still Living
You're Still Breathing
Enjoy Your Sinning
Without God you're not Winning
Cast Into Darkness
10. Rebrutalization
These events are written in Prophecy:
After the conflict has died there is still more violating of the principles of life
Dwelling around me is Satan the Beast
Relentless Rebrutalization of man
Slowly awaiting to seek and destroy
Slowly awaiting
Victim of intensified destruction of the brain
Injuries to vital organs of the already rotten mind
The sickness now begins
This is our nature
These maledictions are embedded in our heads
like a chain reaction of iniquity
Injury to the body
Worship of the Flesh
Existence of disgrace
Which ends in a cursed infinity
How do we escape our fate of ill deception?
How do we escape our lust for self-degredation?
Entity of hatred
Brutalizer of Humanity
Entity of the Serpent
I despise your being
Depravation to the end of time
Since ancient days you have walked
Murderous annihilation
Race of endless condemnation
Depravation until the end
You must die
Since time began you were of Hell
You wretched spawn
You exist and end to your lies
Corruptor of all
Soon to die under the masses
of endless suffering
Injury to the Body
Worship of the Flesh
Existence of Disgrace
Which ends in a cursed infinity
11. Sermon Decay
Relgious Heirarchy plagues the church
To poison man, misleading as they search
On one side are jaded legalists
seeking to enslave doctrine
Stressing sin to sick proportions
striving to please with works
Still are those who try to use these works
to save their greedy spirits
New Age tainted philosophy
Karma invades our progeny
Entities of judgement market stories of inhuman lies
"Gospel" of uncertainty, there is only one indeed
Stories of uncertainty, there is only one indeed
The pain begins
The Sermon Decay is now unleashed
To push the masses further away
now let us pray to a world deceased
Legalistic movements arise
those who oppose will pay with their lives
entities of judgement market stories of inhuman lies
Legalistic movements arise
those who oppose will pay with their lives
entities of judgement market stories of inhuman lies
Enter the light flowing from inside
I repent from the horror of life
Outside the church, painted in black
Etched are the words "Please Come Back"
Message of pain, filled with decay
Rejection felt to push me away
Have you forsaken me
The pain begins
the sermon of decay is now unleashed
To push the masses further away
Now let us pray to a world deceased
Legaistic movements arise
those who oppose will pay with their lives.
Entities of judgement market stories of inhuman lies
12. Horrific Engenderment
Generational inheritance, children of mistaken negligence.
Tortured souls
Burn to cause more hunger, malice, debt, and to spread disease.
Raised, misled, yet fed lies and tales instead of Truth.
Minds Distilled. Senses Killed. Sin is willed as well
Humans leave and enter earth on a daily basis
Some extinguish in the womb by accident or abortion
Famine, war, abuse still causes death among the young ones
Raised, misled, yet fed lies and tales instead of Truth
Minds Distilled. Senses Killed. Sin is willed as well
Some are born, others die, what's the point of this life
Of this game we call existence?
Horrified by my own life, loss of purity an innocence
At least we have God
Impious atrocities committed daily by our race
Human Error! Where is absolute truth?
13. Vomit Congregation
Inflicted hatred into the veins of my emotions, of my ways.
Unline the Savior of mankind, covered in beauty but rotting inside.
How unwise it is to see a sanctuary become a jail.
Ousting truth from preaching mouths and riding down this horrible trail.
Gossip, envy, malice, blindness, just the things you see in this world.
But with every step they take, faith is ended, hope is frail
Whatever happened to Love in a church?
Why can't you see what salvation is worth?
Whatever happened to Love in a church?
Why can't you see what salvation is worth?
Satan's ways come undone, endangerment of the soul
Still awaiting to have my say, still engulfed in burning envy.
Still engulfed in burning envy.
Victory, I see the writhing sea
Brings out the lies inside that fire will consume.
Fire will consume my entrails, bringing me a life of pain
Haven of perversion. Vomit Congregation.
14. Images of Tragedy
Broken souls in solitude lamenting their existence
Questions plague my mind, those images of tragedy
Broken is my heart, shattered is my mind,
too afraid to die alone
Descending into the bowels of Hell
Darkness on my throat begins to tear
Loneliness is too much to bear
Causing pain and despair
Even through this vision is not reality, fear and suffering hemorrhage inside of me.
Dwelling in pure monotony, sickening thoughts of uncertainty.
I have grown tired of living, but too much afraid of dying.
I am imprisoned, shut in a cell, feeling forgotten, too close to this Hell.
Fed no affection, love or direction, treated like feces, suffering species.
Time passes by, I open my eyes, still locked in my cell, the wind is so cold.
The darkness still there, they say I am blessed, but pain I can't bear.
They say I am blessed, but unhappiness is still there. Confusion is there.
Images of Tragedy afflict me day by day.
When I close my eyes, the torturers, they return.
Force-feeding me with lies, their concepts I despise.
Their stories I must believe, for my miserable life I grieve.
Images of evil, I must purge my life of sin before my death.
The answer lies in Christ, forever I pray to you my God.
Seek the blood from above, righteousness will triumph over sin.
In my suffering I can find some peace within.
And the souls below, rotting and crying for inner truth, blinded by demise.
I command you to obey my God. I will fall but shortly after, I will rise.
Christ is our salvation. Satan, rest in agony.
I will arise from the grave. Holy pilgrimage towards the Heavens of Truth.
15. Everything Must Decompose
Why must I conform to the laws of this life?
Slave of the system! Little can be done to change the way humans respond to my actions.
Slowly I descend into a life-threatening depression
Sickened by loneliness, invaded by emptiness
Why must I feel like I'm suffocating inside
Bed-ridden obsession, suffering mental breakdown, lacking moral direction, death is my intention.
Everything is broken, rancid, decomposing, choices breed inside me, suicide rejection.
Demise of my sanity, chronic brain infection, nemesis of my entity, memories of the past,
Prelude to Torture!
Memories of the past arrive and grip me by the neck.
Rleasing savage images of death upon my existence.
Raging hatred, drowning in misery.
Must I be bold to curse life itself
Envy behold as I watch the world
Questions arrive, who said it would be fair?
Time to attain perfection is there
As I decompose, existence of dispair
In my pain I drown in tears forsaken so I felt
Everything must decay before it is reborn
And shall dust become dust for the rest of eternity
Everything Must Decay. Everything Has to End
All shall decompose. I will not forget
Everything Must Decay. Everything Has to End
Christ is the Word made Flesh
16. flow Towards Salvation
A large wound must be opened in order for us to drink the blood and spread it on our skin.
Blood I desire this night, I must satiate my bestial cravings.
Emptiness, decadence, rid my thirst, bring me life,
cleanse my sin, death is through, blood of Christ, make me new.
Instant hatred, frothing anger, limbs are severed, soul is shattered.
Endlessly destroying the wealth of those who gained by exploiting
What will become of the spirits?
What will become of the spirits who no longer inhabit the freshly dead corpses?
Imminent destruction for my life if I leave my faith behind, no remorse.
Blood of Christ, stay the course
They've been incarcerated for many ages.
The time has come for us to see just how the dead have paid their wages.
The gates have opened yet again, newborn beings arising from their graves.
Walking towards the bloodflow of the One who saves.
Blood of Christ, end the pain and agony.
Blood of Christ, all I do will end in victory.