
"Four United Cranium Kicks" (2000 Demo)
1. Crush Their Faces 2. Nothing At All 3. Killing Machine 4. Revenge
1. Crush Their Faces
Fucking system, suck my dick
You fucking assholes, you fucking ruin me
How the fuck shall I live...
When all my money is spent on bills?
Shut up and work, goddamn jerks
Those bloody motherfuckers who earn what we…
Create, create, create, create
All my life I have been used
Kissing their asses, doing their shit
I’m a whore to this fucking system
Cause society stinks like a rotten…
Dead pig, dead pig, dead pig, dead pig
Crush their faces
Crush their faces
We are doing all the shit work
They piss on us, they don’t care
So drink, drink and puke
Drink until, until…
You die, you die, you die, you die
Crush their faces
Crush their faces
2. Nothing At All
I saw a bad fat ass
A weird little shit
I saw a slowly rotting pig
That couldn’t talk straight out
A false damn bastard
A nervous little prick
A weak bad attitude
To everyone that’s in his neighborhood
But he is nothing
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
They are… nothing
I saw a betrayer
A fucking son of a bitch
That fucked his buddies’ girls
But oh no, nothing happened
Oh, shoot him down, yeah!
People like him shouldn’t live
Liars because they’re so poor
But they talk like they could kill a dinosaur
But they are nothing
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
They are… not a fucking thing
3. Killing Machine
A fountain of blood
Is what you’ve become
Now, when I’m through with you
There’s nothing left
A sea of gore
I leave behind
My mission
To wipe away you all
To wipe away you all
I am a, I am a killing machine
I am a, I am a killing machine
I am a, I am a, I am a…
I am a, I am a killing machine
I am a, I am a, I am a…
I am a, I am a killing machine
4. Revenge
I’m ready to strike back
At all those who didn’t believe
Ready to force them away
Away from my sight
Killing these dogs, make them know
What frustration is about
Slaughter them, make them feel
Constant fear and eternal pain
I shall never again trust them
I shall never again believe
Is stronger
Than everything
Cause now, when I’m through with them
I’m gonna execute them all
Those motherfuckers, they shall feel
My hatred so totally
I shall never again trust them
I shall never again believe
Is stronger
Than everything
My revenge is stronger than all
You will feel my hate
I’m gonna show you the fastest way to hell
That’s my revenge