
"Guided by the Devil" (2006 Demo)
1. Insomnia 2. Born dead 3. Black metal 4. Evilized 5. The new gods 6. Secret of the templars 7. Protection of the last kingdom 8. Philosophy of Emmos
1. Insomnia
In the night he came and told me. I was so afraid of him. I’ve just understand the past tyrants were only subjects of the real one. Evil Tyrant, our master, our leader. Nobody can kill him. His hate immerse myself. The beast is immortal and have a lot of disciples. Called Satan or Belzebuth,
he catchs you and brokes your minds like a twig. In the night he came and told me. I was afraid of him. I’ve just understand I’m just his puppet. We’re just his puppets.
Each time I don’t sleep, I’m frightened of his return. Where is the Christian knight who must kill him?
Immortal king of the life.Immortal king of our minds. Immortal king of the life. Immortal strength of the beast.
2. Born dead
On the throne of Emmos the devil guide my steps. I won’t be free. Finally I’m like my subjects, liable for the evil king.
It’s too late for suicide, it’s too early for death, listening to the devil, entering into the abyss, destroying my last reason
I will kill my son, he mustn’t become a king. He must be free. Why have I a child? The life, the world are so bad. The devil is the real king of Emmos, of all our life. We’re nothing.Where’s the liberty for those I fight? I’d like to be free.Passionately free, free like a born dead.
3. Black metal
At the beginning there was a rule, don’t become a music-business.a t the beginning there was no irony, be yourself at Helvete. Then there was a rule, be more and more violent.
Then they were only guided by the Devil.Dark underground killed due to the will of power.Black underground killed due to the lure of profit. Black metal killed by the politic ideas
Black metal killed by the business rules. Black metal is dead.You sell your soul to God. Black metal is dead.
With the last breath of Euronymous. Black metal isn’t an anti-christian thing. It’s a real philosphy. The real black metal is dead One year after his creation. All people want to seem evil. All people want to earn money. All people never understood. Black metal isn’t a fascist weapon. Black metal isn’t a warkult. Black metal is in your head. Black metal is in your heart. Black atmospheres rock your dreams Of the end of modern society.
4. Evilized
The devil burns your church. The devil knocks at your door. The devil destructs modern society. The devil sodomizes your government. The beast teachs your children. The beast knows your fear. The beast is the real king. The beast is watching you. Your sacrifice are useless. Don’t kill this animals. Your ideas are false. Don’t try to impress your neighboor. Evilized. Open the door, wake up, look at the mirror. Everybody has evil inside. Everybody is an enemy of your priest. Don't listen to your stupid teachers who believe in god. Don't listen to your fucking government which ignore you. Become a child of the opposingforces. Destroy your modern society. Burn banks, burn money.
5. The new gods
Look at the indian land, see one of the new god, going to the mass, preaching God, killing innocents. War between the new gods. Religion against religion. Using it to manipulate the simple belief of the mass.Using it to manufacture the weapons of the God.The new gods are fighting. The new gods and their ridiculous belief. Like the old French kings, they justify their acts in invoking their God. All people are so dumb. Like the old French knights, they went on crusade in invoking their God. All people are so dumb. The new gods must die like their religion.
6. Secret of the templars
We will destroy the religions, announce the end of the crusades. We will kill the templars, announce the beginning of a new life. The religions want to hide the real life, full of evil.The religions will cause the end of our liberty. The templars out of revenge will go at war with their god. All the worlds will be destruct by nonexistent gods. We must kill the templars in the name of the liberty, in the name of the devil. Look at your life, the evil is inside. Nobody is allowed to hide this. Nobody is allowed to keep the secret of templars
7. Protection of the last kingdom
All the forces against me want to attack Emmos. Last kingdom where I can live. Renegades are at the gates. Listening to their priests, waiting for my death.
All the forces attack me, Emmos fall is impossible. Last kingdom where I’m free. Renegades kill my subjects.
Helped by the abyss, hate-storm, they died.. Nobody can broke the prophecy. Protection of the last kingdom is our destiny. Last place where you can think by yourself. Last place where you can die by my hand.
8. Philosophy of Emmos
On the throne of religion, you sink into a lake of sorrow, your ridiculous gods doesn’t help you even if he manipulates your mind.On the throne of Emmos, the devil guide my mind. His philosophy is mine.We’re the opposite forces. We’ll never become slaves of the modern time. We’ll ever stand in opposing side.