
"Hormones From The Dead" (2004 EP)
1. Hormones from the Dead 2. I Want My Gay Boyfriend to Eat Me Alive 3. Cadaveric Sandcastle 4. Dying Funeral Procession II: Cemetary Carnage 5. Locked Up with Hungry Cannibals 6. Six Little Corpses 7. Hallucinating Genitals-Ejector 8. Contamination with Embalming Fluids 9. Failed and Nailed 10. They Drowned In a Lake of Blood 11. Buried Alive III: Suffocation In the Sand-Box
1. Hormones from the Dead
Without any doubt
Doping is Present
Athletic and muscular
As fast as possible
Hormones from the dead - Italian police found 'em
Hormones from the dead - No genetic guarantee
Deformed body
Genetic damage
Calculated risk
Plead ignorance
January 2003, Italy: Police found doping with hormones taken out of human cadavers
2. I Want My Gay Boyfriend to Eat Me Alive
A chatroom confirmed our relation
He was as gay as myself
We also shared another secret
We adored the way of cannibals
I want you to eat me alive
First of all a piece of my cock
I want you to eat me alive
Deep frozen meat recall it to your mind
Let's share my flesh - Happy cannibal meeting - Torture my soul and make a film - Happy cannibal eating - Of my painful death
December 2002, Kassel/Germany: A gay cannibal mutilated his boyfriend. He had eatem him alive. They also shared pieces of meat (of his cock).
3. Cadaveric Sandcastle
The kids just wanted to play at the beach
Weather was fine and everything seemed ok
But what about the black bags
Filled with ashes and bones
Hundreds of them lay around
Filled with human remains
Cadaveric Sandcastle - Play with the dead
Cadaveric Sandcastle - Recycled remains
April 2003, RSA: Kids discovered hundreds of bags with human ashes and bones. A local crematory digged 'em at the beach.
4. Dying Funeral Procession II: Cemetary Carnage
They were mourning at the cemetery
They only wanted to dismiss the dead
Release their souls and dismiss their flesh
Transition stage and brutal interruption
Dying funeral procession - Carnage at the cemetery
To blame the dead they shot the living
September 2003, Pakistan: Political activated shot the mourning relationship at a funeral (for religious reasons).
5. Locked Up with Hungry Cannibals
Mutiny in the prison
A few imprisoned died
But four other convicts
Disappeared without a trace
Special meat for the imprisoned - Locked up with the cannibals
Delicious imprisoned fellows - Locked up with the cannibals
June 2003, Guatemala: 4 imprisoned men disappeared. In the prison they found remains of human bones.... so what happened?
6. Six Little Corpses
Murdered - Hidden - Forgotten - And Mummified
Skeletonized babies in the cupboard
Six little corpes....
....Found in the cupboard
....Where are their parents?
....Where are their murders?
Six little corpes....
....Reduced to nothing
....Hidden and forgotten
....Rubbish material
April 2002, Tokyo: In an apartment police found the corpses of six babies. Dead for months, stuffed in the cupboard.
7. Hallucinating Genitals-Ejector
Cause and bad effect
Wrong preferences
Hallucinating Genitals-Ejector
Fatal conscious experiment
Lost mental control
He even didn't realize
His self-amputation
No risks
No fun - No drugs
No blood
September 2003, Germany: A teenager tried out Atropin. In a hallucinating condition he amputated his penis and his tongue.
8. Contamination with Embalming Fluids
After embalming is completed
Or at the end of the day
A full shower should be taken
If desired or when necessary
Contaminated with embalming fluids
Dealing with the recently deceased
Contaminated with embalming fluids
Difficult to know which bodies are infected
Inspired by the guideline for Funeral Directors and Embalmers.
9. Failed and Nailed
Oh mother
Feel sorry for me
I'll never again go outside
But don't nail my foot
Failed and nailed
Break her will
Failed and nailed
Confirm your relation
(2nd.....Your opinion)
Oh mother
You hurt me so
I'll promise all that you want
I won't leave you again
But don't nail my foot again
November 2002, Kambodscha: A mother nailed her daughter's foot. Cause she went out to play (instead of work at home).
10. They Drowned In a Lake of Blood
Pestilential stench
But work must be done
They cleaned the abbatoir
Unbearable smell of blood
Faint in the abbatoir - They drowned in a lake of blood
Pestilential stench - They drowned in a lake of blood
Poorly collective security
For the working class
Faint in the abbatoir
The drowned in a lake of blood
August 2003, Egypt: 7 men cleaned an abbatoir. The inhuman stench cause a faint and their death. They drowned in a lake of blood.
11. Buried Alive III: Suffocation In the Sand-Box
He was 5 years old only
It was just a funny game
They just wanted to play
The game's name was Funeral
Buried alive in the sand-box
The other kids dug him in
Buried alive in the sand-box
Death by suffocation followed
It was just a game
Help arrived too late
The real funeral came
What about the "Murders" ?
August 2002, Belgium: Kids in the kindergarden played "Funeral" and dug a young boy in the sand-box. He suffocated.