
"Awakening" (2004)
1. Awakening 2. Dogma 3. Mysterious Temple Of The Past 4. Transformation 5. The Return 6. Bùh A Jeho Strach
1. Awakening
When the first drops of the night
Begin to wet face of the day
When the eyes of the stars shine
When the dark and the light become one
give a hint to fall asleep
Then you hide behind your lids
The shinning sun is now too distant
I let your soul follow a story
Those pictures are a gate that leads away
They are the door to other dimensions
Your soul is the only key
And only you can openwide…....openwide
It has its sense that would be nowhere else
Here lives what died long time ago
Here you can merge with universe
Here you can made all from nothing…………you are nothing
This is the true reality
Life´s just a dream
In the sleep you
Wake into the world
Where´s no day
Where´s no night
I lead your self
through my mind
And all you do
is my will
In the sleep
I set you free
and our selves
merge together
It has its sense that would be nowhere else
Here lives what died long time ago
Here you can merge with universe
Here you can made all from nothing…..
I´m your higher entity
your body is my stoodge
I can stop your fall
And I might use ……the force
.....is this the cruel reality?.....
.....is life just a dream or is it real?
In the sleep you wake into the world
where´s no day and where´s no night
(where´s no death....where´s no life)
I awake from death!!!
2. Dogma
A step out of time
A step out space
I can see what no one before
The coming of a man - he sought the truth
The world – rules - perverted by a man
He defended the truth
but he´s never found it
So open your eyes - be able to kill and
prepare to die - in the name of the faith
- in the name of the God
Truth - when there´s and when is not?
Truth - as a revrse of the lie (and what´s lie?)
Now - as a reason to kill
Reason - for that you want to die
The God
Do you know ?
Do you know him?
I walk through the heaven and watch you worthless ones
how for all the massacres you withdraw from the god!!!!
The God
Do you know
Prepare to die!!!
To kill means to be forever damned, you know
but you´re killing and believe to be saved, do you know?!?
Watch you´re!!!
Just like worms, that want overgrow God´s carcass
as eating his flesh
Hidden behind the shield of your own stupidity
you´re strong
The world is a mirror where past reflects
in the future
And everything´s a circle as the eternal
water circulation
I learnt all the reasons
I learnt the results
You will know one day,
but for remedy it will too late
Just search for the truth
and speak the truth
So fight for the truth
and kill in the name of your own......
....stupidity - for the truth
your reason to kill - for that you want to die
I want to come back
and tell you all this
but my body has been torn
on the battle field........
....of the faith - of human stupidity
Now Iam tired - and going to die
Remember me !!!
3. Mysterious Temple Of The Past
Dark rituals deep in temple underground
Ancient knowledge from the ages beginning
Created entities different from a human race
Their unreal power was meant to dominate
Astral equilibrium´s impair
Endless respect and endless desire
Force me to deeds
When shadows of immortals rule over the human race
Crowds of dedicated, but not blinde (ones)
Never deaden by fals only by cruel truth
Slay the scums and crush wretched ones
Magic rules, that makes the hatred stronger
Heathen mystery
My Gate is opening
Theatre of all existence and Scene of all suffering
Only the bloody sacrefice - Will wash away the guilt
Cosmic balance´s damage
The crystal is the gate - the entrace to the other worlds
Ancient place filled with material substance of life
Is place of astral equilibrium - Elyseum
Shadows whisper my name .......... cold voices of the past
Look............the gate is opening!!!
I´v been to other side
that´s my desire for the last life
When I´ll return again
to mysterious temple of the past
To you I will devote the nightride!!!!!!!!!!
4. Transformation
Mysterious domain has come to my mind
Nature my Mother, opens her arms
Entering the mighty forest existence
Created by the first one
Bright rays
Permeate the leaves
Golden paradise
Of heathen mysticism
Rainbow - like waterfalls
Splinter the crystal surface
The place of birth
The place of my birth
I destroy my mortal body
I want to be a spiritual being
I destroyed my mortal body
I ´m becoming a hazel -tree
Forest is whispering
My soul leaves the body
Forest is whispering
Dying happy and painless
Coming to the forest deep
Tend to the woodland entity
Blood disappears
Body becomes roots
Fern is my sister
Trees brothers of mine
The woodland
beigns rejoice
If I´v been a man
I´d cried
Greet the Nature
Greet Mother of our land
5. The Return
Walking through the black cave
I´m dissolve in the darkness
Shadows and souls of the forlorn
Crouch and escape……My existence
I´m the creature of the past
I´ve become a part of the present time
Wandering through unearthly chambers
Searching for the secret of immortality
I´ve Found
Now I see my self in the spektrum of immortality
I hover
Fill me..... with astral energy
Free......and full of astral energy
I´ve Arisen!!!!
The Dark lake
Is my
Place of rest
The Rays
Of Moonliht
Give me the strenght
I´m the last of the Cult of Death
With an magic amulet on my chest
I´m coming
I´m flying on the huge wings
Through the country of the night
Trees, monuments of nature
Are waving me their branches
The rays of moonlight give me the strenght
I´m the last of the Cult of Death
With an magic amulet on my Chest
Call you
My Brothers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I´ve Arisen!!
Again.........again.........My existence!!!
....Escape my.......Existence!!!!!
6. Bùh A Jeho Strach