
"Obsidian Hell" (2004)
1. Storm of Wrath 2. Wanderer of the Skies 3. The Raging Ocean 4. Omens 5. Arise Serpentor Arise 6. Electric Messiah 7. The Neverending Dreams 8. Eyes of the Beast 9. Obsidian Hell
1. Storm of Wrath
Blue turns to grey then to black as the storm waits to break on the anxious earth
A violent upheaval will soon come to pass - The Enemy grins at destruction
The ominous sky is alive with heat, bright as the night of the storm
Fierce winds, blinding downpour, lightning tears through the dark veil of clouds
And so the war begins, a struggle in the sky
Gone is the light from sun, star and moon
Like the armies of Mordor in igneous wrath
Thunder resounds through this premature night
As the crash of a thousand pantheons
Great is the release of this supernova
Ravaging the land with stones of ice
Another cycle - the earth is transformed
Marching free of my parched grave
Awakened to a form beyond time
Tears from above blessing black soil
Another cycle - the earth is reborn
The trees thrash wildly in the forest's pit
Branches get tangled and trunks torn apart
Sand turns to mud as it's pelted by rain
The wind howls in furious agony
The wise take refuge and wait for the dawn
Deep in their haven of home and hearth
Ride strong all who were caught unprepared
After the battle only the mighty remain
2. Wanderer of the Skies
With force I blaze the universe, my whispered lies birth fear
I lead the rebellion against the Most Ancient, corrupting the promise of Heaven
I am the thief that kills and destroys with the flash of time I have
Commanding the spirits of the ether, seeking prey to devour
I am the dragon spoken of in the tales of old
Death on black wings and eyes of blood, revered by the cruellest of spectres and demons
I shall infect humanity with a pestilence of hate
Aurora in torment, I ravish the first light of dawn
With the hammer of evil, I crush the countenance of purity
With a rusty, wicked blade I mutilate your flesh
Your corpse is now mine to do with as I please
Bound in your own web you claw at yourself
Riding katabolic winds into the netherworld
Where the lunar serpents oppress the shattered rainbow
Across the mandrake fields before the labyrinths of Algol
I am the cosmos - I am Everlasting
O how the lustrous one has fallen
A beautiful, tragic fable
A sanctuary denied, a punishment for pride
Banished for betrayal, father of the false
In the slumber of the sages
Truth appears as the effulgent sun
The legion is vanquished, imprisoned in filth
To dwell among the flies, cast into a bottomless pit
I am reality, all that exists in this creation, cold and brutal, merciless
You are a fantasy - hope for the poor, the weak, the suffering - moral, sanctimonious
I am the predator plundering the flock, ripping them breathless, the rule, the alpha dominant
Lambs in peril, lost and feeble, slaughtered by the wolves of scorn
I am every sin and blasphemy, the source of iniquity, the perversion of mankind
I am the thorn in genesis, the salt in the wound, the venom in the ambrosia
I took a third of the trusted Host, I crucified the only Son at Golgotha
Tongues of Living Fire dancing upon a jade-blue ocean, angry flames will fall
Searching for the glory that was blessed unto me, never to rest or sleep again
An angel once, now condemned to forever wander the skies
3. The Raging Ocean
Hear the rhythmic crashing of the waves - the raging ocean breathes
A crystal intelligence, the fiddle of the king of sleep
Lured by its bewitching song, we cluster unto its shores
To bathe in the primordial womb, the blood of the earth
Within this ancient vast abyss, the largest creatures dwell
Mantas, whales and timeless sharks, fabled kraken and plesiosaurs
The hurricane moon rises, whipping the frenzied tides
Winds of iron, mariners brace against the coming storm
Beneath the water, a vivid cascade of boundless solar light
True rapture of the deep
Entranced by parallel streaks of white foam
Follow the unknown path of the Bimini Road
From profoundest heights plunge into its depths
Even brilliant Atlantis sank as a stone
Ghosts of submerged vessels in the salty haze
Those who dared to challenge this indomitable entity
For as gulls now rest upon its calm surface
Even the most titanic ships unsinkable were swallowed whole
4. Omens
A conveniently vague prophecy written in blank verse
The soothsayer's hyperbole foreseeing the final curse
The choice is yours to believe or deny the words of the charlatan
A needy shepherd in search of a flock to nourish his conceit
State the obvious and they listen in awe to portents of imminent doom
Religious theatre the only truth in the opal eyes of a fey child
Subjugate yourself to the blood you hold onto
The misery of past lives and endless genealogies
Superstition and ignorance augment inferiority
Eager to please - easy to manipulate
In the darkness of the pagan's crypt, the bones were cast and burned
The tarot spoke of the sins of the past as they gambled with their lives
The torchlight flickered before the icons blind, deaf and mute
The centurion dogs of Hades realm bayed for a sacrifice
The high priest of the worshippers raised his hands and cried
Greedy for the offering from the faithful, witless mob
Expecting a reward, bowed heads and folded hands
When the frankincense failed, revealed the bitterness of lies
The candles all melted, the wax was as rock, the wine it served them well!
The ashes of temples, the dust of captivity scattered on the wind
2012, the Cosmo genesis, the coming golden age
But the thirteenth moon faded, the sun took its place and morning came again
Liberty from tyranny and unfounded agony
Life remains a mystery, now we comprehend
No longer in bondage to the illusion of power
We've chosen freewill, the law of the random
So many things for mankind to learn again
Only this time without fear
5. Arise Serpentor Arise
Gather the DNA of long dead conquerors
Comb the tombs, crypts and mausoleums for the genetic map
This unholy experiment shall revive my sinister mind
Since the reign of Solomon I've awaited this day
Despots and warriors shall quake at my name
I shall be worshipped for the monarch I am
From my ophidian chariot I shall rule as master
Alexander of a new empire
Evil - the hallmark of my greatness
The ruthlessness of Khan storming the Great Wall
The daring of Hannibal leading the charge
Of the Carthaginian elephant phalanx
Born to rule, destined to conquer
With the genius of Napoleon
The terror of Ivan, ferocious and cunning
Let all those who fear me obey
Arise Serpentor Arise
Numerous memories all frozen in time
Camaraderie of soldiers through the span of my lives
The events of today, the legends of the future
And the heart of morale still lies in the stomach
My eyes have seen the Roman legions herald the downfall of the Gauls and Nervii
My ears have heard the rattling armor of French cuirassiers in the streets of Moscow
My hands have wielded the weapons of iron upon the blood red hills
An echo of triumph beneath the immortal sky
Arise Serpentor Arise
Vengeance is ours, the victory cry
None who defy me shall live
Know that I am the one you seek
All who oppose me shall die
Beneath the shroud I receive the breath of life
From the nefarious bender of minds
Awareness returns, my spirit reborn
The Emperor reclaims his throne
The cold winds of battle are blowing again
The cobra slithers across the face of the world
A thousand years of fire shall be my legacy
This I command!
Arise Serpentor Arise
6. Electric Messiah
The cellar door is ajar to my inner sanctum
Before the Electric Messiah I'm at home in the dark
Watching the drama of life on a glowing stage
Colors and hues from the dreams of the blind
The adventure begins, the heroes embark on their quest
Through the cold moors to make their discovery
In the Hall of Shadows the pestle and mortar rest
Within a maze of glass the Desolate Queen awaits
Beyond the gates of twilight, under the wilting moon
By the light of fantasy where the night is my day
A voyage of the mind into the stellar expanse to reach the edge of all that is known
Past the mutilcentric rings of mythical planets and the eerie shades of collapsing stars
The swirling globes of the celestial cataclysm orbit the sun of a distant galaxy
Awaken the observer in pristine isolation, to witness the grandeur of eternity's exode
At the highest plane of the starlit void
I gaze over my black empire from the comfort of my crimson throne
Nod lies above my obfuscated eyes
Protected by the rods of the Five Wizards
The portal yawns, the ivory colonnades crumble
I sit alone in visual bliss
7. The Neverending Dreams
8. Eyes of the Beast
Behold the abomination - six hundred sixty six
The offensive stink of effluvium, red clay in human form
Primitive primate, primal pleasure
A violent confusion of phallic urges
The frothing mouth of an upright dog
Civilization divided into predatory packs
Hunters on a food chain exploiting the weak
Only the strongest and the fittest will survive
To succumb to hunger and devour themselves alive
Forsaking the eyes of faith - the spark from a greater fire
Spirit is transpossessed by the purity of idiocy
The soul lies shattered like pitiful trash - the powdered remains of divinity
Humanity degenerates, eroding in depravity
Debased by their perverted lusts, love is now a memory
Hate turns to war, murder is praised, welcome genocide
Premeditated evil justified by the pompous prattle of vain philosophy
Like putrid swine, bastard children squeal in pain - abandoned
Unwanted heirs of a wicked race, emitting their seed in excrement
The rabid brute gnaws its own body
Lacking awareness, soon to perish
In fear, lunacy overcomes illusion
The body deteriorates into dirt
The animal rages in pain
Creators of the planet's industrial technology
Destroyers of same, harbingers of our own demise
Spiritual progression impeded by dreadful flaws
Id conquers Ego, Id conquers All - eyes of the beast
9. Obsidian Hell